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Character Ideas

  • Creatures

    Bitter Springs is supposed to be a setting where just about any creature can be found, though it is a world where magic has, for the most part, been tamed by civilized beings.

    Formal mage academies can be found in most capitol cities, and most with a great deal of talent and a drive to learn more can go to learn the best information on current magical theory and practice. Even most small town schools will teach those with a talent for magic the basics, if their parents don't see to it first.

    Mythological creatures populate this land, from Knighted Nagas to Brownie Butlers. This also means that it is not unusual to see strange things in villages, and to interact with oddball personalities, so most don't blink an eye at eccentric creatures.

    Because of the knowledge of and normalcy of magical creatures, townships are accepting of most, so long as they are not actively malicious, or accidentally wounding those who live there. Vampires who only drink from the willing, and werewolves who have found a way to keep themselves in check on the full moon are common.
  • Moon Phase

    If moon phase is important for your character, you can quickly see when the next full moon is here.
  • Careers

    Careers in this world are as different and open as race and species. Characters could work with their hands as smiths, carpenters, farriers, cobblers, tailors, or with their minds as magical consultants, scholars, writers, poets, inventors. People often work in service, either as field hands for a farmer, or maids/footmen in a great house.

    If interested in taking up a business in dream, please make up a shop description and send it to Jhaes Maksa. Include a small in character description of the shop (what people see/hear/smell when they enter the building), and anything else you feel is important (ie. things to be sold/special considerations)