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Mass deletion

Posted by Boe March 18th 2019, 12:46am
Hey, all!

It's me again. I apologize to those of you who might have gotten a heap of messages from me in response to deleting older threads that you might have requested deletion or had multiple threads out there! Unfortunately, there isn't a way for me to turn off the automatic messages that sends.

Some of you might have gotten a message that addresses you by the wrong name. That's my mistake. I was adding in there that it was an automatic message and instead of copying just that, I apparently didn't think and copied the whole thing from someone else's and pasted it... So please don't be confused! That was just my goof but I deleted a post that had been requested for deletion...

Thank you for you patience! With the hiring process of new mods, we shouldn't have to do a mass deletion like this again and be able to effectively delete things just a day or two after being requested.

Thank you for your patience! :)

~ Boe & Jess

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