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So! I'm guessing that some of these characters have been at the orphanage for a while, in some capacity. So should we establish loose character relationships?

For example, Marle here has been working with the orphanage for a couple years, but only in the past 8 months or so has she taken a more direct role. Before then she mostly provided medical supplies and aid in emergencies. She ended up growing attached.

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I'm not 100% sure yet on how long I would say Kiro's been at the orphanage, but I'm thinking he probably hasn't been there for too long (possibly under a year; 2 years at most). Prior to that, he'd have been living on the streets for a good few years, living off a combination of survival-motivated thievery and receiving payment for helping people out from time to time.

Kiro's typically quite cold when it comes to relationships. He's not mean or nasty and he does occasionally crack a smile; but he's not really one for getting particularly close and tends to spend much of his free time alone.

He'd probably get a reputation for being a loner but also as someone to turn to for matters involving getting into places (to retrieve lost items etc... e.g. kites stuck on a roof or balls that have gone over walls or toys stuck in trees... as well as more... clandestine things involving locked doors or chests, but only when he believes the reason for doing so is morally justified) and other areas where his simian agility and thievery skills might be of use. He's also fairly smart in the realms of mathematics and basic sciences; and whilst his lack of past education might mean he's no use to those of his age or older, he might be someone younger kids might turn to for help with such matters.

I'd also imagine Kiro would be picked on for his height, which is quite poor for his age, as well as his unimpressive physical strength and how touchy he gets over those subjects.
Great thread idea! I was conflicted as to whether to play Bialis as a newer orphan or an established presence, but I feel many will want to be The New Kid, so:

Bialis was sent to the orphanage after spending a few days in prison for petty theft; the standing law where he was arrested demanded hard labour in prison and a fine from the parents for young thieves, but as he stated his parents were dead (and no parents could be found who claimed him as a missing child, in the event he was lying), he was taken out of prison and sent to the orphanage with a stern warning and a number of bruises and scrapes.

He has been in the orphanage a few weeks now. His reputation is mixed; some caretakers and children alike regard him as a temperamental criminal, others as distant and odd, others take no issue with him and find him sweet. However he does have a rather bad reputation for loud night terrors; they don't occur every night, maybe once or twice a week, but often enough that few want to sleep in the same dormitory where the screaming, flailing Scarf Boy will keep them up.

Also note I will be playing him a bit younger than his character page states.
Well, Poppy would've probably been here for about four years. Before arriving at the orphanage she was living in the streets off of petty crimes, stealing gold, food and prized possessions of pedestrians she came across. Poppy is mostly a nuisance but can be quite well behaved, when she wants to. She is also very cheeky and smart. She is a bit of a troublemaker and loves to cause chaos. Poppy enjoys the company of people around her and mostly hates being by herself. Poppy enjoys annoying people, breaking things and exploring.
I'm thinking Ethel's been at the orphanage for three months, still adjusting to life on the surface and not the Underdark, His older brother left him at the orphanage before disappearing, being unable to raise him anymore.

Being a drow he has some odd views on the world and is still adjusting to how other's think and why spiders are actually a problem. Overall he's very friendly to everyone comes across, loves joining forces with other kids to play games and make mischief. He's very attention seeking and gets destructive if not mentally enriched (like a cockatoo) Is generally very sweet but gets stubborn and aggressive if someone threatens to cut his hair.

I'm thinking people have mixed opinions about him, just cause tormenting habits, but I'm thinking a few fellow mischief makers might join forces with him :)
Feral is probably that thing they found on a side of the road and everyone thought was a stray dog, but ended up being a kid.

Lol but jokes aside, feral is probably fairly new as well. Not as much as to still try and attack the caretakers or refuse to wear normal clothing, but still unaccustomed enough to try running away when he has the chance. As regarding his reputation, I haven't thought a lot about it but it's probably not very good given his overall nasty and aggressive attitude, as well as his difficulty to grow warmer to others.
Lin's probably been there a little less than Poppy, I'll go ahead and say three years. He arrived there after being separated by his family by several years of being owned like some sort of living magic lamp.

He really is a kind-hearted kid, and being on the older side I can see him being a popular source of help for the adults, though he does have some stress management problems; I can see a mixed view from the younger kids. Yeah, he'll start up games and go out and find a basket of berries for everyone, but if anyone gets hurt or starts a fight, he has no idea how to handle it and nine times out of ten will end up making things worse.

I can imagine him having some sort of friendship with Marle by now, considering how his scars have a tendency to split open, and that's just a mess. I don't know about Bialis, but he undoubtedly trips off his magic sensitivity, although it's certainly not dark or blood magic.

I mean he probably just ends up annoying people due to the fact that they have to shout for him to understand what they're saying.
Linwood: Bialis would have definitely initially shied almost as if magnetically from Linwood's presence, because of detectable magic. However... well hell, I can save secondary reaction for RP!

Ethel: Bialis would probably like Ethel, and look on him friendly enough to help him save a spider on one or two occasions. (Though Bialis would totally kill black widows... out of Ethel's sight.)

Marle: Bialis has been weird around Marle. He hasn't really spoken to her -- he doesn't seek out her care -- but he has repeatedly gone near her then retreated before saying anything.

Not creating connections with every char, just a scattered few I think :3
Ok! I think for the most part, Marle is neutral towards your characters, though definitely not cold or standoffish. She probably dotes on Poppy a little bit, and regards Lin as a friend and a useful helper. I think she also really wants to get through to Feral.
Poppy pretty much likes everyone and is a bit unbalanced on Kiro. Marl would probably be one of her favorite caretakers.
I was thinking that raven joined the orphanage after having been found in the bushes in the middle of the wilderness. Before joining the orphanage, she got by mainly by trying to find food in the woods. Whenever she would reach a town, she would do what she could. however, constantly being ignored by people often meant she had to resort to thievery and manipulation. she was bullied by other children in her home town, and was abandoned by her family because she could was considered a witch for her ability to use magic.

Raven hasn't been at the orphanage for very long. maybe about a month or still. shes still trying to adjust to life inside the orphanage. shes extremely shy at first, and doesn't know how to react around others. she loves to play games, but because she doesn't know how to act around other people, she comes across as weird sometimes even if she doesn't mean to be. because of this, whenever shes alone, she likes to practice and play with what magic she can. she really wants to make friends, but just doesn't know how.
Hoping to keep Kal simple enough! She could have been stumbled upon and dropped off at the orphanage just a few weeks ago, being a feral child of only three years. Cautious of the grown ups but curious about the fellow children, her understanding of Common is limited thus far. :)
I love the idea of Marlemier trying to be close to Feral! it will be good for him to have an adult figure to respect that isn't a pagan, forest dwelling bandit lol
As for the others....I want him to have frieds and chums, but i think that it will better if he gains them during rp more than having them before hand given his demeanor ;v;
Loving everyone's ideas, characters and contributions ^_^! Ethelian will be scared around the more animalistic folk, he has a fear of dogs and a good amount of mammals. So if Marle approaches him, he will be running from her.All none human adults don't really sit well with him, he's not unkind to them, just gets skittish and is disobedient.

He's slightly obsessive about interacting with humans and other humanoids because 'woo! new species' So I can totally see him being a bit of a nuisance especially to the older ones like Bialis (You have earned his approval if you respect the Spiders) He'll probably go bother Poppy as well because she looks fun.

Possibly brother up Kalene and try to help her with language and reading. He's a bit spooked by Linwood.
That sounds great! I can't wait to get started.
Gimbold is a fairly new arrival. She's probably been there for a week.

She arrived by post, literally. A mailman had showed up with her in a sack and left her there with a note.


With her was a letter from her mother explaining that she could no longer care for her, listing Gimbold's name, a couple of coins to cover her travel and food, and a instructions not to write back as she will no longer be able to answer. Gimbold was also told by her mother that she was going on an adventure and was not told that her mother had passed. The letter also requests she keep the illusion that she's adventuring and that the girl is illiterate.

She's fairly out going and adventurous, and despite being new, has climbed practically every tree around the orphanage and is a bundle of energy. She is however polite and accommodating if easily excitable.
Well, in a show of fuzzy solidarity, Marle thinks that Gimby is just the bee's knees 8D
Gim might actually cling more to Marle out of familiarity... more so the tail than anything. Squirrels unite.
Gimby all like "tail yes ... tufty ears yes ... MASSIVE CLAWS NOOO"
Linwood wrote:

Just a idea, but may be it would interesting for Lin and Feral to have some sort of relationship? After all booth seem to have deep connections with nature, and Feral would be probably curious about Linwood's horns too

Also still up for Feral looking up to Marle xD