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*He questioned before moving onto her knife remark*

"not gonna try to stab me with it this time?"

*Valorn tossed her the blade he had used to cut her bonds, only slightly worried he'd find it burried in his back later....but he'd just have to hope she wasn't that stupid*

"lets exit around the back, then you lead the way since you've scoped this place out before. I'll cover you with the pistol"

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"Only as long as you don't shoot me again. And don't think right now is a good time for a full Q&A session; ask me later." There was a scar forming from their last encounter, right there on her neck.

But she wasn't inclined to stand around talking about it, not when there were things on fire. She lifted the edge of the tent to check for zombies before making her way out to the other, small tent. Luckily, the zombies looked like they were too busy being either on fire, chasing Sassy, or just plain getting the fuck out of there to be concerned about them. The fire was spreading from the main tent, which was collapsing on one side now, to the surrounding brush and plant life.

The pulpit contained a bottle of half drunk faygo, and a small pile of magnets. And that was all.

The remaining tent was beginning to smolder, but wasn't in flames just yet. There wasn't any activity that seemed to be going on with it itself. Swaije went inside.
-noting valorn bursting in with the other troll, but not with him aiming a weapon on her, daxton took this as a sign she wasn't somebody they had to worry about. Ducking into the final tent, weapons ready just in case, daxton began a swift search for the desk and usb-
"Daxton Dedric, Swaije. Swaije, Daxton Dedric. You've probably heard of him, and I know I've told you of her before"

*Valon said, giving introductions as he ducked in after daxton*
This tent looked like it was for living in, set up like a small apartment. The desk was in plain sight, with some papers strewn across on top, and a closed husktop.

A search of the desk yielded the standard affair; pens, spare paper, sticky notes, scissors, paperclips, that kind of thing. A less standard search revealed a false bottom in one of the drawers, which contained two things; a little black book with nothing marked on the front, and the gamegrub they were looking for. It wiggled a bit at the disturbance.

"Yeah... I'm familiar with the name."

It concerned Swaije, that Valorn had told Daxton about her. A troll like Daxton, it was better that she not be on his radar at all. Hopefully, once this was over with he would just forget about her. But it was definitely weird he was here about some purpleblood nonsense... maybe they'd pissed off someone higher up the hemospectrum?
*your only response is a bit of a grunt, focused on your task as you were. You decide to take everything that seemed important. Captuloging the huscktop, black book, and of course the game grub*

"got what we came for lets get back to the ship"
*nodding you follow daxton back out* "I promised her safe passage for her help, she's coming with" *you called forward to daxton as the three of you left. You wern't one to break your word after all*

(back to daxton)

*you didn't look to pleased with this at first, but then you nod* "I'll give her passage. I'd like to know her take on what happened here anyways" *You lead the party back towards the ship. Keeping an eye out for your lizard on the way*
You walk with them, feeling pretty satisfied with what happened here. And glad you're not going to have to find your way back by yourself. The zombies are gone, but there's no telling where exactly they've scattered to...

"It's really not that interesting..." Swaije said. "A while ago, I was following this troll, because I thought she might be up to something dark... and it seemed busy at the time, so I decided to come back later. So I did... and I got caught."

She seemed less forthcoming with Daxton than she was with Valorn. Mostly because Daxton scared the crap out of her.

There were burnt zombie parts around, but none of the smoke or flame that gave Sassy away. Though the remaining zombies seemed determined to find her. And then there was a flash of yellow, underneath some nearby bushes. She was following them, just didn't deem it wise to show herself at this exact moment.

*was all daxton seemed to comment on the subject. He was thinking alot more, but what those thoughts were....he didn't seem inclined to share at the moment for one daxton reason or another*

*he noted sassy following them and was relieved by her presence. This must be why the enforcers thought caring for others on the field was a liability....but he was finding it harder to help that nowadays. Damn blood pusher, growing three sizes two large or some malarky like that*

*Quickly he lead them around the zombies quietly, and back to the ship. Giving Swaije temporary clearance to board in the ships computer, which would expire the next time she left the ship...and running all the things gained from the expedition through a bug detector incase any of it was tapped or had tracking locator chips*
*valorn leaned in close to the young female as they walked, whispering*

"he hasn't threatened to shoot you yet, that's good with him...I think he likes you"
Sassy had a bowl in her mouth, and looked pleased with herself. She walked with them into the ship, earning a raised eyebrow from Swaije. But, she said nothing, figuring it for the best. There was magical energy coming from the bowl, the dark necromancy kind. Sassy presented the bowl to Valorn, setting it at his feet and wiggling the butt a little. He brought her a gift this morning, so it was only fair she gave him one in return. Look! Dark magic and everything, just like the stuff he collected.

The laptop and other things he'd taken came up clean of bugs. No tracking chips, listening devices... it was completely clean.

"He could change his mind once he knows more," she told Valorn, keeping her voice way low. She doubted he would like learning about her initial involvement with these particular purple bloods.

Hobbes was passed out on the couch, but there was the smell of food cooking in the ship. They rolled over at the sound of Daxton, Valorn, Swaije and Sassy coming in. Lyrica was reading something on the computer; Hobbes had set it up to scroll through slowly so she could read the entire document.

"You're back!" she greeted excitedly, and then clamped her hand over her mouth, glancing back at Hobbes. She was just about vibrating with excitement. "Gotta keep it down, though. They just fell asleep, and it's gonna be a couple more minutes before the food needs to be taken off the heat..." She glanced between them and Swaije. "Who's this?"
*You deal with the lizard first*

"aww thank you girl, thats sweet of you. I'll put it right with all my other treasures on a special pedestal"

*then you glance at Swaije* "Lyrica this is Swaije, the troll from the ghost incident I told you happened just before we met. Swaije Lyrica is the ghost you might sense floating over by the computer and which daxton will most likely deny t he existence of....oh and like I said before, I've told daxton about your history before so he's likely worked out the rest on his own...if he hasn't shot you yet that's a good sign. I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth with him"
*you affectionately give your lizard some head pats for her good work, then ignoring all the malarky talk about ghosts and the go to rouse hobbes. Gently shaking her shoulder very slightly*

"The three of us are back, objective well as one extra tag along and a few other items you may find of interest"
Swaije nodded, relaxing a bit. If he already knew the worst of it, it felt unlikely that he would kill her now.

Sassy gekkered at Daxton, satisfied, and curled up in the fireplace. She lit herself on fire, and nestled down in the ashes.

"Oh, ok." It struck Lyrica as a little weird, but she was highly distracted by something else. She grinned at him. "Hey, you'll never guess what Hobbes dug up for me."

Hobbes woke up and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Hey," she greeted. "Welcome back; didn't know when you'd get done, so I figured I'd start dinner so it'd be ready when you got back. It's almost done now, I think, and I think there's enough for everyone... but regardless, what'd you find?"
"one moment"

-You knock a bit of code into the ships computer, and it lifts off into orbit around alternia-

"figure it best to get us out of the reach of those monsters down there"

*then daxton makes his way over to a nearby table and deposits the husktop, book, and game grub*

"I'd recommend running the gamegrub and husktop through my main computer so it can do a malware sweep before you try accessing them, but we found all three of these together"
*valorn kept an eye on Swaije, even though he figured she wasn't likely dumb enough to try anything, and took a walk over to the computer lyrica had been looking at. Scanning through what she had been reading*

"now what have you gotten into"
"My name!" Lyrica grinned at him excitedly. "Hobbes dug it up, and other stuff! I had a job, Valorn! A pre-school feeder! And she found my old pesterchum account, the address where I used to live..! All sorts of stuff, look!"

She was looking at the file of Ahnvio Denevu, which was pretty complete. Being a government worker, her life had been for the most part transparent.

Swaije sat on an open chair, keeping to herself at the moment. She was curious about what was going on here, exactly, but didn't trust herself to ask questions.

Hobbes nodded. "Yeah, that'd probably be for the best. Let's see what we've got, shall we?" she smiled at him and kissed his cheek before getting up to check it out. She went over to Lyrica and Valorn.

"I'm going to need to use this, but I'm going to send the information to your email, ok?" she told Valorn, handing him back the pendant. "I figure the two of you can look through it together later; I'm going to send you her persterchum login information too."

"You sure you want me to on this? There's a high chance there's some really nasty programming on here," she told Daxton.
-You move aside for hobbes and nod, but keep talking to your ghostly friend-

"That's so awesome! I told you we'd find something should I keep calling you Lyrica....or....?"
"my ship's computer can handle it, it was made with a combination of the enforcer's best hardware....and upgrades from a certain fishy friend of ours"

"while you check that out....I'm going to check on our other guest and make sure she hadn't done anything stupid while I was away"
"Alright, I'll run it now then."

You plug in the game grub first, and let the ship scan it. It does have an encryption, a heavy one. The kind where if you try and hack it, your computer will explode. Which, is not entirely unexpected. A password screen comes up, and this is the reason you wanted to keep Maxele alive.

The laptop's security has less intense measures taken. It also asks for a password, and there are some programs put in place to delete information if it gets hacked, but none so intense as to totally destroy it. This programming looks less sophisticated, as well. You think you'll see how his computer handles this before you try anything on the game grub, and before you try to crack anything, you see if you can clone the laptop as is.

"I... dunno. I don't remember anything about being Ahnvio? And I think that life is gone, anyway... so maybe we should stick with Lyrica? But still, it feels really, really good to know," you grin.

Swaije cleared her throat, wanting to know what was going on. "So, what are you guys looking for, anyway?"

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod