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A explanation of each class. An explanation of the GS and how it works in regard to classes or skills. ARPG USE ONLY. OPTIONAL

Caster Classes

The Mage is a Daegni class that delves deep into the arcane arts, honing their skills in spellcasting. They possess a vast repertoire of spells, similar to sorcerers and wizards in other realms. Mages undergo rigorous training to learn and master various magical disciplines, including elemental manipulation, illusion, enchantment, and divination. They have a keen understanding of the intricate workings of magic and can channel its power through intricate spellcasting gestures, incantations, and the harnessing of mystical energies. Mages are capable of casting devastating offensive spells, protective wards, and supportive enchantments, making them versatile and indispensable assets in battles, quests, and magical endeavors.

Warlocks are a unique subset of Daegni who have forged pacts or made dark bargains with powerful entities. They possess a rare balance between combat prowess and arcane spellcasting. Warlocks draw their magical powers from their otherworldly patrons, be it an ancient Fey entity, a malevolent being from the Shadow Plane, or even a mysterious deity. This connection grants them a range of potent spells and eldritch invocations. Warlocks are skilled in both physical combat and harnessing their patron's dark powers, allowing them to wield hexes, curses, and devastating magical attacks on the battlefield.

Druids are Daegni who have forged a profound bond with nature and possess the ability to tap into its primal forces. They specialize in nature magic, being able to manipulate the elements, commune with animals, and shape-shift into various forms. Druids are protectors of the natural world and hold deep knowledge of plants, animals, and the cycles of the Feywyld. They can call upon the raw power of earth, air, fire, and water, using it to heal, summon natural allies, and unleash devastating nature-based spells. Additionally, some druids specialize in the art of beast training, forming powerful bonds with the creatures of Feywyld and using their magic to communicate and command them.

Rangers are Daegni who excel in archery and survival skills, combining their combat prowess with a deep connection to the natural world. They are expert hunters, trackers, and scouts, relying on their heightened senses and exceptional bow skills to navigate and protect their lands. While they do not possess traditional spellcasting abilities, Rangers can tap into the mystical energies of nature, granting them enhanced accuracy, speed, and agility. They have a unique bond with animals and can form partnerships with specific creatures, training them to be loyal companions and using them in battle.

Clerics are Daegni who have devoted themselves to the service of the Gods and the preservation of their ancient knowledge. They possess deep insights into Daegni history, the pantheon of Demi Gods and Goddess Titiana, and the rich tapestry of Feywyld's history. Clerics have a strong connection to divine magic and can draw upon their faith to perform miraculous acts. They can specialize in either healing and protection, wielding restorative spells to mend wounds and offer blessings, or in combating the undead, harnessing divine energy to banish darkness and smite the unholy.
Combat Classes

Warriors are skilled combatants who specialize in various combat styles. They encompass a range of specializations, including wild and untamed barbarians known for their primal rage and brute strength, as well as holy paladins who channel divine magic to smite their enemies and protect their allies. Warriors are guardians and defenders of the Daegni people, standing at the forefront of battles and embodying different aspects of martial expertise. While they may not possess spellcasting abilities like other classes, Warriors are formidable fighters who rely on their physical prowess, weapon mastery, and tactical acumen to overcome their foes.
Merchant Classes

Crafters are Daegni who possess exceptional skill and mastery in a particular craft. They specialize in creating exquisite and magical items through their craftsmanship, be it weapons, armor, jewelry, or enchanted artifacts. Crafters combine their knowledge of materials, magical techniques, and artistic talents to produce highly sought-after creations. They often sell their crafted goods, catering to adventurers and other individuals in need of high-quality equipment and magical items. Crafters can also be commissioned for specific tasks, such as creating customized enchanted objects or repairing ancient relics.

Wanderers are versatile Daegni who do not specialize in a specific class but possess a diverse range of skills and knowledge. They are often farmers, cleaners, or gatherers of society, undertaking various tasks that benefit their community. Wanderers have the flexibility to adapt and fulfill different roles as needed. They are adept at gathering intelligence, exploring historical documents, and acting as mercenaries when necessary. Wanderers may possess a mix of skills and abilities drawn from the main classes mentioned above, allowing them to contribute in diverse ways to the Daegni society.

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