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  • The Atavitae are an open species based in a solarpunk world.



    • GENOME #: Five (5+)
    • RARITY: Infrequent
    • SAFETY: 12.45% Stable
    • Variants are the most infrequent state of Atavitae, having five genomes and an unstable body and mind.
  • QnEWLN.png

    Variants are freaks of nature that have been modified far beyond what's considered healthy. Physical mutations, even in human form, are extremely common. Some take it in stride, while others don't seem to care. Most tend to go berserk in pursuit of biological greatness, and while relatively sane exceptions exist, these individuals are few and far between.


    Variants that are of sound mind inhabit the absolute fringes of society, but the vast majority haunt the wilderness as loners, or in much rarer cases, hungry hordes. Those in the big cities are often shunned and thought to have gone too far, while those who have tragically lost their mind are doomed to euthanization or a life as a monster.

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