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Forums » Businesses » The Bitter Dragon

Name: The Bitter Dragon
Location: West of Thornmouth, The Sundering Sound
Type: Pub
Hours: 12 Noon - 2AM, Closed Sundays

A shady little pub outside of the jurisdiction of any town, tucked into the curve of a riverbend northwest of Oberon’s Rest. It’s precariously placed along the edge of the border crossing into western lands, a line marked by the river-strait itself where unseelie patrols can often be seen on the other side. A stark contrast to even The Wide Toad, the interior of this building is cramped and poorly lit, most seats occupied in the evening. It is as rough as the crowd that frequents it, patrons a mix of those who toe the line of social acceptability, forest district locals, off-duty border guards, and the occasional instructor from Steeplestone Academy.

While well known for its brawls and being in a location that asks for trouble, it is more positively known for its incredible meat pies and homebrew beer.

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89