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(I expect that you've watched MHA? Harith's speed is comparable to Gran Torino's)

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A while later, that shadow attempted to catch Inori as quietly as possible, and Inori tries to jump and dodge..
(another tough move; if the dice rolls 1, or 2, Inori fails, if it is 3 or 4, then Inori is able to dodge, but she gets hurt lightly. If its 5 or 6, then its a perfect dodge!)
"Inori tries to jump and dodge.."
rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5.

Note: Jump and Dodge!!

Inori dodged successfully, and said, "I knew it!"
(you have three turns to complete one hard move using dice roll, whew, Inori barely dodged!)
Wakumi was also quick to notice the shadow spreading towards them and erected up her Spirit Barrier, blocking the attack.
"I don't get it...Why do you want me so bad?" Inori asked
"Miss nurse, " Inori referred to Wakumi, " Please heal Kayo and Hotaru. Harith and I will push that idiot back to his place!"
"That scumbag is still concious?!" Hotaru gritted her teeth. She then looked at Wakumi: "Watch out, if that shadow catches you, it quickly regresses your age!"
Inori Saegusa wrote:
"Miss nurse, " Inori referred to Wakumi, " Please heal Kayo and Hotaru. Harith and I will push that idiot back to his place!"

"Okay." Wakumi nods and takes out some medicine and bandages from her bag. "Let me see the wounds."

She then proceeds to treat their injuries.
Harith jumped from wall to wall , thus getting Alessi's attention, "Now, Mr. Smartie! Try to catch me or shoot me!" and proceeds jumping from wall to wall, He moved so fast that he couldn't be seen properly.
Inori understood that Haith bought him time, and started thinking, deep in her mind, "A dragon didn't work, what do I transform into? I use my skins? No, wait...He uses a PISTOL.."
Inori takes this chance to transform ...
...transform into a well-armed TANK!
"WHY WON'T YOU ALL DIE!?" He would pick up his hatchet as the weapon forms in the shadow's hand. The shadow travels across the wall as it waits for Harith to land in one spot. "NOW!" The shadow would consciously slice Harith, making him fall to the ground.
He would take something else out of his vest, a dagger.
(Harith nver said he landed...)
A well built tank! Its bulletproof, and there was no one in it, since Inori transformed into a non- living thing.
"Phew, that was close! The REAL Harith gasped, seeing his COPY being hit by the bullet and vanishing like a cloud..

Moderators: CeciliaAlcott22 Inori Saegusa (played by RoyalWisdom)