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Forums » Developer's Archive » [SYSTEM MODE ONLY!] TUTORIAL - Dice roll combat

(Editor's Note: This system is incomplete and should be used at one's own peril.)

An excerpt from the OKAY Freelancer Employee Handbook, Metagaming Edition

1d6. That's all I ask - 1d6 for your roll. Roll when you want to act, keyword here being want. Yes, you can roll dice when you're in freeform mode and that makes conversations incredibly awkward because now you've got to deal with the consequences of the dice roll.

The scale of 1d6 ACTIONS as follows:
1: APPALLING - your action is negated so severely it hurts. Priority is given to the GM to narrate, unless given to the player to narrate his or her own equally severe outcome.
2: PATHETIC - your action is negated, and there are consequences. Priority is given to the GM to narrate, unless given to the player to narrate his or her own equally severe outcome.
3: OKAY I GUESS - your action barely suffices. Priority is given to the player to narrate the outcome.
4: GOOD - your action suffices, or breaks even. Priority is given to the player to narrate the outcome.
5: GREAT - your action proves more than sufficient, and reaps minor benefits. Priority is given to the player to narrate the outcome.
6: EXCELLENT!!! - your action is so very sufficient it hurts, yielding tremendous consequences, good and/or bad. Priority is given to the player to narrate the outcome.

Who gets to narrate after the initial roll? By default, it's the player who makes the roll that narrates the outcome, unless he/she specifies otherwise (the GM or another specific player, or any other player). Double posting in this case is acceptable.

Richard Ruiz, the Head Administrator of OKAY, speaks up:

"[PLAYER]! I hope you can hear my voice. I am going to roll right now and that will determine whether or not you've heard me. Here I go!"

rolled 1d6 and got 6
rolling to see if [PLAYER] hears

"Excellent! Five-by-five signal." He straightens his tie. "Since I rolled a 6, I get to double post to roll again, extending the effect of the outcome, whether or not there's a catch to this success or not. Here I go again!"

rolled 1d6 and got 4
extend effect

"Alright, I've rolled a 4. That probably means that you, [PLAYER], having heard me, are well off and have good-quality listening equipment. If I rolled a 3 you'd probably have static issues or earwax. If I rolled a 2 you'd be tuning out from me. If I rolled a 1, you would have turned your back against me and left without even hearing what I have to say! A five or six would imply sharp hearing which case, for a 6, I'd get to roll again.

"Rolling anything other than 6 ends your posting streak."

Moderators: OKAY Employees (played by mk_97) Richard Ruiz (played by mk_97)