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Forums » The World-Colliding Mess » The Earth. (:P)

((I Might as well just-))

Suddenly a ship flies through a portal at max speed, but it begins to slow as a gaurdian telewarps to the ground, it goes off somewhere but it cloaks before someone could figure out where "Oh my.." Everest says
Not until then, there was a portal opening up to the store that people always goes to. But this portal seems pretty small. If there gonna be a small figure over there? But as for now, We gotta pretty much focus on Guardian Tailis until we get to that part... oh, btw the portal is pretty much around isle 5 and 6.
Everest very clearly notices the energy towards the portal as it is what brought them there "Its not light.." The ghost begins as its marked on her radar, removing her helmet she enters the store already getting strange looks due to her armor "Hm.." She looks around the place finally spotting the portal and throwing an icy shieken through freezinf something in the background if wherever it landed "..."
...There was no sound. I think that thing got sniped or- Hey wait a second, is that shiken flying back towards Tailis?! However, in that situation, The portal also spitted that green puffball with it! "POYO-" ("AH-") They then flopped onto the floor, while someone is already looking, and we call that: The expect the unexpected phase. Until SOMETHING, hits the fan.
Korby Pureheart wrote:
...There was no sound. I think that thing got sniped or- Hey wait a second, is that shiken flying back towards Tailis?! However, in that situation, Th e portal also spitted that green puffball with it! "POYO-" ("AH-") They then flopped onto the floor, while someone is already looking, and we call that: The expect the unexpected phase. Until SOMETHING, hits the fan.

Tailis was uncomfortably frozen, suddenly she'd shatter the ice from the inside as she'd retrieve her revolver Hotshot, aiming it at the puffball "Is this thing alive..?" She'd think as she slowly approached
Korby was... pretty stunned after getting spat out the portal, and then later after that, the portal closed. This is gonna take a while for Korby to wake up to realize that they're in a store... and the fact that Tailis was aiming at them. They're still alive, it's just that they are pretty much knocked out at the moment.
Korby Pureheart wrote:
Korby was... pretty stunned after getting spat out the portal, and then later after that, the portal closed. This is gonna take a while for Korby to wake up to realize that they're in a store... and the fact that Tailis was aiming at them. They're still alive, it's just that they are pretty much knocked out at the moment.

She decides to pick up the small thing gently kneading him like dough "Squishy" She mutters quietly as she'd then lower the hood of her cloak and dropping him in "might as well
Korby then suddenly woke up slowly but surely, but he doesn't know that he's in the hood of tailis's cloak. He tried to steady his balance after standing up. He's pretty dizzy after getting spat out the portal. "Poyo..." ("Ugh..") Korby then looked up. "Poyo poyo..?" ("Where am i..?")
"An odd place on earth.." She'd say quietly as she begins to leave "If I may ask does anyone know where we are?" She'd ask around to the other people attempting to figure out what happened
Korby would then became confused. Well, because he's in a hood. "Poyo? Poyo poyo poyo poyo.." ("Really? It doesn't seem like it because it's pretty dark in here..")
"Poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo?" ("In a matter of popstarian facts, who in the heck are you?") Korby would ask like he's going insane that he heard a voice from the emptyness of the hood. He actually thought it was a void for a moment.
She'd lift him out of her hood by his feet "Im a human.." She'd say putting Korby down and peering at him curiously from behind her helmet
Gaurdian Tailis wrote:
She'd lift him out of her hood by his feet "Im a human.." She'd say putting Korby down and peering at him curiously from behind her helmet
There was complete silence from Korby when they stared at Tailis. Until then, Korby then panic screamed as he jumped up! Then they start slowly backing up.

Moderators: Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)