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The dragon blowed away Alessi with its Blue Fire Breath successfully! Dust formed clouds and surrounded the dragon in a cyclone-like manner, and after concealing the dragon, it shrank.

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When the cloud of dust shrank to Inori's size, it disappeared revealing Inori, unharmed
Tatsuya Mikio wrote:
mf jojo reference?1?/11
Kayo is now knocked out and bleeding, still holding on to Hotaru.
"We need to get Kayo to a doctor and quick!" Hotaru said as she cut down her other kimono sleeve to bandage Kayos wound. She also grunted due to her aching leg injury.
Kayo groans in pain, butterfly lands on hotaru's hand. It looks at her and relaxes a bit, you can feel a overwhelming sadness coming from it.
He lay on the ground, heavily wounded from both attacks.
Okuyasu wrote:
Tatsuya Mikio wrote:
mf jojo reference?1?/11
. ( This card is from another anime,I'll mention the name after the ro ends, if you want, I can PM you. )
Tatsuya Mikio wrote:
*shows it to the villain*
Random Villian 1: The Fool Card?!? So you're the one who-
"Tut-tut! No need to bring my past here!"
Arielle is shocked, she never imagined he had a power like that.
Random Villain 1: "Oh? So you're sealing the use of magic? *laughs* That means you won't be able to use magic yourself either, right? How can a mage fight without using magic??" *laughs*
"oh? You think so? Then, prove it! Get me with all you have!"
Random Villain 1: *smirks* "This IS fun! Of course I'll beat you up!"
Random Villain 1: *Keeps his fist ready and charges from the left*
*He blocks the fist with one hand right when it comes close to him. The Villain loses a chance to hit him*
*He holds the Villain's both hands and flips him perfectly, the Villain ends up behind him, his nose bleeding*
Random Villain 1: "Ow! Is that how you're playing? This is not over yet!" *gets up and charges once again*
Tatsuya does nothing but smirk, and blocks the next punch in a way similar to before, and says, "Is that all you've got? It's my turn now, then!"
"Magical Punch!" He says, but rather kicks the Villain so hard, that he gets thrown away to the wall, and the wall cracks.

Moderators: CeciliaAlcott22 Inori Saegusa (played by RoyalWisdom)