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Inventory (ARPG ONLY)

* Weapons
* Bags/Pouches
* Mount Equipment
* Scrolls
* Herbs
* Potions
* Armor
* Meat
* Hides
* Crystals
* Artifacts
* Spellbook (Y / N)
Spells listed here

Classes and Level and Stats

* Class: (Your chosen class you start with. Multi class can happen and if combined with something else can make a entirely new class altogether. Such as warlock.)

* Level: (How many levels your character has. With each lvl depending on class chosen, you will gain a boost in either health, mana or both)

* Health: (How long your character can stand and do actions till he/she/they pass out.) 0

* Mana: (How many spells your character can cast till they run out of their own magic pool.) 0

Moderators: Michonne benzy Pretty_Bird BunnyButt Beraias