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The Nomadic Peoples

The centaur tribes of the east once played a vital role for the mundane kingdoms by acting as honorary border guards between the eastern regions and the sacred isthmus of the central region. It was known to be full of strange beings, unnatural forests, unstable moon gates, and mountains infested with dragons. When the war broke out there were many who joined the human invaders in the interest of gaining more territory. While Thornmouth does have a place set aside in the steppes for centaur use, it is primarily shared among the tribes as a seasonal trading outpost.

The centaur tribes of the East are nomadic and move camps seasonally, allowing the areas they've lived in to recover. They engage in many forms of crafting, but tend to live from nature in a minimally invasive way. They keep their distance and to themselves for the most part, outside of occasionally engaging in trade or negotiating agreements for land usage.

The dwarves and humans still consider them honorary border guards, even if they play far less of a role now that Thornmouth occupies the space between regions - there is little for them to keep out outside of the occasional monster, so in this absence of duty some of the younger generation have decided to become more worldly individuals.

Unfortunately, it is often difficult for a centaur to return to their tribe after leaving, as many will label them an outcast in the process. Those that live within the society of others or in the wilds alone tend to be those who are no longer accepted among their people.

Racial Details

Classification: ungulate-bodied humanoids
Subraces: equine (horse), donkey, ???
Homeworld: unknown (likely multiple*)
Average Lifespan:
Magic: no
Size: medium to large
Height Range:
Weight Range:
Skin Tones: diverse, humanoid with high occurrence of piebaldism
Fur Tones: diverse, humanoid with high occurrence of piebaldism
Eye Tones: diverse, humanoid
Hair Tones: diverse, humanoid

They are prone to wanderlust, nomadism is as biological as it is cultural.

Social Overview

Population: small
Living Style: nomadic
Nations: there is only one place they call their own that isn't loaned land, where all tribes come together once a year
Subcultures: horse tribe, donkey tribe, tba
Notable Members:
Player Characters:
Known For: sports, games
Produce: fine baskets, textiles, leather, rare goods

The centaur are a competitive people when it comes to shows of prowess and ability, but reasonable and prone to negotiation before fighting otherwise. This is a tendency that has turned into a skill, as they use their wits to act as shrewd traveling merchants. A people known as warriors, crafters, merchants, and athletes.

A proud and yet reclusive people, they keep to themselves and are rare in mixed society (which tends to not accommodate their quadruped forms well anyway).

A people who love to play as part of their competitive nature: known for sports and a variety of games, including a lot of sword-and-shield play and those considered noble engaging in a form of polo during tribal meets.

While there are different types of centaur and tribes avoid one another most of the time, they generally get along and groups typically aren't bigoted or overtly proud - but they are very social and competitive among one another, so when there are disputes over things like seasonal territory they don't fight, but compete in soccer and other sports for time in an area.

  • their children have toys that are on more of the practical and physical side - pull toys (sometimes particularly big ones and maybe even things like 'play carts') and balls
  • there are some legends that state they are a created race, an intentional hybridization

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89