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Another Question About Maps

Posted by LuciferBrimstone November 13th 2013, 6:52pm
So Kurt, being the brilliant person he is (like player like character xD), has brought up a good point. Maybe a little unintentionally, but a good point nonetheless.

He gave me some links to some maps that can be used in the future (thanks again, I like those) and I started wondering about what direction we want the rp to go in- literally.

Do we want them to just bounce from base to base (basically, map to map, fictional TF2 place to place) or do we want them to bounce from town to town (like real towns and stuff)? We can do both if you guys want, I'm not against mixing it up.

Some of those maps gave me an idea for a future chapter. BUT I'LL NEVER TELL HEHEHEHHEHE

So just tell me what you guyses think! I want your opinions.

Community Feedback

  1. LuciferBrimstone

    November 16th 2013


    All very valid points I hadn't thought of before. I hadn't even considered them finding other people who aren't TF2 canons, and then their families too O.o those are both very interesting points that would be a lot of fun to explore. After all, there are good survivors, and there are bad survivors. Then there's the whole thing of the chances of family surviving everything too...

    Ooh, this is good.

    I personally think it'd be more interesting if they reached real-life places too besides the forts; just to give it a hint of realism, and lets us be a little evil every now and then. It's always fun to toy with the world >83

    Ok. I'll start thinking about places we can mix it up with... I really do like those maps though. If there are any others you guys really like feel free to suggest them! I'm always up for new and really cool maps.
  2. Baka

    November 16th 2013


    This is also a good point that I hadn't initially considered. It would also certainly make the characters much more interesting when 'out of their element' so to speak :3

    Not to mention survivor populations should those be a thing. The interactions between this band of 'professionals' and people struggling in the thick of the post-outbreak world intrigues me greatly :3
  3. Claine

    November 16th 2013


    I think we should reach cities.

    1) The world of TF2 isn't a wide expanse of bases floating out in an unlimited New Mexican desert. Towns exist! Even if they don't stay at towns long, I think we should at least pass through them.

    2) Even though the mercs have been holed up inside a base for years, they're not robots. They have friends and family who live off base. They might LIVE on the base, but the bases are not their life. Surely, they'd want to find their loved ones, and they're not going to be in 2fort.
  4. Baka

    November 16th 2013


    Mentioned characters twice, herpaderp x3

    Can anyone tell I haven't had caffeine lately x3
  5. Baka

    November 16th 2013


    My thought is we could alternate. My thoughts for doing so are thus:

    1. TF2 maps means we can introduce more of those lovely characters in our characters list, 'cause nothing makes a game of TF2 better than more people :3

    2. There's probably going to be a very slight thematic shift depending on where we go. Real world locations are probably going to be more of the straight, post apocalypse 'survival horror' stuff, perhaps potential for interaction with people outside the forts. The forts, however, will probably hit closer to home, watching zombies milling around in areas they've been doing jobs for much of their careers. That and it'll give opportunities to introduce more of those characters we have in the list :3

    That said, this is just my opinion, I'm totally fine with any decision the group as a whole reaches :3

    Also those suggested maps are great, I'm fairly certain I've played them all X3

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