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Forums » Open worlds » Main Universe RP "The Hunt"

"the only tests I plan on putting you through are blood tests to make sure you didn't have any allergic reactions to your medications. Please for the love of the gods, don't break any of my doors"

"daxton is fine last I heard, he can take care of himself. After all he has my guns with him"
-The hive seemed quiet for the most part. The only outwardly unsettling thing being the blood smear on the window she had seen earlier. Then, a thump and the sound of breaking glass drifting down from the attic of the house-
"The only thing that I am allergic to is bullshit," Hobbes told him very seriously.


Good to know. You decide that you are not in the mood to deal with some mutant's lusus, and go back to your car to wait for them to come out. They can't stay in there forever.
"that you know of...can't risk you going into shock again. Anyways what would daxton think if he saw you misbehaving for the doctor like this?"
-As she walks back to the car....she finds several fast acting tranq darts burring themselves into her neck and back....the sound she had heard, being daxton setting up a sniper in the attic in case she decided not to come in....score another point for paranoia-
"Probably that I'm being remarkably well behaved," Hobbes said, blinking at him innocently. "Dhioni and I got into fist fights on a regular basis 'cause she wanted to treat me when I was busy doin' other stuff; Damien 'n' 'Tani both had to team up 'n' literally knock me out to get me to see Detrie, and even then, that went..." Hobbes shivered. "Ach, that was horrible; I think that was the only time I have ever been a screaming, crying mess causa pain.

"'N fact, I think the only doctors I've ever behaved for are you right now and Binzyz. And with Binzyz, I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that I knew I was dying, 'n' just didn't care," they rambled on. "Wouldn't even have asked for his help 'cept I knew Daxton 'n' Tani would have been upset if I didn't even try, yunno? Wouldn't even have bothered except for that."


Maxele cursed when she felt the darts strike her skin, hand immediately brushing back to knock them out before they could really hit her with the tranquilizer... but it was a little late for that. She drew her dagger, scanning the darkness for half a second while she fumbled to open the door of her car. She needed to get out of here, and she needed to get out fast.
"well keep it up then please and I'll make you some lunch"
-Daxton made his way out of the hive, his sniper stowed again...a pistol in each hand. one trained on her...waiting for the tranq to put her out-
"Look, whoever you are, you've got the wrong troll," Maxele said, getting the door open with one final tug. She just needed a couple of seconds...

She slammed the door shut, and fumbled with the ignition. She so close, if her goddamn motherfucking hands would just cooperate... She blinked, struggling to stay awake. Just gotta get safe.


Hobbes nodded. "At least someone knows what food is... some days I could swear it's a totally new concept to Min and Daxton. Thank you, by the way. In case I didn't say it earlier. For helping me like this."
-Twisting a silencer onto one of his pistols, daxton shot holes in both the tires of the car on the side that was facing him. All he had to do was wait...she'd pass out in a few more moments-
"no problem, I kinda owed daxton anyways. I got stranded here awhile back...he keeps me hidden from the enforcers...gets me supplies....keeps me "company" as best as he can....with how he is......he even offered to take me back to alternia once...but theres not much left for me there...well, my matesprit...but shes missing and most likely in a bad I stay here trying to come up with new ways to find her"

"and yeah...the food thing with him...belive me I know....who do you thinks the one who made him those protien bars he eats? I figure with those at least he'll eat something"
"I'm sorry about your matesprit. Mine has his own issues, healthwise, but he's getting better, I think. In some ways, at least. In others... there's been a lot of change in him, since he went through his second molt. And the two of us are still figuring out how to deal with it. It's definitely been a process. And with everything that's happened recently... I wish I could be there with him now. He must be worried sick," Hobbes sighed. "My moirail, too. Shoulda had Daxton reach out to the two of them earlier."

Maxele had barely managed to get the key in the ignition before she went unconscious, slumping over the steering wheel.
"You can always ask him too when he gets back. I imagine he won't be too happy with others knowing where you and I are for now...but I have a feeling if your doing the asking he won't refuse for long. He seems to have a soft spot for you...which is still like the weirdest fucking thing to see ever"
-She would wake up later under heavy sedation. Both her wrists and ankles broken...and large manicales of an unknown metal, binding her by said wrists and well as by her shoulders, neck, and thighs, to a large metal chair in a dark room-

You come to with a groan, shifting in your seat. Hissing at the pain, lethargically. You would probably be more panicked, but with the sedatives still so heavy in your system, even the discomfort of your broken bones seems dim and far away. You blink, trying to make out other details of the room and recall how you got here.


"I can't rightly fault him for that, either..." you say with a shake of your head. "If Yvicke wants me dead, normally it wouldn't be too big of an issue. I've dealt with all sorts of trolls trying to kill me before. But with this wound... it does make things harder.

"But still. Both Dami and Minaru can protect themselves, and I highly doubt I'm worth the trouble it would take Yvicke to get answers out of either of them. But they won't know to watch out for that or anything if they don't know that there's a problem in the first place. You can't prepare for something you're not aware of."


You wiggle around, waiting for Daxton. You think it is about time for pouncing; the fact that you have a wiggly butt proves it.
-At this moment Daxton walks into kentlr's lab, having left maxele under bindings on the ship and to be guarded by sassy under the orders that if she tried to escape to kill her without mercy-
"I'll be even less of an issue when I find him, and end him"
-he said in response to what hobbes had been telling kentlr-
"good, your back. Besides one hiccup of a vitals alert earlier, hobbes here is recovering well"
Your eyes flicker over him to make sure Daxton is unharmed, and you're quickly satisfied.

"I take it everything went well?"
-Daxton looked no worse for wear given what he had been out doing-

"brought you back another present, this one is still alive. Bound up back in my ship. Same troll that stabbed you...figured you'd wanna decide her fate yourself"
-You step out into another part of the lab for the moment to give them a little-

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod