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Thought I’d throw this up here FWIW. Been having a very interesting discussion on another board about what is happening in the transfer of power and trumps firing of several defence department cabinet members.

Do you think that he is planning a coup to stay in power with all he and his cronies are saying? Most of the Republican Party has opted to back him on not conceding and his cult-followers are all flocking to Parlar and other alt-right social media due to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube censuring what trump and his followers are saying. I inadvertently got invited to a Facebook exodus party by someone who I quit following but didn’t unfriend. The comments were horrifying! And being the sort to check these things out, I had a look at their parler site and my gawd... death threats to Fauci and Senator Snow for “being a traitor”

I’d like to think it’s all a storm in a teacup but then I never thought there were so many people who were going to support trump in 2016. I’m really scared for the USA as from where I’m observing, it is looking like the current president is going to barricade himself in and not go quietly. What the U.S. Military does will be the key, as I suspect these ‘well-armed militias’ that support trump won’t have the nerve to go up against them in an effort to seize control of the government of the United States.

Up until recently, I never thought such a thing would ever be possible in the United States. But I guess it is in the Divided States.

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I know I'm late to the party, but we're seeing him pardon his cronies. I think there's still an effort to stay in power but he's realizing he's likely going to be gettin' the boot. He's grasping at the blades of grass on the edge of the sinkhole he's falling into.

My family is convinced that he's going to disappear after all of this. Flee the country. I really don't know.
You know...I didn't think so until recently. I really thought that Mr. Trump would stop with the charade and concede. Now, honestly, I'm not sure whether he will. And that's really saying something.

What's more surprising to me is that 2 of 3 of my close friends who are Republicans seem to sincerely believe that the election was "stolen," despite some of the states Trump lost having Republican elections officials. Despite the fact that the kinds of irregularities they point to could easily be found in the ballots on both sides, if the Democrats were wasting the time to look for irregularities like Trump is. The two parties could go back and forth and never reach a resolution.

The Democrats could be like, "I found X number of ballots with the wrong address, so these ballots shouldn't count."

Then the Republicans could be like, "Oh? Well I found X number of ballots with signatures that I think look slightly different than the signature from a year ago, so let's not count these."

They could go back and forth like that, on and on, until January 20th, and we wouldn't have a president.

Obviously, that's not going to work. That's why we trust the state officials and state governors. And they've all certified that the counts are correct.

And that's why we have courts.

The Supreme Court decided whether or not to weigh in on the election and they decided not to. A Supreme Court which includes 3 people the president put on there.

If they, of all people, don't think there is a problem with the lawfulness of the election, then who could possibly argue that there is one?

I know you already know all this, I'm just trying to explain why I find it so surprising that some people don't believe the election results. They're being asked to believe Trump, or literally everyone and everything else, and they still believe Trump. It's inconceivable.

And I'm a person who DOES understand what some Trump voters believe and think. I'm not automatically biased against them from the start. But this, I can't understand.

I used to think the media was exaggerating when they tried to say he's brainwashing people and that he's a potential future dictator. I used to laugh at Bill Maher claiming Trump won't leave on January 20th.

I still find it hard to imagine him not leaving. My gut still says he will. But my gut has been wrong about this for a while now, so I'm not going to say that I believe he will leave, because...

- I did not think over a hundred Republican Congressmen in the House of Representatives would support the possibility of overturning the election on Wednesday.

- I did not think more than 10 Senators would agree to join them in objecting on Wednesday (which will force a debate about whether or not to certify all the votes).

- I did not think President Trump would tweet about the idea of rerunning the election in states he lost.

- I did not think I would hear some Republicans I actually know, who have always been terrified of the power of government and patriotic about our Constitution and self-rule, actually say they want Trump to institute martial law to prevent Biden from taking office.

So, I really can't say what will happen with complete confidence.

On the bright side, I've got to say that I think the Republican governors and secretaries of state in Georgia and in Pennsylvania are the pristine examples of what an American Hero should be.

You can hear, on the call, and in their speeches, that they are terrified. They're standing up to the President of the United States--literally the most powerful man in the world.

He's pressuring them to change their results, and they're telling him NO. And what do they have to stand on? Not the support of their party. Just the law. Just the belief that votes should count. Just the belief that America should remain a Democracy.

Now, that's patriotism.
Abigail_Austin wrote:
You know...I didn't think so until recently. I really thought that Mr. Trump would stop with the charade and concede. Now, honestly, I'm not sure whether he will. And that's really saying something.

What's more surprising to me is that 2 of 3 of my close friends who are Republicans seem to sincerely believe that the election was "stolen," despite some of the states Trump lost having Republican elections officials. Despite the fact that the kinds of irregularities they point to could easily be found in the ballots on both sides, if the Democrats were wasting the time to look for irregularities like Trump is. The two parties could go back and forth and never reach a resolution.

The Democrats could be like, "I found X number of ballots with the wrong address, so these ballots shouldn't count."

Then the Republicans could be like, "Oh? Well I found X number of ballots with signatures that I think look slightly different than the signature from a year ago, so let's not count these."

They could go back and forth like that, on and on, until January 20th, and we wouldn't have a president.

Obviously, that's not going to work. That's why we trust the state officials and state governors. And they've all certified that the counts are correct.

And that's why we have courts.

The Supreme Court decided whether or not to weigh in on the election and they decided not to. A Supreme Court which includes 3 people the president put on there.

If they, of all people, don't think there is a problem with the lawfulness of the election, then who could possibly argue that there is one?

I know you already know all this, I'm just trying to explain why I find it so surprising that some people don't believe the election results. They're being asked to believe Trump, or literally everyone and everything else, and they still believe Trump. It's inconceivable.

And I'm a person who DOES understand what some Trump voters believe and think. I'm not automatically biased against them from the start. But this, I can't understand.

I used to think the media was exaggerating when they tried to say he's brainwashing people and that he's a potential future dictator. I used to laugh at Bill Maher claiming Trump won't leave on January 20th.

I still find it hard to imagine him not leaving. My gut still says he will. But my gut has been wrong about this for a while now, so I'm not going to say that I believe he will leave, because...

- I did not think over a hundred Republican Congressmen in the House of Representatives would support the possibility of overturning the election on Wednesday.

- I did not think more than 10 Senators would agree to join them in objecting on Wednesday (which will force a debate about whether or not to certify all the votes).

- I did not think President Trump would tweet about the idea of rerunning the election in states he lost.

- I did not think I would hear some Republicans I actually know, who have always been terrified of the power of government and patriotic about our Constitution and self-rule, actually say they want Trump to institute martial law to prevent Biden from taking office.

So, I really can't say what will happen with complete confidence.

On the bright side, I've got to say that I think the Republican governors and secretaries of state in Georgia and in Pennsylvania are the pristine examples of what an American Hero should be.

You can hear, on the call, and in their speeches, that they are terrified. They're standing up to the President of the United States--literally the most powerful man in the world.

He's pressuring them to change their results, and they're telling him NO. And what do they have to stand on? Not the support of their party. Just the law. Just the belief that votes should count. Just the belief that America should remain a Democracy.

Now, that's patriotism.
Word for word you stated my fears, and oh so neatly.

I'm not going to lie, in 2016 I thought there was no way that Trump would win. He was a reality star and a buffoon.

Then after the atrocities and vile attitude he displayed on live TV I thought that there was no way people would continue to support him for four full years.

In 2020, I thought no way would we have such a close election because he's been nothing but a man-child this entire time. No way would so many people fill in his dot on the ballot.

And now I don't really know what to think.

My entire family is republican, and literally every one of them believe that the democrats rigged the race somehow. Peloski's name comes up a lot, but I try to tune them out now so I don't even know what conspiracy they've derived now.
Never thought I’d see the day...
A right wing coup happening in the USA ...
If there was ever any disrespect of the flag of the United States. It wasn’t Colin Kaepernick taking a knee, it’s these seditionists who have disrupted government and has put the U.S. Capitol under siege waving the flag.

Watching and listening to Joe Biden then watching and listening to Donald Trump on this really shows the contrast of reality vs delusion.
January 6 2021 - A Day That Will Live In Imfamy.

I wrote a whole essay about today’s coup and the crap that the ‘alternate facts’ outlets trying to equivocate this with all the BLM protests, and are saying that it was really ‘antifa’ who attacked the Capitol, but removed it from here as I don’t wish to get in trouble.
Rogue-Scribe wrote:
January 6 2021 - A Day That Will Live In Imfamy.

I wrote a whole essay about today’s coup and the crap that the ‘alternate facts’ outlets trying to equivocate this with all the BLM protests, and are saying that it was really ‘antifa’ who attacked the Capitol, but removed it from here as I don’t wish to get in trouble.

I'll admit that the whole "It was ANTIFA dressing up as MAGA supporters to make MAGA look bad" really burns my bum.

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