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Forums » Open worlds » Main Universe RP "The Hunt"

Nothing seemed to be coming from behind them; it seemed the only thing that had noticed them yet was this being in front of them. Which, with the night vision filter, was a lot easier to make out.

It looked like a zombie. Dark wounds were on its wrists, slashed there probably by a knife and clotted with blackish blood. But not fresh by any stretch of the imagination. No, these had been here a while, same with the patterned burn marks seared into its flesh. It was hard to make out; the shirt he was wearing was threadbare and torn in places, but not enough to get a good look at the symbol.

These things might have even been excusable for a zombie, but there was an unmistakable intelligence in his face. A quickness and dexterity to its movements that zombies just didn't possess, and those chucklevoodoo purple eyes. Luckily, he didn't seem capable of producing the effect himself... but that didn't stop him. He ignored the tranq darts completely, except that they got his attention on Daxton. He went for the Enforcer, going for the throat.

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-luckily daxton's reaction time was excellent, he moved down and ducked the charging slash. Thrusting his arm up right after the extension, to pistol whip the beast upside the head with the pistol that had contained the tranq darts. At the same time pushing the holy bullet pistol into their gut and plugging in several shots of the holy bullets along their gullet and then up into their skull-

"chuckle voodoo"
"got it"

-placing your weapons back into their pin, you instead draw you spare sacrificial knife. Dripping the blood from the cuts it had gotten into on your arm to the blade. Muttering a brief incantation over it, you move in and plunge the dagger into it's side. A hex to cancel out other voodoo's with your own placed on the blade as you drive it in. Use the cover of daxton's own attack to get in close for the strike-
Between those two things, it dropped, really dead this time. Daxton was now more or less covered in decaying purple blood now and a couple chunks of guts, but that was to be expected really.

Which meant that he matched the "walls" of the tent. Especially down towards the bottom, they had been soaked in blood of lower caste colors. It was dried, though; there was nothing recent there. It looked like this place had been put up for ritual sacrifice, though. A table was to the side of the room, with wooden bowls of dried blood, a small stack of books, a couple jars of things. On the other side, some stakes had been driven into the ground on the inside, and it looked like there was a figure there. She was dead, or maybe just unconscious and tied to the stake. But even in this dim light, to Valorn she looked vaguely familiar.
*you nod to daxton to take a closer look at the figure with his shades* (his special eyes)
-Nodding, you adjust the filter of your shades and take a closer look at the figure. Trying to make out any details, such as any odd markings like the other creature. Wanting to see if it might jump up before they approached it-
On closer inspection, she was breathing. Which was a good sign, probably. She was lying on her chest, so it was impossible to see if there were any marks there, but her wrists seemed mostly fine. Reddened, and just a little cut up, probably from struggling against her restraints. But other than that, she just remained unconscious.
"go take a closer, look. I'll watch the door. Those shots likely got the attention of everything else in this camp. Be cautious"

-Saying that, you re-filter you shades for a stronger night vision for the darkness outside. You also quickly unscrew your silencer, finding it pointless at this point, and swap out the tranq darts for a clip of traditional ammo. In total now having both pistols unsilenced, one loaded with holy bullets, and one loaded with regular bullets-
-nodding to daxton, you draw a new set of weapons again...this time a baton and a pistol...sheathing the baton in your belt in favor of the knife you had put the anti-vodo blessing on...and you go to approach the unconscious figure, keeping a careful eye out on the rest of the tent around you-
She shifts a little, but makes no move to get up. In a few minutes, she might come back to, but not quite yet.

Amazingly enough, it's that one troll you ship with her partner/assistant, Swaije. Since you trapped Hasche in that voodoo doll, you hadn't seen the two of them. But, here she is. With Nietve nowhere in sight. Strange.

Outside, there's... no activity. The light is still flickering from purple to pink and back again, but nothing seems to be coming out. Which is... strange.
-You didn't like this, like at all. This had bad news written all over it. You stay on your guard-
-Valorn sighed and stared down at the troll. Half tempted to just leave her there. He had told her to stay out of shady black magic shit like this, and look where she got herself landed now. Still...he wasn't heartless and she might know something, so pulling a pin from snatch...he retrieved a bottle of smelling salts he kept on him for certain rituals...well...they weren't actually smelling salts per say, but they had a strong enough stench to have the same sort of effect, and he waved them under her nose. Without undoing the bonds yet-
Swaije awoke with a start, jerking back without thinking about it, or would have. Having her hands tied up didn't do her any favors, and she fell on her face when she tried to sit up. Still, she wasted no time in trying again, this time managing it more gracefully. The small troll shook her hair out of her face, and it was obvious she wasn't expecting to see Valorn there. Her expression betrayed confusion, annoyance, and an amount of fear. Though that could just as easily have to do with her position tied up in this blood stained tent as it could with Valorn himself.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" she asked, sounding more perplexed than anything else.

Was that... a trickle of smoke coming out of the middle tent?

-they were trying to burn the place out before he could reach the hard drive-

"valorn you deal with this, I've got to go and save the usb. Looks like they might be trying to burn us out before we can get to it"

-Taking the spare pistol strapped to his back, he clipped a set of the holy bullets into it. Turned on the safety and gently kicked it across the ground over to valorn, before taking off to the main tent-
"got it, don't get yourself killed or your shelia will ring my neck"

-Valorn picked up the pistol and pocketed it for now, before turning back to Swaije-

"I was going to ask you the same question. I'm here to pay off a debt to the dude with the guns. Anyways, I thought I told you to stay away from all this black magic bullshit. Before I untie you, I want to hear what the fuck is going on. What was that thing we killed?"

-Valorn said nodding towards the dead chucklevoodoo zombie on the ground-
"I am /not/ a part of this," Swaije asserted fiercely. "The stuff with Hasche was a mistake, one that I'm trying to fix, alright? I figured the people that set me up with Hasche and Nietve were up to more dark stuff, so I was following one of them... and it led me here. At the time, there was stuff going on, so I decided to come back later... and they caught me. It's a good fucking thing this place is getting burned down, but we gotta get the hell outta here. They're using ritual sacrifices to make the zombies better, and my guess is that all hell's about to break loose."

The main tent was working itself into a blaze, and a black and yellow Sassy darted out from the tent, lighting things on fire as she went. She was being chased by several zombies, all of which bore scorch marks, and two of the three of them had clothes that were on fire. Which seemed to be very, very bad for them; the parts of them that were on fire weren't functioning at all.

In total, there were fourteen that were either out of the tent, or in the process of coming out of it. Several were on fire in one way or another, and a few of them spotted Daxton and made to charge him.
Daxton did not have time for this. Subtly was pretty much gone at this point, so fuck it.

Reaching into his armory modus, he got out an assault rifle and plugged in his holy rounds. The assault modus doing the rest and converting the round to the appropriate ammo type. Which he promptly plugged into the dead-heads skulls...before ducking into the burning tent.

He had to find the usb quickly before either he melted or it did...he just had to hope the fire resistance on his suit held up. No way in hell was he going to have done all this for nothing
Valorn seemed to stop and consider this all for a few moments

"alright, believe it or not...against my better judgement I believe you. We have a ship waiting nearby. I get you untied, you help us find the usb...we keep you safe and get you out of here, deal?"

Taking his knife from earlier, he was quick to slice her bonds and offer her a hand up.

"where the fuck is your partner anyways?"
She got up and rubbed her wrists, nodding her agreement to help.

"He's at the hive we're staying in. Doesn't know I'm here; thought it would be better not to say anything. Since your partner is dealing with the middle tent, we should check the side one. I saw her go in there, anyway. You have a knife or something I could borrow? They took mine."

The holy bullets seemed to slow them down, but they didn't stay that way. It took only a few seconds for them to get back up, and follow after him.

Going around the side, there weren't many zombies aside from the few that had seen him, which were /not/ inclined to follow him into that death trap. There were still some inside, crowding around trying to get out, but were too concerned with that to notice him yet.

Inside, there was fire. It looked like it had started in one of the middle pews, and spread from there. It licked up the sides of the tent, and the fire burned more towards the entrance; presumably, Sassy had lit herself a path when she had made her exit from the tent. There was a pulpit at the front, along with the typical Mirthful Messiahs religious bullshit, but no desk. When this place wasn't on fire, it probably looked pretty low class, with the dirt floors and old wooden furniture.
Good to know, since they obviously seemed afraid of the fire however. Daxton made the quick switch from holy bullets, to incendiary rounds. Firing a line of them at the feet of the zombies that were chasing him in an effort to ward them off.

Beyond that he kept moving. Drawing up part of his shirt to help ventilate smoke, he did a quick dash past the pulpit, to make sure that his captive hadn't meant that, checking inside at a quick glance, before darting his way back out the other side of the tent, under the canvas just like he had gotten in. He still had one more tent to check after all....the hopefully was a little less on fire

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod