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Forums » General Discussion » Absence

As some of you have noticed, I haven't been around much. Truth be told from time to time this happens to I assume most all of us, the urge to RP dies down as other things take its place but it always comes back around!

This is me apologizing for my long hiatus but to let everyone know I plan to make an effort to be back here soon enough. :)

As for my characters, it is assumed that Rex has been called to the Capital to answer for some of his actions, only a rumor for now. Any messages sent his way through the soldiers or couriers have been promised that he'd receive them but no one has been given any replies.

Most all of my other alts are transient, so they were on hiatus from the area just like me.

Any plot points that Rex might know can be PMed or whispered to me, likely they already were.

Happy RPing!

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Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)