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"No way, he is... distorting the fabric of time!" Wakumi exclaimed.

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"Now perish, you fool!"

He would send a hard chop straight into Nan's shoulderblade, breaking his scapula and leaving his arm dangling by only a small muscle.

"Now.. where are the others.."

A small face would appear on his forehead as his hair waved in front of his face, showing a forecast of wa\hat was to come, showing the students successfully evacuating.


A small red glitch runs through the ceiling as he just appeared where the students were.
"I... wont let you to hurt them!!" Wakumi stood up as much as she could, crossing her arms again. "SPIRIT BARRIER!!" she set up her energy barrier around herself and the students.
The man gave an enraged glare at the barrier, letting out an inhuman yell as he rapidly punched the barrier. His flurry of blows of course did nothing, but he created the smallest of dents.

"You all have genuinely angered me! You have killed my best men, but yet you still stand!"

He shouted, a two-tone voice now covering his own, as he continued to assault the barrier.
"Best men? Who exactly do you mean by that?" Mimoyo smirked, knowing that she finally had an opponent with similar power as her.
( we...have returned! 😈)
Yue giggled
"Maybe he is referring to Alessi and Joshu." Hotaru replied, remembering the villains who attacked the school before.
Arielle giggled with Yue, as the barrier fell off her. She had already placed a reflection barrier on each and every one. Yue's damage was reflected to the caster, and he absorbed the damage.
"Attack us, and we get revenge!" She laughed.
Harith had disappeared.
"Alessi and Joshu? First of all, Alessi escaped by himself. Secondly, Joshu isn't killed. I have kept him bottled for research
Tatsuya couldn't use his power. It would stop all the defence by White Cat. He teleported to the rooftop.
"This guy is insane...." Wakumi panted and looked at Diavolo. "Besides, they shouldnt have attacked the school at the first place."
"Hm... I have a right mind to think you all are lying, but 'Pucci' told me they have perished.."

He would stop assaulting the barrier, knowing that he has worn himself out a bit. A sly grin appeared on his face, the gears turning in his head as he now realized that his men have succeeded.

"You all are foolish, you know that? You have allowed the Familia's conquest to go forth."
Inori held Aokawa's hand firmly, and transformed into a ball. Then she rolled off throught the wall of the building.
Wakumi had enough space inside the ball, and Inori was the ball itself.
"What are you talking about?!" Hotaru drew her sword.
Harith flipped and created 20 Reinas from himself.
The actual Lilac was one of them.

Moderators: CeciliaAlcott22 Inori Saegusa (played by RoyalWisdom)