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What do you mean *starts eating cookie*
"Its just im not used to being weak."
Well I guess you might be using your powers too much *picks her up carrying her out the school over to the dorms* I guess I'm used to it living with Gavin
"Its not that i haven't used my powers as much as normal. I meant to asked what happened between you and gavin?"
(tw: smoking)

The undead human lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Of course he shouldn't be smoking in a school, but this is his way to get back at Ghostbur for enrolling himself in a stupid school. He'd just get him in trouble for it. Simple as that.

Hiding Clary's calls in the back of his head, Wilbur peered into the nurse's office. He knew people would mistake him for Ghostbur. That always happened. He hated how Ghostbur looked like him, but like I mentioned earlier, Ghostbur is a piece of Wilbur's soul.
Oh hi ghostbur
(continued tw: smoking)

The undead human entered the room, his bright red eyes staring directly at Gavin. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled. Then he put it back in. "You know, I think Ghostbur was hanging out with you earlier."

"Oh, shut up. I'm not gonna (cuss)ing hurt them! You're overreacting." Wilbur spoke, raising his voice. It was unclear who he was talking to, but he didn't seem to like them at all.
oh your not ghostbur
Wilbur nodded, taking off one of his fingerless gloves. His hand was scarred, and had remnants of some blue dye. "Pathetic (cuss) always cried into his hands." He said, putting a different, yet matching fingerless glove.

This glove had a few wires, some dried hot glue on the first two knuckles, and metal prongs attached to the hot glue. It also had a button on the index finger. "You know, this was incredibly easy to make. I'm surprised I was even allowed to keep it in the first place." The undead human said, punching the air and pressing the button with his index finger. A crackle of electricity came from the prongs on the first two knuckles. Seemed the glove acted as a taser.
*gets to get up as he is still a big sleepy*What are you doing with that?
"Testing it." He said blandly. "I've gotta use it someday. There's this kid. He's (cuss)ing annoying, but he's crucial in my plan. After all, it's the best way to get what you want." Wilbur smirked.

"If this lamb's legs are bled and scratched, nurture and place a cotton pad. I'll run and bite my tail and say, 'I'm sorry' time and time again. I'll rip my stuffing out and I will cry for you to put it back. Do we use stitches or glue? What is going to see me through?" Ghostbur's voice sang, but he wasn't even there. It just lingered in a ghostly manner.

(Song used: Little Lamb - Jazmin Bean)
Oh no you don't *he tackles him*
Wilbur jammed him in the gut with the taser glove.

(Not sure what else to write, but I'd write more if I could perform more actions lol-)
*gets down on his knees*ahh what is in it *faints*
Wilbur got up and dusted his trenchcoat off. "(Cuss), you made my coat dirty." He said rudely, as if the coat was the only thing that really mattered to him. It obviously wasn't, but that's what he wanted others to think.

Ghostbur drifted up from Wilbur's shoulder, still attached. "You promised you wouldn't hurt him!" Ghostbur exclaimed, to which Wilbur chuckled. "He'll be fine."
Suddenly, Wakumi got behind Wilbur and struck him hard at the back of his head with her closed folding fan.

"No fighting in my office, punk!"

She was pissed. Not only because Wilbur hurt Gavin, but also it happened in her office.
(I will be gone today, but would return in the afternoon)
(K. To everyone: of you somehow feel the RP is weird, feel free to inform, 'k?)
I had fallen asleep shortly after and woke up to find myself back to normal. That was a good thing except for the fact that my clothes were at home, and I had to get a shower at least that's what was on my mind until I heard Gavin's voice in my head thinking about Wilbur. I had to find someone else thoughts so I immediately went to Ghost and Wakumi's minds that was the fastest way to know everything was ok, but that didn't stop me from getting up and walking to them. I had calmed down but I was worried if Gavin kept getting hurt well I didn't wanna know where that was gonna go. I was also trying to find Crimson but I would look later right now I had a goal and that was to find Gavin and try to figure out how in the world to get better control.
This was enough to send Wilbur out of the room. When he had gotten out, Ghostbur had given Wilbur a slap as well. "You need some blue." Ghostbur said as Wilbur had walked away.

Ghostbur shrunk back into Wilbur as Wilbur dragged his hand along the lockers, then finally finding Ghostbur's empty one. He stabbed a knife through it and walked away. Wilbur smirked, knowing Ghostbur would be mad. And it was pretty hard to make Ghostbur mad.

Moderators: CeciliaAlcott22 Inori Saegusa (played by RoyalWisdom)