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The flashing lights of scrolls taking pictures fills the air, the sounds of screaming fans near deafening. The Vytal Tournament Arena, a floating arena, is a fully customisable Colosseum of sorts, where the Vytal Tournament is held.

The tournament's field is completely randomised, making it so preparing ahead of time is near impossible. To win, you need to be flexible, a fast thinker, and above all else, skilled. There is no age limitation when it comes to entering the tournament, the only prerequisite is you need to be a skilled hunter/huntress.

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Psy Kidel, standing beside his 3 team mates, warmed up with some brief stretches, as the field was being randomised. In front of him, team A.Q.W.A of Atlas stood, their uniforms all pristine and formal looking. These people embodied the stereotype that came with Atlas Academy.

The biomes they'd be fighting in, since it was round one, would only consist of two different variants. Psy kept his focus on the screens, as they slowly decided what their battleground would look like.

The first was the urban biome. This brought with it several advantages and disadvantages alike. Advantages included it had plenty of places to provide cover, but it also included plenty of high places to provide snipers positions to set up shop. And looking at the other team's members, at least one of them had a sniper rifle as a weapon.

The second was the icy biome. This also brought with it a good few advantages and disadvantages. For one, ice dust would be readily available in this biome, so running out of dust wouldn't be a problem. However, the surface of the ground would be incredibly slippery, making finding ones footing difficult. Psy would probably have to stay in the urban area for the majority of the fight, as he wasn't trained to fight on slippery surfaces.

Finally, knowing the fighting grounds, Psy turned his focus towards the enemy team, A.Q.W.A. The team consisted of four people.

The first seemed to be a faunus of some kind, equipped with what looked to be some kind of energised chainsaw.

The second was a staunch looking male, and judging from the way the others stood by him, probably the leader. He had two energy shields, which were being projected from devices strapped to either arm.

The third was an indifferent looking girl, who seemed to be chewing gum at the time. She didn't seem to be equipped with any visible weapons, making her a bit of a wildcard.

Finally, the fourth was a masked girl, her mask featureless minus red painted lips on it. She had strapped to her waist a rather interesting looking sword.
It was silently observing the enemy tem, paying little attention to the terrain, as it wouldn't affect it much. "So, who gets which?" It asked, it's tone emotionless and calculating. "I'd like to take on the masked one." It said, although it was fine with any of the others.
"I think I should go for the guy with the energy shields." Psy reasoned "Judging from his weapon's lack of a long ranged option, he'd specialise with close quarters combat, and since I do too, I'm the best counter for him. I'm not sure about the other members, though"

Psy couldn't quite figure out the others. They all looked... well, talented. The way they stood, confidently and proud, really did indicate that either they were incredibly arrogant, or incredibly prepared.
Neo proceeded to grab the red part of the handle, twisting it and making a revving sound out. The first exhaust was red, the second was blue, and the third was yellow, meaning that he made his sword use different types of dust at one time. He then said."I'll take the girl with the chainsaw."He then grinned as he took out Blue Rose.
I will take whoever is remaining" Nodded slightly " The ice is not an issue for me" Stretched lightly and gets ready and I observe my opponent "Wildcard eh?"
The girl with the chainsaw put on a mocking surprised face, before mimicking Neo, revving her chainsaw. Her chainsaw's edge glowed hot red. She blew Neo a kiss and shot him a wink, obviously trying her best to taunt him.
Raised an eyebrow observing this and tilted head to side wondering if that was an actual form of a taunt
It watched the masked girl silently, drawing it's claymore to set the blade on it's shoulder. It raised it's sword in a salute, pointing the tip at her before setting it back on it's shoulder.
The announcers, two teachers from Beacon, came over the speakers for the countdown.

"3! 2! 1! BEGIN!" They called out

Immediately, the bubblegum girl stepped forward, and blew a bubble, that kept expanding. Quickly, it had grown bigger than herself, and eventually, was big enough to conceal the entire group. The bubble itself was coloured a greenish hue, closely resembling the colour that wind dust typically takes on. The bubble finally bursted, and a wave of wind exploded outward, towards the group.

Psy jumped back, managing to use a chunk of concrete as a shield against the blast of wind expertly. Truly, a flashy way to begin this fight.

rolled 1d20 and got 20

I finish my stretches and flex my claws lightly waiting for the action to begin.
Apologies there was an issue with the browser my reply is separate)

rolled 1d20 and got 5

rolled 1d20 and got 8

Pulls my sword out and plants it before me not getting much damage from the attack but smirking at the ability of my opponent. "Explosives? Fun"
It charged it's opponent once they returned the gesture, swinging it's overside sword in an arc that they dodged easily, retaliating with a strike to it's chest, knocking it backwards.
The bubblegum girl smirked slightly as she put another piece of gum into her mouth, this gum being coloured fire dust red.

"It looks like Azure of team A.Q.W.A has shown her semblance early into the match, and quite an impressive one at that" The announcer commented over the speaker system "The ability to both infuse dust into gum, and then create giant bomb like bubbles that float midair until triggered. This match is certainly going to be interesting"

The masked girl strolled forward casually, drawing her blade, which almost seemed to be humming.

The man with the twin shields charged forward, Psy giving chase.

Finally, the chainsaw girl smiled, and gave Neo a cheeky wink before turning and rushing into the icy biome behind her.
I take my opportunity while the dust (normal dust not the elemental dust) was in the air and grab my sword vanishing. The bubblegum girl had an ability that would cover a large area and she needed to be taken care of. Stealth was one of my major attributes and with a quick batting motion I hit the bubblegum girl with the side of my zanbatou sending her into the wall like a golf ball wincing at the sound of impact

I walk out of the smoke knowing I had not given away any details of my ability and stretched sheathing my massive blade

rolled 1d20 and got 13

((Oh, sorry. Please ignore my last post.))
It slowly walked towards her as well, bowing when they came within range of eachother before entering a defensive stance, waiting for her response before attacking.
The bubblegum girl gritted her teeth as she was thrown into the wall, a crunching noise filling the air. She slowly stood up, a look of pure anger now displayed on her face. She took a deep breath in, before blowing out, a red bubble forming in front of her, which quickly bursted, sending a small bolt of fire energy flying towards Aaricia

rolled 1d20 and got 5