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Forums » Open worlds » Main Universe RP "The Hunt"

*Daxton watched this unfold for a moment, to make sure the two of them would be alright. When satisfied, he made his way over to where nietve had been healed. Looking over the indigo blood. This was his first "meeting" of him, even if unconcious. Swaije vouched for him, which was good, but daxton also wanted to size him up a bit himself*
Khamir was opening and closing his mouth, getting used to the new scar. Or maybe his cheek felt weird because of the numbing agent Hobbes had put on it, it was hard to tell.

In any case, he responded to Hobbes with a nod, deciding commenting wasn't necessary.

Nietve was slowly coming to, now that he was healed. He had broad shoulders and defined hips, and a style of dress that was easily forgettable. He had sturdy black pants, now ripped and torn, black sneakers with what had once been white soles and laces, and an innocuous, dark grey sweater worn over a black shirt with his symbol on it. His hands were slender, unlike his horns that zig zagged back and forth on their way up, until ending in fish hook shapes.

His face was somewhat soft in features, the most striking of which being his eyebrows. They furrowed as he woke up, indigo eyes blinking open.
"So the dead rise early tonight. How do you feel Nietve?" *The enforcer rose, and walked over to kitchen, grabbing the indigo blood a glass of water, then handing it to him* "Drink, you'll need it after your body needed to regenerate that tissue from the wound"
"Yeah." Nietve drank the entire glass. He was looking a lot better than he had draped over Khamir's shoulder, but his head space was still processing everything that had happened over the past couple of hours. "Thanks. For the water. And..." he gave a pointed look to Khamir, both thanking him too, but also Hobbes and Daxton for sending him.

Nietve had a quiet manner to him. At worst, it would be considered rude, but most would just consider it soft spoken and a little awkward.

On the wall, Sassy came in. She noticed that there were new people in the ship, and they would be investigated in due time. At the moment, she had more important priorities; she smelled magic, for one thing, and for another, Khamir was different. Specifically, his cheek smelled like some kind of goo, and magic.

She made her way over, scaling Khamir easily until she rested on his shoulder. Then, to kill two birds with one stone, she pressed her tongue against his cheek.

Khamir sighed, but made no move to stop her. Like any good subject, he would not deny his queen. "Lizard why."
-Daxton sighs slightly and walks over to Khamir to pick up the Lizard and pass her over to the nearby Hobbes- "Can you watch her please, I don't want her undoing any of the healing magic on his or Nietve's wounds....or to eat swaije's gear for that matter"
*When done, daxton turns back to Khamir* "How's the cheek feeling?"
Hobbes accepted the lizard, who squiggled in Daxton's grasp as she was carried. There were so many magical things to investigate, and he was making Hobbes watch her? Rude. Sassy leveled her most menacing glare at him; he would lose at least one shoe for this later.

"I will put you in gay baby jail, so don't even think about it," Hobbes told Sassy, preemptively guessing that the lizard would try and burn her. Which didn't stop her from trying to run away, but Hobbes was a little stronger than her, and so in Hobbes' care she stayed. For the moment, anyway.

Khamir, for his part, answered by pesterchum instead of speaking. He didn't trust his mouth not to betray him right now.

FS: Much better, thank you
FS: I'll have to thank Swaije when it's no longer numb
FS: With all that just happened, are they going to need further protection?

Khamir hadn't done guardian work much, even before he'd been injured. But this was a lot closer to active duty than secretarial work, and for Daxton, he was happy to do it.
*seeing the message from Kahmir, flash across his shades, daxton spoke out aloud to respond to him. Not just for khamir's benifit, but so they others could hear as well*

"Yes khamir, until this matter with Yvicke is dealt with, these two will still be in danger. While they can take care of themselves, a little added protection never hurts. I'm going to offer them the crew quarters on the ship here if they would like to use then for a little to hide out while we deal with it, and if they take them I would like you to help watch out for them while you are around here anyways for your othere work. Should you choose to accept this assignment"
Nietve looked at Swaije, who bit her lip for a second while she thought about it. "Sure? I mean, I don't think going back to the apartment would be a good idea after all of that... and it'll be nice to have someone else around to help out if things get messy again. If you want to, of course." She was beginning to ramble. "'Cause you guys have already done a lot for us, 'n' this is the second time you've saved my life 'n' all. Not that I don't appreciate it, because I really do, but I wouldn't want to cause any more problems 'cause Yvicke is kinda an intense person to deal with..." she went on beyond that, but as she continued it devolved into mumbling.

FS: I'll keep an eye on them, but I'll be better able to do so if I have a better idea of what we're dealing with.
"Yvicke is already somebody who is on our radar and somebody we have been working on dealing with for out own reasons. Helping you aligns with our goals so it is no extra burden to us. If anything having you aorund might prove invaluable for information, given the two of your previous experience with him"
*this time responding to khamir, daxton did use his shades to message him. preferring to keep this next part relatively quiet*
TA: Y'vicke is the same one that sent the bomb you found
TA: Hobbes and I have been tracking him for awhile now
TA: I'll explain more later
TA: there's a few things I should tell you that are fairly important
TA: but they need to be said in the right company
"I'll tell you what I know," Swaije said, "but it's not all that much. I think I met him in person all of... once? Mostly I worked with Hasche, 'n' then I think Maxele was, uh, in charge of that project." She twiddled with her fingers. "I know there were more magic users that worked for him, with him, whatever. I just, I never wound up meeting a lot of them? They weren't very upfront with the structure of the organization. And when they were explaining all of it, it made a lot of sense. You don't go making that kind of stuff public knowledge when you're looking at taking down the government and overturning the caste system. But I wish I'd asked more questions... then maybe I'd be more help."

"With those people, it's better to know less," Nietve told Swaije.

FS: Understood.
FS: We can discuss it later.

"Anything you can offer us is better than what we have now," Hobbes said, adopting comforting tones. "The more we know, the easier it'll be to take him down. Any little bit helps."
"Good to know Yvicke's goals, noted. See useful information already." *Daxton replied to swaije, with another small reassuring smile*

"As for Maxele and Zasten....Swaije cover your eyes for a moment" *Daxton gives Swaije enough time to do so, before putting up the images of the two trolls deaths on the screen* "They've been already dealt with....personal matter"
Swaije covered her eyes, not wanting to see the violence. She'd seen enough blood today.

Nietve didn't seem fazed in the slightest, and did a little nod. He refrained from comment, but he definitely didn't seem surprised that this had happened.

Khamir was also used to this, but his mouth pursed into a thin line.

FS: I've never known you to be this violent.
*You respond to Khamir first before anything else*
TA: I'm not usually onE for such acts of passion, no
TA: HowEvEr....thEy wErE thE onEs that stabbEd HobbEs
TA: ThEy wErE thE onEs that almost took hEr from mE
TA: I wasn't...and am not....going to loosE hEr
TA: Not to thEm
TA: I won't loosE anothEr quadmatE
TA: Not again
-As you were "typing this with your shades" if anyone had been paying attention to your hands, it would have been easy to notice how clenched they had become. Knuckles, practically white. These wounds were still fresh for you...the rage still boiling as embers-
Hobbes leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. She wasn't a part of the conversation, but she didn't have to be to guess at what was bothering him.

"Because of you, I'm still here," she said in soft tones, for his ears only.

Khamir gave his other shoulder a squeeze, and then cleared his throat. He hoped that the numbing agent Hobbes had put on his cheek a minute ago had worn off. It had not, but he felt that these words had to be said anyway. Even if they came out slurred and awkward.

"Since grubhood, I've been trained that my loyalties are with the Enforcers," he said. It was a little hard to understand, but he was trying to speak slowly and carefully. "Which they are. But since losing my arm, becoming your secretary, I've decided there is more to life than just the job. So if there is ever anything you need of me, all you need to do is ask."

Khamir looked at Daxton directly as he said this, very serious. This was not something he said lightly.
*with a shudder, and then finally a small sigh...Daxton's fists relaxed, and he nodded. They were right....he understood that and appreciated there gestures. This was something else he'd have to being up with them...later. For now there was still business to attend to here, do with a small smile to let his two friends know he was alright now, he put back on his professional face and continued*

*Daxton then shut off the images on the screen and let Swaije know she could open her eyes again*
"Any questions? Swaije? Nietve? I know I've been speaking for a bit now, so if you have anything either of you would like to ask on any of this...and of it is within my ability to answer at the is the time to do so"
Nietve looked at Swaije, not having any questions he cared to voice.

"What's going to happen to us now?" she asked, twiddling with her fingers. "I mean, I don't really think it's safe for us to go back to the apartment... but I really don't have anywhere else to go."

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod