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Forums » Developer's Archive » INTERVIEW: Anna Lee

"I'll sa- hey!" Zhou felt the ferret's little claws scamper up his left shoulder. "He's a fast one, wasn't quick enough to hold him." He raised his shoulder up so he could take a good look at Bo whenever he decided to emerge out of the sleeve. "Sorry, I was gonna say- is there any particular anecdote you'd like to share about helping them out? Or in general." All the scratching on his shoulder reminded him of his guinea pig-riddled workshop back home as he returned to writing his notes on pen and paper.

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The ferret actually proved to be quite happy in the warm, narrow space, and peered only momentarily out of the man's neck hole before wriggling down his torso. The antics got a heavy nasal snicker from Anna.

"Well'a firs' time di'nt go too good," she said, still chuckling. "I 'member the poor guy passed out. Thought it mighta been from wandrin' inna desert too long. Y'know, body relaxes outta survival mode. Then I 'membered I hadda only oxygen mask!"

She laughed, like the threat of asphyxiation and brain damage were nothing.

"'E came out awright, 'ough. 'N I keep a second mask handy, now. Lot worse wassa man 'at went 'n barfed all o'er my shipment. Made 'im clean it all up 'n pay for damages. Lucky for 'im, 'ere weren't much damaged."

Moderators: OKAY Employees (played by mk_97) Richard Ruiz (played by mk_97)