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    M U ' N A I ▪
    Since their exile all those years ago, Mu'nai culture has become the most unique and twisted amongst all of the vulnix races. Having spent so long on the shores of Drakonia and away from their heritage, there are many customs the Mu'nai people have forgotten.

    Because of this, they have adapted to their own way of life. Like the Kel'ai, the Mu'nai worship strength, and it is only the strongest amongst them who will lead the group. There are no individual tribes, all Mu'nai will follow under one leader, but that does not stop "splinter" groups from breaking apart from the main faction and setting about in their own ways. These groups are treated as traitors unless their mission is accomplished, and frequent coups on those in power are not uncommon. There have been very few successful in the history of the Mu'nai.

    Mu'nai tend to remain in one established city for long periods of time. They may not create a city that is there own, instead investing in a place that has many other types of life, for one sinnister purpose. More often than not the mu'nai people are heavily invested in the slave trade. This has been a hold over from their frequent attacks on the main island where most vulnix lie. Other than that the skills of the mu'nai are varied, many of them are scholars and healers, while many more are blacksmiths and slave traders. The Mu'nai are perhaps the most diverse amongst the vulnix when it comes to their skills.

    There are stark differences between the genders of the Mu'nai people, and this is simply due to a lack of genders between the Mu'nai. They have been cursed with a very low fertility rate of females, and therefore those that are born are coveted treasures and often time brood mothers.

    Often times leaders and fighters, there is a stark power struggle within the male lineage of the Mu'nai. They are cursed to have little if any females born amongst them, so there are often clashes over mates. Because of this, the Mu'nai have the highest percentage of homosexuality amongst their males. Homosexual sex is not looked down upon, however romantic interests that are same sex are starkly frowned upon and often shunned. Males are expected to be able to defend themselves, no matter what occupation they may hold. They are also expected to join on raiding parties to the vulnix island and must come back with at least one capture or kill before they are allowed to be anything but warriors.
    Often times, Mu'nai females were not born into the society. They are captured prizes from the main island. Women are little more than property in Mu'nai society, even those who are born into it. They are expected to do little more than care for children and birth them, and its not uncommon for a woman to have twelve or more babies in her lifetime. Those who are captured will often times rebel against their forced husband, teaching their sons and daughters the way of the island. The females born into the Mu'nai are regarded as treasures, and will be taught alongside males until they begin to come of age. The female will then be sold off to the most powerful warrior, and begin her life as his husband. There i a small percentage of Mu'nai born females that manage to best the males vying for their change to marry, and therefore earn the right to become warrior alongside the males, but this is uncommon.

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