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Eruyt Village (Year of Old Valendian 710) [ Age of Technology ]

Dris woke as several odd smells reached her nose. Sleepily turning over in her flower bed the Viera’s silver eyelashes fluttered open, her lavender eyes adjusting to the sunlight that bathed the Eruyt Village. What was this odd smell? Curiosity once again getting the better of her Dris gracefully stood up, petals of her flower bed flying around her tall form.

After sipping a bit of morning dew from a large leaf to satiate her thirst, another Viera approached her.“Greetings, Mijrn.” Dris inclined her head ever so slightly, offering the customary Viera greeting.

“Greetings, Dris.” Mijrn said inclining her head as well, and continued on to say with a soft voice “Have you heard the Green Word? She says that there are strangers approaching the wood.”

“Strangers?” Dris said questioningly. This was a surprise to her, she hadn’t heard the Green Word of the Mother-Tree today yet.

“Yes…”Mijrn’s voice had an edge of surprise to it as well. Why had Dris not heard that Green Wood, the Mother-Tree had been speaking so loudly, warning all of the Viera that dwelt in the Eruyt Village? Resisting the urge to let her mind wander to thoughts of her sister, who’s name she dared not even think, Mijrn went on to inform Dris, “Jote has called all of us to her den. We must be prepared for these outsiders, be they friend or foe…”
“Darn, blast and kupo it all to the afterlife!” The voice of a young moogle rang through the humid jungle. “Great idea, Solas… heading into a jagd…” the speaker of said voice spoke to themselves. “Because of course, it fits perfectly into your skillset…”

Tired, lost, hopeless; the adolescent moogle continued ambling aimlessly through the dense foliage of the forest. His hopes? To try and find a viera hoverbike rider whom he had recently raced and lost to in an amateurs’ tournament. Solas’s second place was far beyond the reaches of the third-place finisher, but just as he had thoroughly beaten most of the competition, this viera had thoroughly beaten him. If she could just give him a few pointers… alas, she had disappeared shortly after the race’s end, and he had no idea where to find her. All he had learned from asking around was that there were viera rumoured to live within a jungle near to the Ozmone Plain; Golmore - a barely-touched wilderness on the border of Jagd Difohr, where skystone-powered airships could not travel. It wasn’t until he had gotten lost that he considered that it would be odd for a keen rising star of the racing profession to call such a place home; regardless of whether they had been born there or not. He had put himself in so much peril, and it was highly unlikely his reason for coming to this place was actually here at all!

“Almost eaten, poisoned, trampled, eaten again…” the small being continued rambling to himself as he progressed deeper in… well he wasn’t even sure what direction he was going anymore. “How could I be so stupid? So reckless, kupo? I-…”

Solas was cut off by an approaching sound. A sort of slithery, slimy, slurping noise, like a cross between a hungry maw sipping on its own saliva and countless waxy tentacles slipping through the bushes. The frightened moogle froze for a moment. He recognised that noise. It belong to a species he had come across many times since he arrived here.

“Oh, no no no no no no…” Solas said in a panic, his petit wings flapping desperately as they lifted his tiny body off the ground and into the branches of a nearby tree. Snapping off a branch, he waved it in the direction of the approaching green tangle of tentacle-y vines, staying just out of reach of the creature’s limbs. “Back! Stay back, I’m warning you! You… you’ll be sorry, kupo!”
The stick was wiggled in the air a few more times before the trembling arm that held it lost its grip, causing the object to fall pathetically onto the monster’s head. Hungrily, the being stared at Solas with its many stalked eyes, watching intently with the intention of obtaining a fresh new meal. The stench of its breath tickled putridly at the moogle’s pink button nose, threatening to unleash the confines of the furry fellow’s stomach and overcome his mind with stink-driven madness. Solas was barely able to stay conscious from the noxious fumes as he backed away from the creature and hovered his way to the next tree along.

Desperately, Solas slipped through gap after gap in the tight plant matter, until at last he found himself scratched and scraped, but very much free from his hungry pursuer. But he did not know how much he could keep up with this. Purple pompom dangling limply behind him, the moogle hopped onto the ground and brushed spores, leaves and other plant remnants off his ripped and torn tunic. Was this it? Was this fully foolish act to be his ridiculous end?


In a daze of exhaustion and hopelessness, Solas barely paid his surroundings any attention as he started walking again, only to slam head-first into… something. Realising he had found his way onto some sort of raised path, Solas’s gaze fell onto the barrier before him. The glowing blue glyph that covered the path ahead stretched across the expanse in front, a solid shield keeping him out of… somewhere. Or maybe it was keeping something within. Knowing next to nothing useful of magic and having poor physical strength even for a moogle, Solas figured he could never find his way beyond it. Slumping down into a sitting position onto the floor, he stared through the beautiful energy shield at the continuing labyrinth beyond, wonderings of what lay there keeping him from turning back. Perhaps he could use the path he had landed on to find his way out of the jungle… yet the mysteries of the magical barrier made him want to stay.

Just a little longer… he thought to himself. I can spare some time whilst I regain my breath… maybe there’s a way past this…
“Now that we have all gathered, we must prepare to defend the Wood using the skills each of us had acquired.” Jote’s commanding voice had a hint of exasperation to it. Gathering all of the Viera together into her den; a large weeping willow tree, hadn’t been as easy as she hoped it would have been. If only her voice spread like the Green Word did to her sisters and brothers… There were some Viera among them that had become too complacent due to the peace atmosphere that surrounded their village. Jote, sighed and crossed her arms over her slender waist. ’Many among us have never experienced anything other than peace… A blessing I suppose, but it has made them weak. Unfortunately, even we must deal with invaders. Weather they be friend or foe, they disrupt the harmony we have here among our own kind. A harmony I won’t let become discord! Not again…’ Jote’s pushed her bitter thoughts toward Fran from her mind. This was no time to dwell upon the past, it was over and done. As much as she wanted to she could not change it.

Mijrn swiftly moved to stand at her sister Jote’s side. “Brothers and sisters come forth and I shall give each one of you a Cypress Pole. We must be prepared to defend the wood from the outsiders that approach.” Mijrn’s usually soft, gentle voice changed to a stern one as she commanded all of them to equip the fine-grain wooden pole.

Hesitantly, all of the Viera accepted the item, some of them holding the weapons awkwardly with limp wrists. Jote sighed again with worry. ‘We should have kept up with training even the saplings among us to use those weapons’ she thought this but still something in her didn’t like the idea. ‘We Viera should not have to fight. The outside world makes us.’ She pushed the feelings of powerlessness from her mind as Mijrn instructed all among them that studied White Magic to join into large groups with those that had trained with using the Cypress Pole.

“Go forth to the barrier, inspect it and strengthen the magics upon it if need be.” Jote’s command was aimed at a group that consisted of six of the Viera’s most trusted and learned apprentices, one of which was Dris who had studied under Mijrn.

Five of the apprentices inclined their heads toward Jote and Mijrn in unison, their long ears bobbing in fealty. Dris did the same but a little out of synch with the rest, Jote had noticed and her eyes darted to meet Dris’s. Dris’s eyes immediately looked away from Jote’s out of embarrassment and uncertainty at this sudden attention from the cheiftess.

“That is your best apprentice Mijrn?”

“Yes sister, Dris has a healer’s hand and a quick wit. I trust her to serve us well.” Mijrn said softly.

“… Very well, then.” Jote couldn’t shake the idea that there was something odd about the disunity with which this Dris had sworn her fealty. Holding back a sigh and trying not to get absorbed in her thoughts yet again, Jote commanded the group to go inspect the barrier and return with haste.

The party of Viera apprentices swiftly and silently made their way through the Eruyt Village, knowing the forested pathways like the unique patterns on the back of their long, furry ears and fluffy tails. When they finally reached the magic barrier, there was something odd on the other side.

“What is that?!” Krim, a male Viera that was talented with Black Magic said, his voice raising uncharacteristically loud.

“Silence.” Lilis, weapon apprentice to Jote who had been trusted to travel into the outside world many times to return with loot for the village, whispered sternly to Krim. Lilis approached the barrier, she knew full well that although the barrier could not be seen through, loud voices could carry through to the other side. ‘It’s just a moogle?’ The female Viera thought, holding the Cyprus pole with confidence that she could strike and immediately kill the little beast without it even realizing it was been hit. Lilis hesitated, memories of her Jote sanctioned missions to the outside world for supplies flowed through her mind. All of the moogles she had encountered had never tried to harm her, unlike many of the other beings she had encountered in the outside.

“Little beast..” Lilis suddenly said with a louder voice she hadn’t used since the last time she’d been in the Royal City of Rabanastre. One had to know how to speak loudly if they were to barter in marketplaces among humes and especially bangaas. “Moogle, are there more in your party or are you alone?!”

Dris stood curiously next to Krim, who seemed to be nervously raising his hands, his stance ready to use Black Magic at a moment’s notice if ordered to by Lilis. Many of the Viera apprentices had never had to use their skills outside of rote training, and uncertainty at how tactful each one of them would be on an actual battle field swamp through all of their minds, except for Lilis, who seemed very confident in herself. None of them questioned Lilis’s tactic to speak to the the little beast, since she was the closest among them to Jote she was the lead party member. The six Viera apprentices waiting patiently for a response from the small, fluffy haired beast.
Solas had resigned himself to leaning over the ledge of the walkway, peering down at the forest below with awe at the sheer scale of the construction of this path. Perhaps this was the work of the viera... but the barrier indicated that if they were indeed here, they wanted to be left alone. Perhaps... perhaps it would be best to turn back after all.

It wasn't like Solas had wasted his time coming here... he had learned a lot about his limits and just how dumb it was to go wandering into a jungle alone. He was immature... immature and with the independence to go pretty much where he pleased. It wasn't a combination that worked well. Perhaps in the future he would stick to the cities and villages.

Just as Solas was about to cement his decision of returning back along the path and seeking a way out of this maze-like jungle, a voice travelled along the pathway, seemingly emanating from beyond the barrier. Ears twitching, the moogle immediately stood up, only to slip backward and land on his rear less than a second later. It was a feminine voice... a familiar accent, too. One Solas had heard spoken by a number of the viera who had taken to walking amongst the cities of Ivalice.

"Uh... I..." Solas muttered quietly, not quite glancing in the direction of the barrier, awkward timidness and a distinct and growing fear preventing him from being so bold with his glances. His youthful tones were shaky and soft - all his usual pretence of attempting to look confident and capable sapped by Golmore's deadly inhabitants. "I-I'm alone!" He called out more clearly, his voice hoarse until he cleared his throat nervously. Shakily, he pulled himself to his feet, and eyes still affixed to the ground, he turned so at least his body was facing the barrier. "A-are you here to help? I-I'm afraid I was running from a raksas and... well... if I shouldn't be here, I-I'll just leave, ok...?"

The small moogle turned to face away from the barrier as if indicating a willingness to traverse the deadly path ahead of him to try and find the way back to the Ozmone Plain. Though he had a pair of daggers fixed to his belt, they were still clean and untouched as if they had been left there and not used even once since entering the jungle. The ornate handles signified a more ornamental design rather than being of practical use. Aside from that, he was hardly equipped for a return journey. No armour or any sign of experience or expertise could be found upon him; and what provisions he had brought with him were mostly gone, along with the bag he had carried them in. Only a few pouches of water and scraps of food remained. He was unlikely to make it on his own, wings or no.
As soon as the moogle spoke Dris couldn’t help but smile a little bit and feel a pang of sympathy for it. The creature was undoubtably cute and it also seemed like it was exhausted from battling through the Golmore Jungle. “Perhaps we can bring the creature to Jote? It seems to be out of sorts…” Dris suggested to Lilis.

“The Green Word spoke that were more outsiders headed toward the Wood.” Lilis frowned at Dris, “Why should we trust this moogle. What if it lies…”

“At any rate, standing here talking about it is like leading any other outsiders that may come along at any moment right to our village.” Krim spouted out, clearly nervous but unable to make a decision. Lilis frowned coldly at the male Viera, thinking him a coward. She had never liked joining in a party with Krim, and wasn’t as close to the male Viera as she was to Dris. This feeling of dislike for another Viera had bothered Lilis for a long time, but she feared ever telling Jote about it, knowing that these feelings were a sign of disharmony.

“… I do not see any dangerous outsiders.” Dris said gracefully approaching the magic barrier and curiously peering around the vicinity, inches away from stepping through it. “I simply a small, timid creature that seems lost and scared. We cannot leave it there to be harmed by approaching evil!” Dris looked pleadingly up at Lilis. To her own frustration Lilis couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably under the lavender gaze of Dris.

“…As you wish.” Lilis said part of her wishing she could be colder toward the younger Viera but she couldn’t. There was something strangely alluring about the other female Viera’s purple tinted eyes that Lilis had found herself dreaming about for many nights now. After all, Mijrn trusted Dris and Jote their leader trusted Mijrn, thus anyone Jote trusted she, Lilis her apprentice, would trust also. Lilis would do nothing that may displease Jote, she lived for the approval and praise of the beautiful chieftess.

“You may come with us little moogle!” Dris said suddenly dispelling the barrier spell with a wave of her hand. “Make haste little one, for danger may be approaching.” She reached out her dark skinned hand, hoping not to scare the moogle off with her long, sharp nails.
Solas was about to take a step in the opposite direction, then froze in place. "Come... come with you, kupo...?" He asked, dumbfounded. Slowly and uncertainly, he turned around to face the group of towering figures. Sure... he was used to being amongst taller races - he grew up amongst them in Bhujerba. But to be the only moogle in who-knew-how-big a distance... that was more than a little intimidating.

"Y-you really mean it, kupo?" He bowed low, pompom flopping over in front of his head, before returning to its original position as he straightened back upright. "Oh, thank you so much! I-I thought I was going to be raksas food... that I'd end up in Nirvana..."

Solas's eyes scanned over the vieras thoughtfully for a moment, before he then added: "Wait... that one is male... I've never seen a male viera before..." Solas knew that they existed, but he always heard that they lived in separate societies, and going by the fact he hadn't seen any out in the cities he had visited, it was possible they were less inclined to visit such places than the females.

A mixture of wonder and relief was enough to make him dazily step in the direction of the individuals before him.
After restoring and fortifying the vision dust of the magical barrier around the village entrance with a quick incantation, Dris happily smiled at the little moogle. As he stood next to the moogle, Krim had a strange expression on his face that Dris couldn’t place, it looked like a mixture of revulsion, curiosity and fear. Had the moogle said something to Krim? Dris shrugged, remembering that Krim had once given her that same odd look when they had first met. Perhaps it was just his odd first reaction to new things. Dris couldn’t be sure if this wasn’t how all male Viera reacted or not considering that females rarely commingled with males unless there was an urging by the Green Word. Dris decided to break the awkward silence between them. “Welcome, I-“ She began to greet the moogle but stopped speaking as soon as her eyes met Lilis’s.

“Introductions must wait, young one.” Lilis inclined her head chastisingly at Dris, her ears twitching with frustration. She should know better than to waste time with introductions during such a serious predicament, Lilis may have to let Jote know about this when they all returned to the den. Dris might be very alluring and have her charming moments, but Jote had told them to make haste, and Jote’s word was more important, Lilis thought emphatically as she lead the party back through the Eruyt village. Winding quickly through the intricate forest pathways, leaves of all kinds surrounded them, flitting around the party as they finally made their way back to Jote’s den. Lilis immediately returned to Jote’s side with a status report on all that had happened.

“I see… Very well then, Thank you Lilis.” Jote said, inclining her ears toward her beloved apprentice in gratitude. Lilis did the same and smiled back gently, meeting the female Viera's gaze, feeling intoxicated by Jote’s praise. “Sisters and Brothers, as many of you have already noticed we have a visitor from the outside, a moogle.” Jote’s voice echoed sweetly through the forest. “We have nothing to fear from this one and we shall allow it to live among us until it has recovered from any injuries it has sustained. We will also allow it to trade with us.” As Jote’s speech went on, Dris couldn’t help but notice that although Jote was speaking to the Moogle it was more like she was speaking at him, not even bothering to ask it it’s name, or why it was here. “Sisters and Brothers, we must all remain alert. The Green Word warned us that strangers were coming, there may be more on the way, and hopefully they shan’t be able to penetrate our vision dust barrier and if they shall let us hope they mean us no harm.” With that Dris sat down among them, listening intently to what Lilis was whispering into her ear.

Deciding to approach the moogle to offer to use her White Magic Dris gracefully knelt down, her share flowing like a waterfall over her shoulder. “My name is Dris.” She smiled gently at the small creature, hoping she wouldn’t scare him, she was so much taller than it was. “I am a White Mage, If you are in need of healing I can help. What is your name little moogle, and are you male or female?” Curiosity emanated from every word Dris said. She had never seen a moogle before and she had no idea if these cute little furry creatures even had different sexes.
Following after the group, Solas remained in total silence, in awe as the unkempt natural jungle gave way to a spawling network of walkways. All-consuming darkness became bathing light, slipping through the boughs in a dream-like manner. Occasionally, Solas would drift off his feet and into the air to get a closer look at interesting features, lagging behind for a moment as his small wings carried his body along, only for him to then drop to the floor and hurry back to catch up.

Upon being introduced to the village inhabitants, Solas couldn't help but feel mildly annoyed. The pronoun 'it' was being thrown around far too liberally by the viera who seemed to be in charge, and it felt more than a little demeaning. Arms folded in a huff and face displaying a pout of displeasure, Solas remained grumpy throughout the address like a disgruntled child.

"I'm a boy, bhadra," Solas said to Dris in response to her questions. Though he tried his best to be polite, his tone was flat and displeased. With a bit of effort, he fought to improve it to make the words that followed sound more friendly. "My name is Solas, and I'm fine. Just a little scratched and bruise- haa! I almost forgot to ask! a viera named Svala doesn't happen to live here, does she? She's known as 'The Arrow'... races hoverbikes... she's not professional yet, but I'm sure someone will change that after seeing the race she won a couple of weeks ago, kupo..." There was an element of starstruck awe in his voice when he mentioned her.
Observing the moogle’s demeanor as his facial expression changed and he folded his arms, Dris wondered if approaching him had been a mistake. ‘Perhaps, once again, all of my questions are a bother.’ She thought shifting her siting position in uncertainty as the moogle answered that it’s name was Solas, and indeed a male moogle.

“Fascinating…” Dris whispered, unable to hide her curiosity, “Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Solas.” She smiled pleasantly at him, and listened intently as he asked her about a Viera named Svala. Totally in awe of details she did not fully comprehend, she listened intently to what Solas told her and then answered, “That name does not sound familiar to me. What is a hoverbike?”
Solas appeared to be disappointed for a moment, but given he had already resigned himself to the fact that the viera he was looking for was probably not here, his drop in mood did not last long. Instead, he puffed up his chest and put his hands on his hips, back as straight as possible in an attempt to look tall and informative.

"A hoverbike is... well it's like an airship, kupo," he explained. "It flies through the air with the use of skystones... but instead of being a flying ship, it's a small thin thing that you ride on top of. The most common ones have a big second seat on the back for passengers, and they're commonly used by sky pirates. Some people like racing them, though. Like me. I want to be a professional hoverbike racer one day." He patted himself on the chest proudly. "That or a famous airship fighter pilot. Moogles invented airships, you know."
Airship? Flying through the air? Skystones? Sky Pirates?’ These concepts were alien to Dris and oddly intriguing. Totally in awe of all of this new information, Dris’s lavender eyes grew wide as Solas told her that Moogles had invented such amazing technologies, she had never even dreamed possible. He was so small and fluffy but it was clear that he and many other Moogles had sharps wits about them.

Just as she was about to ask Solas many more questions, there was suddenly a loud, wild cry from deep within the Eruyt village. Jote immediately stood and proclaimed “That was a cry of a Marlboro!” The cheiftess tried her best to push fear out of her voice, there cry was coming nearer, and it was odd for any of the monster from the golmore jungle to be able to breach the barrier. “Lilis, and Dris, go forth and destroy the beast. Dris, dispel any status effects that the Marlboro might cast upon Lilis, while she’s fighting it. Mijrn and I shall go check the barrier ourselves, such a monster should not have been able to enter. Krim remain here and guard everyone else.” With those stern commands Jote and Mijrn swiftly ran toward the village barrier without hesitation.

“Come, Dris.” Lilis stood grasping her Cyprus Pole and coldly eyeing the Viera, that was carrying on a conversation with the little moogle. Perhaps bringing it here was a mistake, a distraction, Lilis thought, her ears twitching in annoyance as Dris felt the need to keep speaking to the little moogle. What in Ivalice were they talking about that was so important?!

Dris stood and swiftly made her way past the nervous looking Krim and toward the clearly annoyed, Lilis. ‘I wouldn’t want to put Solas in danger, but I am curious about how moogles fight off enemies. They’re so small, how do they defend themselves from anything?’ Dris thought, as she hastily gathered up more salves and cures for the battle ahead, it was always better to have more than you might need than not enough, especially when dealing with any monster that could stupefy, poison or instantly put them to sleep with it’s breath.
"Oh goodness... oh kastam..." The sound of the malboro was enough to induce deep fear in Solas. He recognised that call... and it induced a great feeling of dread in him. He immediately took a step back and stayed there, paralysed by fear. A few moments passed as he began to slowly relax, thoughts of the fact that the viera had to deal with these creatures on a regular basis easing his mind. Of course, he still remained on edge as he regained control over his furry limbs.

Looking around, Solas began to realise that there seemed to be a lot more concern in the behaviour of the village folk than he had anticipated. This in itself almost made him revert to his previous state, but he had grown wise now to his body's attempts to lock up in terror. Hovering into the air, he lifted himself just out of reach of the vieras, trying to keep out of their way. He sure as heck wasn't going to get involved in this battle. Goodness no, I'm no sainikah...

Flying toward the nearest branch, Solas plopped down and grabbed onto it tightly with all four limbs, hoping to stay as far away from the action as possible. Peering out through the leaves, he tried to see if he could catch sight of the invading monster.
Fear was palatable in the air among all the Viera that huddled together, their ears and tails alert to anymore danger that they may encounter without Jote being there to guide them. Dris noticed that Solas had flown up into a tree. She didn’t blame him, today was turning into such chaos that Dris could hardly believe that this wasn’t a nightmare.

“We must make haste.” Lilis said, irritably and then nodded in relief when Dris stood at attention before her.

“I am equipped for this battle. Lead the way Lilis.” Quickly using a haste spell upon both of them, Dris nodded affirmatively to the the party leader.

“… Keep up youngling.” Lilis immediately regretted those words and the harsh way she had delivered them to a fellow Viera, but didn’t stop running toward the cries of the Malboro, Dris following stealthily behind her.

When the two found the monster on the edge of the Spiritwood it’s multitude of eyes were pulsating as it gnawed at the pillars of the residence of the Wood Warders. Lilis immediately lunged forward with precise fury, unleashing her annoyance at the beast that was not far from where she laid her head at night. Her Cyprus pole slammed into the side of the sizable beast, knocking it on it’s side. Lilis kept stabbing into the creature, as it’s tentacles and eyes flailed stupidly as it tried to regain it’s balance.

Suddenly, noxious smelling gas emitted from the Malboro’s gaping, sharp toothed mouth as it used Counter to increase it’s own speed of attack. Immediately, the beast lunched toward Lilis, biting down into the Viera’s left arm, inflicting sever damage. Dris, doused Lilis with white light using her Cura ability to restore her health a bit. Lilis’s breath became ragged as the beast did not let go of her left arm, she hit it even harder with a combination of blows from her Cyprus Pole, hoping to free her arm from it’s toothy grasp. The repulsive beast opened it’s mouth finally releasing Lilis’s arm with a chilling roar, which quickly became a belch of it’s cloying breath right into Lilis’s face. Quickly trying to cover her nose and mouth in repulsion, Lilis was too late to action and unable to evade being suddenly put to sleep by the monster. As Lilis’s body dropped to the ground the monster didn’t seem to content to just keep attack her, it turned hastily to Dris throttling it’s body toward the White Mage.

Keeping her distance from the beast was difficult but Dris tried her best to do it. She quickly reached into her pack and aimed an Alarm Clock at Lilis’s bloody, sleeping form. Lilis shook off the sleep spell with difficulty, but stood up none the less. Trying her best to recover her balance, Lilis lunged between Dris and the Malboro, slashing at it with all of her strength. Surely this monster was almost dead, Lilis thought, surprised at how badly the creature had damaged her left arm, which bled green blood onto the forest floor. Dris casted Cura again upon the party leader, trying to keep a level headed as she couldn’t help but stare horrified at Lilis’s damaged arm. ‘We should have brought Krim with us!’ She thought feeling a bit helpless, wishing for Krim’s Black fire magic.
Solas thought about staying behind, but the idea of not knowing what was going on was scarier than being near to the monster. Not exactly a fast flier without some sort of airborne machine, it took the small moogle a while to reach visual range of the battle despite not being confined to the walkways, fluttering from branch to branch and keeping well out of the way.

From what Solas could gather as he landed on the final branch of his journey, the battle was not going perfectly for the viera; though it was unlikely the malboro was going to pull through. Even if it won, it would probably have been beset by more warriors anyway; though the lives of those fighting it right now would not be particularly secure.

Desperate to help, Solas weighed his options. He didn't know much about fighting... and even if he did join in, his daggers didn't seem like they'd be much help against such a vicious-looking foe. He didn't really know any traditional magicks, either... although he did know a song or two that seemed to have some magical effects weaved into their words. He had never used them in public before... he read about them from some ancient book he once found in a library and practised singing them in private. He knew he had a good voice...

Fluttering a little closer, Solas hovered overhead of the fight and took a deep breath. Though his voice was soft, high and shaky with sheer terror, a hearty, motivative melody drifted from his lips. At first, the song was out of tune from fear, uncertainty and hoarseness of voice. But as seconds passed, Solas focused his confidence, and his voice began to approach a more reasonable pitch. Nothing seemed to happen for a few moments - he was just a small furry being flying overhead, singing to everyone below like a mischievous child; but when he achieved pitch accuracy, an aura began to fill the air.

The emboldening words of the song were accompanied by an amplification of emotion that went beyond what mere non-magical vocals could cause. The words seemed to focus on Lilis, who Solas saw as the spearhead of the party, filling her with added confidence and strengthening her defence.
Immediately feeling a renewal of defensive energy as the Moogle’s magick melody drifted around her, Lilis slashed at the malboro with new found vigor. She would have to give her thanks to the Moogle later. Now, in the heat of battle, with the Malboro she had to focus on dodging it’s tentacles, which lunged for her eagerly. Dris immediately casted haste once again upon the party leader, allowing her to more easily dodge the Malboro’s slimy tentacles.

“Thank you Solas~!” Dris projected her voice in praise of the brave little Moogle. She hadn’t even thought to use a defense up spell on Lilis, it seemed that Dris was finally seeing that in a real battle situation keeping a quick wit and level head wasn’t so easy after all. Suddenly another solution came to her mind, and she raised her hand into the air and exclaimed a Wall incantation over Lilis “Ancient light, rise and revive! Wall!!” Feeling her White Magick energy deplete, Dris breathed heavily after invoking an invisible wall of magick that would protect Lilis from the physical attacks the Malboro tried to inflict.

“Yah!!” Lilis screamed triumphantly as the Malboro finally slumped down into a heap of sliminess upon the forest floor. Pulling her Cyprus Pole out of the creature’s side took a bit of effort, and once she had she realized the weapon had been damaged. She would have equip a new one soon.

Breathing heavily, Dris knelt against a tree trying to get her bearings. The world seemed to dance oddly as she dug deep into her pouch in search of an item that would restore her magick. How could she have forgotten something to bring an Ether?
Seeing the malboro's body slump over, Solas dropped in altitude somewhat until he was only a couple of feet above the creature's body. "I-is it dead, kupo...?" He asked, before finally dropping to the ground, his tired wings finally given a rest.

Approaching the corpse of the creature, Solas peered at it curiously, circling the monster to see it from all angles, his progress slow on account of his height. He thought about poking it, but he didn't have anything on his person long enough for him to risk it. No way was he going to get into dagger range of that thing, dead or not.

"Oh thank goodness..." Solas seemed relieved after the malboro remained still long enough for him to feel its death had been confirmed. He sat himself onto the ground in a slump, exhausted now that adrenaline and fear had both worn off. He managed one more weak glance at the malboro. "How do you like that, ksudra? You're a murkha for attacking this place, kupo. Silly raksas..." He leaned back and put his weight onto his hands, staring up at the canopy above, then let his body drift further and further backward until he was lying on his back. Eyes closed, he remained conscious, simply regaining breath and composure after all of the energy expended in flying and shivering in terror.
“Yes, it is dead.”Lilis smiled down at the little moogle, inclining her ears toward him. “Thank you little Moogle.”

“His name is Solas.” Dris told Lilis, a slight smile upon her fast although she was breathing heavily, and was holding onto a nearby low tree branch for balance.

Lilis was immediately at Dris’s side, offering her a hand for stability. Dris did not hesitate to take the Wood warder’s hand.“That was a bit foolish of you.The Wall you casted was unnecessary, I nearly had the monster down.” Lilis’s voice was stern, her eyes gleaming with worry for the younger Viera.

“I was…Only trying my best to help you.” Dris’s tried to keep her breath steady, once they returned to Jote’s den she would be able to guzzle enough elixir to restore her magick powers.

“I am aware of that.” Lilis said giving Dris a stern look, “Your intentions were good but it was unnecessary for you to drain yourself of so much magick power that it would make you feel faint like this. What if there were more Malboros? Without a way to restore yourself, do you know what could have happened to you youngling?”

Dris said silent with frustration, she knew that Lilis was saying this because she was worried about her, but it was beginning to annoy her how often she called her youngling. She wasn’t a youngling or a sapling anymore! Dris looked at herself in the passing reflection of the a small forest pool of water. She had grown taller than Mijrn long ago, and her slender frame had become curved, with hips and a large full bust which she had embarrassedly asked Mijrn about when she had suddenly woken up feeling and looking different. She was a mature Viera now, this is what she would look like for the rest of her life, Mijrn had told her this and much more, giggling a bit at Dris’s embarrassment. All these thoughts of the past swirled in Dris’s mind as she swiftly followed Lilis back to Jote’s den, where Krim was still guarding the others.
Solas remained still on the floor for a moment, realising that he hadn't really had a proper chance to relax like this since his hoverbike lost power on the outskirts of Ozmone. From the effort spent hiding the vehicle to prevent it being stolen to the disasterous trek through the jungle of Golmore, what breaks he was able to have typically involved very little actual relaxing.

Solas didn't even seem to realise that the vieras were leaving until he could no longer hear them talking. Sitting up groggily, he realised he was left alone, and took a moment to rub his eyes in an attempt to revitalise his energy. Staggering to his feet, he peered off into the distance down the walkway, then proceded to walk in the direction the vieras had gone, keeping to a slow pace - not to purposely avoid catching up, but more because he wanted to take his time and settle down into a more serene mood. He even started humming to himself to the tune of his earlier battle chant.
Dris and Lilis had nearly returned to Jote’s den when they both realized something was wrong. Dris suddenly realized that they had left Solas behind in their haste. “I’m going back to look for Solas.” Dris told Lilis, not waiting for her to respond. Dris had a feeling that Lilis was going to try to mention to her that their own kind’s well being was more important than one small moogle, but she didn’t want to hear it. Solas had saved both of them, she had to make sure he was alright and not lost in the deep wood.

Lilis sighed in frustration as Dris ran away down the path they had just traversed. There was obviously something wrong when Lilis returned to Jote’s den. Jote and Mijrn should have returned from inspecting the magick barrier by now. On top of all of this the fear among the Viera that Krim had been guarding had multiplied.

“A Malboro came out of no where and nearly all of us were confused by it’s putrid breath!” Krim pointed toward the body of the now dead creature. “I was able to torch it with my fire magic, but I had to use nearly all of the Smelling Salts we had in stock.” The male Viera flexed his muscles, trying unsuccessfully to relieve his soreness.

“I will go look for Jote and Mijrn.” Lilis said matter of factly and sternly told Krim and the other Viera, “All of us must stay alert, and defend ourselves and the wood. This is no time for flinching!” With that Lilis swiftly ran through the forest toward the magick barrier.

Dris was looking around forest paths for the little moogle. Calling his name, her was filled with concern for her new friend as she ran through the path. “Solas?! I’m sorry that we left you behind. Are you there? Solas?”
Solas hadn't fallen too far back as to get lost; and thankfully, the layout of the village wasn't too confusing. Being small and travelling slow, however, he had fallen quite a bit back from the viera, and by the time they had reached the den, he was still half-way between the Fane and the Spiritwood.

Hearing Dris call out from somewhere around the curve in the path he was currently walking, he picked up speed, switching from a zoned-out amble to an energetic plod. He kept up the pace until Dris's figure emerged from around the huge tree that the path wound around.

Slowing down, Solas stepped to the side until he was in the centre of the pathway, his snow-white, flame-colour-tipped fur easily contrasting with the brown wooden construction of the walkway. He seemed serene and sleepy, but apparently still had the energy to remain fairly lucid.

"Is something wrong, bhadra!?" Solas called out to Dris. "You seem worried, kupo!"

Moderators: Dris (played by LunaVox)