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Forums » Truly OOC Discussion » Aaaand Character Time!

Well, you might now have guessed by the supernatural and otherwise entirely random addition of fire to the equation that characters are going to be introduced very soon.

Please, not all at once.

Should we discuss here who wants to introduce which characters, or would you rather we wait a bit longer before giving our alter-egos a chance in the spotlight?


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Well, you might now have guessed by the supernatural and otherwise entirely random addition of fire to the equation that characters are going to be introduced very soon.

Please, not all at once.

Should we discuss here who wants to introduce which characters, or would you rather we wait a bit longer before giving our alter-egos a chance in the spotlight?

I would like to introduce them when the group has had a chance settle down and catch their breath. :) Maybe they end up in a village or something where their characters can meet them?
I agree with Sanne, and I also would like to say that I think it might be best to let us tease in our characters as they become pertinent. While the group(s) stand a decent chance of running into my character Sam way out in the woods, they wouldn't meet, say... Arthur, until they were in a large city, if they even came to one. I can think of a few other characters from other players that would likely work much the same way.
I too agree with Sanne. This has been a great opening so far and there's still that sense of mystery going on. Meeting a handful of characters to begin with would be excellent once the groups are safe.

Maybe to prevent an overwhelming wave of characters we could implement some sort of limit of how many characters we'll encounter depending on the area we're in. Like for instant, should we end up in a small village, there could be a limit of three characters maximum in order to prevent overcrowding.
A moderation of character introductions would be best, I believe. Though if I could decide on my character's appearance, I would have them be the last character to be introduced.
I agree with all of this. Especially Rynh on the limit of characters. ::slips back into the darkness::
Okay, great! Thanks for the feedback.

So, we keep doing the frantic forest fire everyone runs for their life in a different direction scenario.

Brilliant! I'll post shortly. ;)

For now, we won't introduce characters just yet. I'll let you guys know when we let them in, and we can see who wants their character to be included. (Maybe we could vote or something, I dunno. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.)

Well, guys, I've kicked over the first domino, so to speak.

Give it a few posts and then we'll let the charas slowly start flooding in. (Please, only one per player for now.)

