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  • The Atavitae are an open species based in a solarpunk world.



    • RENEWABLE ENERGY: Solarpunk embraces thoughtful applications of sunlight and electricity and repels most polluting forms of fuel.
    • REJECTING PESSIMISM: Solarpunk refuses to buy into nihilism, and while true utopia may not exist, humanity can aim to do better.
    • SUSTAINABLE SCIENCE: Solarpunk integrates sunlight-powered technologies into society in a way that is sustainable for everyone.
    • DO-IT-YOURSELF ETHOS: Solarpunk encourages low-tech ways of living as well as high-tech, such as food gardens and ecovillages.
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    Modern technology as we know it today is considered somewhat outdated by Neo Earth standards, but that doesn't make it defunct. Past engineering can be just as important as the science of the future, and things like open-source gardens, permaculture, and regenerative design daily aspects of big cities, such as Arbor Vitopolis.

    Sports like hunting and foraging have resurfaced and become a staple in many households, although the means through which one carries out such a task varies. More often than not, such activities are done in chimeran form, which many people have come to view as an essential, albeit primitive tool in of itself.

    Like its name suggests, most futuristic technology stemming from the solarpunk movement is powered and activated by sunlight. Common, day-to-day examples include panels that convert light and motion into electricity and self-cleaning clothes laced with micro-metals that activate in the presence of the sun.

    Identification chips have replaced cards, and one must be present in the left arm at all times. When scanned, it projects a holographic image that showcases their human and chimeran form along with any distinguishing features, such as sex, eyes, height, and weight. Getting caught without a chip implant may induce a fine or short imprisonment.

  • 🧬 GENECARE & CO.

    Manipulation of genes is one of the biggest technological and medical industries in the world, and Genecare & Co. is possibly the greatest contributor. Whether one needs an aesthetic makeover, wants additional genomes, is due for a doctor's visit, or more, the company seems to have everyone covered in those regards.

    For all the good the organization does, some argue that it has done just as much bad. Science sometimes goes too far in the pursuit or knowledge and wealth, and not everyone in charge has the best intentions for the populace at heart. Perhaps the best example of this would be a conspiratorial outbreak of individuals who became physically and mentally unstable mutants after grafting on far too many genomes, despite Genecare & Co. knowing beforehand the ramifications it could possibly have.

    That particular event took place centuries before the company's rebranding. Needless to say, they have since cleaned up its act as far as everyone knows, and a hard legal limit has since been administrated onto the amount of genomes one can possess, but the damage has since been done, and many feral mutants now wander the outskirts of the city as well as the deep wilds.

    Ordinary clothes do not disappear along with an animal transformation. To compensate for this, a new chain of self-assimilating nanofabric has been manufactured to change alongside the wearer, oftentimes into a brightly-colored article that indicates sapience. Apart from that, different outfit presets can be bought and customized.


    Architecture laced with foliage comes with a certain amount of upkeep, some of which is cared for by the weather, natural or simulated, such wind and rain. Most if not all buildings also have the addition of being beast-friendly, which allow people of all walks and shapes the luxury of choosing which form they'd like or need to spend their time in while inhabiting the city.

    Environmentally-damaging institutions have been largely eradicated out of practicality if not the good of the world. In a similar vein, factory farms are no longer existent, having been replaced by meats grown and cloned in labs, but some people with strong agricultural roots still keep the tradition of family-owned farms alive.

    Vehicular transportation optimizes travel and safety by introducing advanced safeguards and sleeker designs, many of which are capable of self-driving. Magnetism of a superconductor allows the more high-end engines to slightly hover from the ground, but cars and trains are not yet capable of true flight.

    Cancer and other detrimental diseases can be eradicated if caught early, something that has become far easier to do in recent years. Remedies of the natural variety can be grown from home, and even though this is not a viable substitute for serious ailments, it helps create a healthier lifestyle.

    Artificial organs are 3D-printed in laboratories and reasonably inexpensive for the common folk, which has made the concept of organ donors almost obsolete. Even bionics are readily available to replace lost limbs and other extremities, many of which shift gears and change shape along with the user.

    Strong emphasis on genetic engineering and terraforming have left many to wonder about the possibility of inhabiting nearby celestial bodies. Interplanetary and stellar travel may be possible in the coming decades, but until then, Neo Earth is largely unaware of what lies beyond the stars.
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