What can be sold and bought here?
✲ There are different categories in the forum section that you'll find. In reality, there isn't a lot that we restrict!- Alts
- Digos
- Premade Art/Templates
- Other game currency/items
- Designs
- Offering Commissions
- Seeking Commissions
When selling other game currencies...
✲ Please be aware that the group founders do NOT take any responsibility for any trades that happen between other games. (Nor on Furcadia, either. But that's common sense). Some games do NOT allow you to sell items or currency on their platform for real cash. So if you still do so, and that game bans you or takes whatever item/currency from you because they found out, you may NOT blame the seller. You should know that community's rules.
What can't we do?
✲ Like FAM, you cannot ask for information on an alt that you already know is listed as DNB/NFT. If there's an alt that you're unsure about, of course you can list that you're unsure of the status. However, asking for information on how to contact someone that you know has the alt, but also know that they don't have interest in selling it but "want to check", is not allowed. Please use the "DNB/NFT" resource in the forums to see if the alt you're looking for has already been listed as NFT/DNB.
Can we post feedback about a seller?
✲ We like to encourage everyone to give praise to someone you've done business with. This allows sellers and buyers to build a reputation among the community to build trust and rapport and make other buyers/sellers feel comfortable with doing an exchange.
Can we report a player for scamming?
✲ The answer is yes. We will be posting an area where you can post scam alerts and stolen art reports. However, if you don't have hard evidence that this person is scamming/stealing, do NOT start a black list thread about that person. -
Additional Rules
Much like FAM/FAZ, the rules are going to typically remain the same. Please see below about some of the additional rules not answered in the FAQ section above for more details.
Payment Plans
If you and a buyer agree on payment plans, you must either follow through or refund the full amount of money. If you decide you want to keep an alt for yourself, and refuse to give back the full amount of money paid for the alt, it with be considered scamming and wont be condoned. You will be placed on an immediate ban from the forums and a warning will be placed out and blasted under the announcement section.
If your thread is still within the top 5 threads on any of the forum areas, and you've already bumped once, do not bump again. This makes it fair for other sellers.
If any alt or art you're advertising for sale has NSFW ports or art, you must alert that in the topic. Some people may be browsing sales while at work or with children around them. So we need to be courteous and warn ahead of time before someone clicks into a thread and there are dicks and boobs everywhere.
Warnings & Scams
If you're reporting someone/something, don't turn it into a hunt for that person. This is to simply alert the public. If we find out that you are harassing the individual over a warning about them and you are not directly involved with the scam, you will be given only one warning before you're placed on a ban.
Staff Warning System
Depending on the extremes of what's happened, you may be given 2 warnings before you're placed on a soft-ban. Once that soft-ban is up, should you continue your actions, you will be placed on a permanent ban from the TFM forum.
However, should you do something more severe, it is up to the staff members on how they are going to handle the warnings/banning.
Posting what you're accepting
Again, like FAM, when you post on a thread of things that you're selling, you may NOT include specific alt names that you would be interested in accepting for a trade if you already know they're NFT/DNB.
In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace Xela (played by Xelamor) started 2 new forum topics: S> Designs, Alts for sale, big purge(About 8 hours ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace all-Nat-ural just joined the group The Furcadian Marketplace(About 4 days 17 hours ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace Gray replied to the forum topic Lots of Alts for sale(About 1 week 4 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace Xela (played by Xelamor) replied 3 times to forum topics, including Alts For Sale, Some Ported, Selling Alts / Kas / Serafina, Alts with ports and deisgns(About 1 week 4 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace Announcement: Small Update(About 2 weeks 3 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace Boe just assumed the responsibilities of group founder.(About 2 weeks 3 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace Boe just joined the group The Furcadian Marketplace(About 2 weeks 3 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace FadedTapestry replied 2 times to the forum topic currently empty(About 3 weeks 6 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace heathxn started a new forum topic: LF: Vore, Otis(About 1 month 6 days ago) In the group: The Furcadian Marketplace heathxn just joined the group The Furcadian Marketplace(About 1 month 6 days ago)
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