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The Final Fantasy VIII added

Posted by Dris (played by LunaVox) October 12th 2017, 10:22pm
Click here for information about the setting of Final Fantasy VIII the wikia is worth reading.
Fun fact; that I never noticed while playing FF8, the World doesn't have a name.

Community Feedback

  1. LunaVox

    October 13th 2017


    I'm so happy to have all of the members we have. We're always looking for more people, so feel free to tell your friends that are final fantasy friends to join. The more the merrier, I want everyone to have amazing campaigns.
  2. FreeJayFly

    October 13th 2017


    Aw nice! I have some considerations for bringing some of my revamped FFVIII characters onto RPR at some point, so I'm super happy that this forum has been created. :D

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