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Forums » Local Guard Information » A Disturbance in the Force

For those out there who have been watching and paying close attention to the soldiers and their commander this it seems Ser Rexington has been making some changes in his camp.

Following an event just before sundown those in near the sparring pit would have heard someone call the horn and summon the soldiers to arms! They surged over the bridge and there they searched the forest around the temple until after the sun dipped below the trees. By appearances alone it is easy to assume they didn't find who or what they were looking for! Despite retreating back across the bridge a pair of guards remains posted and patrolling the area.

A noble wolfhound some might recognize as the limping Lady Faelon was taken into the gaol and not let out for some time and once the Knight exited he seemed to be in a frantic state. He has since returned to his home where he has not exited since and has sent everyone away. The soldiers that are posted outside his door offer no information and no visitors. A messenger was called for and left in the morning and arrived again just before sundown with a package!

Of importance to any and all soldiers that have been under Rex's command for most of their careers a message was posted on the board within the barracks. It read as follows:

A ship was seen sailing on the horizon. Supplies and shipments will be arriving soon.

Those attempting to track or follow a pattern in troop movements would notice a sudden erratic pattern. No soldier kept the same post, patrolled the same path, or held the same shift twice. Pairs continued to walk the settlement, guard the herbivores and the tavern aswell as the gaol however. All soldiers carried their warning horn with them at all times and won't hesitate to call for reinforcements when necessary. All suspicious behavior is reported and for the moment the spectrum on what constitutes as 'suspicious' has been broadened.

[Any questions, shoot me a whisper! :D]

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(Belated Update)The manx has since been seen outside his home. In truth he only spent a few days locked up.

Since the events of over a fortnight ago he's gone from overly confident to blinded with rage depending upon the escalated events of the local area. Troop movements are as erratic as ever and they never seem to stray far from the bridge on the off chance they to check the temple. No soldier has been seen entering the forest on patrol unless accompanied by an officer with specific orders.

The soldier seem to be showing more restraint than usual in the wake of what has happened with a certain hare. Any questions regarding recent events are directed toward officers or the commander himself.

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)