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Inspector is OP XD
I want to learn to get fancier
I'd really love a gradient to fade in on the charcontent/site container on that new style I'm working on, but I can't figure it out.
So when you scroll down from the name, the container gradually fades in. I think it'd look nice.
As in transparency fade?
I think that's what I mean?
Starts transparent and rolls into opaque
You should be able to do that with an rgba(a,b,c,x); gradient
I'm not sure what that means
is that a filter?
So uhm
Sorry for my confusion xD
No no it's okay!
I know what the rgba thing means, but the gradient part is what eludes me
So the background for the main content in this group is pure CSS.
#main { background: rgba(12,24,38,0.9); }

RGBA takes the Red Green Blue values from a color code and then the last digit (0.9 here) is the opacity
I wonder if you can start a gradient with CSS using the opacity value on rgba?
*nods* I use rgba a ton, like for the site container opacity.
#grad { background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,0,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,1)); }
I wonder if you could do a gradient from a color to transparent with that code

Moderators: Sanne