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I think Joe Biden made a good choice by picking Kamala Harris for his Vice Presidential candidate.

She was a district attorney (the "top cop" in her district), so it will throw off the president's attempts to make people think that Biden wants to get rid of all police (which is rhetoric he has been using lately).

She's an African American and half Indian (her mother was a breast cancer researcher from India), and since she is a woman of color, I think it will be harder for him to brand her with an offensive nickname, without it sounding racist. He can't pull what he pulled with "Crooked Hillary" with Kamala Harris. At least I don't THINK he can.

And then her main weaknesses would be seen by his base as strengths. For example, some Democrats have accused her of being too rigid as a prosecutor, throwing the book at people charged with possession (of marijuana) or adults whose kids were truant. Some Democrats have accused her of being TOO strict.

However, if Trump said, "Harris way too strict, locking up all those people for nonviolent drug crimes, some of his voters would presumably think, "Hey, a 'law and order' candidate! Maybe we should vote for Biden after all."

So it's going to be really hard for him to criticize her at all.

Also, she's a skilled debater. I think his other top choice, Susan Rice is extremely smart and well-qualified, but she doesn't stir as much passion when she speaks, like Kamala Harris has proven she can do in the Democratic Primary debates.

So, I think he made a good strategic pick there.

It's also historic; Kamala Harris is the first black woman to be nominated for Vice President on a major party ticket.
I see Abi has been busy here! :)

I agree that Harris was a good choice. At first I scratched my head as Biden was already a shoo-in for California and thought he wasted an opportunity to get someone from the Midwest rust belt on the ticket to shore up a swing state.

Should Biden win, he will bd good to guide the USA back to some sort of political normalcy and hopefully if the Democrats win both houses of Congress they don’t cater to the Republicans at all. Not one bit of that “bipartisanship’ that compromised the Affordable Care Act in 2009. The USA needs a good dose of FDR (Franklin D Roosevelt) socialism again. (I should thaw this to another thread huh)

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