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The Subclasses of Daegni. Once one class has been achieved of 5 levels in, you can choose whatever else subclass you'd like. As an example, if I have 5 levels of mage, I can choose a mage subclass, or I can choose a entirely different subclass altogether. If a subclass has a requirement, it will be listed (bold words here) at the end of the subclass explanation. Please regard this. ARPG USE ONLY. OPTIONAL

Magic Subclasses


The Sorcerer is a formidable spellcaster who possesses innate magical abilities. They draw upon their internal energy, known as sorcery points, to cast spells and manipulate arcane forces. Sorcerers are known for their raw power and versatility, allowing them to cast multiple spells per day without the need for extensive preparation. However, their magic is fueled by intense emotions and can be unpredictable, leading to bursts of extraordinary power or uncontrollable outbursts. Sorcerers are often seen as powerhouses of magic but may struggle with maintaining a calm and stable temperament.

The Wizard is a dedicated scholar of magic, specializing in the acquisition and understanding of spells. They devote significant time and effort to study and research, accumulating a vast repertoire of spells and arcane knowledge. Wizards rely on spellbooks to prepare their spells in advance, carefully selecting and memorizing the spells they need for any given situation. While they may not possess the same stamina as Sorcerers, Wizards excel in their ability to learn and comprehend various forms of magic. They are meticulous in their approach, casting spells with precision and often favoring logic and intellect in their spellcasting.


The Gloaming Warlock delves into the darker side of magic, forging a pact with a powerful Demi-Goddess. They draw upon the forbidden and forbidden powers, harnessing shadows, curses, and forbidden knowledge. The Gloaming Warlock has a unique connection to their patron, often bound by a dark and complex relationship. They wield eldritch powers granted by their patron, allowing them to cast spells that manipulate shadows, drain life force, and command the forces of darkness. Gloaming Warlocks are often seen as enigmatic figures, embracing the mysteries and risks associated with their pact.

The Gleaming Warlock specializes in the lighter side of magic, entering into a pact with a benevolent Demi-God. They channel divine energy and radiant power, becoming vessels of divine favor and protection. The Gleaming Warlock's patron grants them the ability to cast spells that harness the power of light, healing, and celestial forces. They are often guided by a sense of justice and uphold the principles of goodness and righteousness. Gleaming Warlocks are seen as beacons of hope and guardians against the encroaching darkness.


The Feral Druid is known for their shapeshifting abilities, allowing them to transform into various animal forms. They have a deep connection with the natural world and draw their power from it. Feral Druids can assume the shape of different animals, granting them enhanced physical attributes and specialized abilities. However, they cannot maintain these forms for extended periods, and they do not retain weapons or other magical items while in their non-magical forms. Feral Druids are versatile and excel in adapting to different situations, utilizing their animal forms to hunt, explore, and survive in the wilds.

The Civilized Druid takes a different approach, focusing on harnessing the power of nature magic and forming a bond with an animal companion. They are masters of the elements, capable of manipulating earth, air, fire, and water to their advantage. While they may lack the shapeshifting abilities of their Feral counterparts, Civilized Druids make up for it with their deep understanding of natural forces and their close companionship with animals. They fight alongside their animal companion, using nature magic to bolster their own abilities and aid their allies.


The Hunter is a skilled tracker and archer, specializing in ranged combat and survival skills. They excel in using bows and arrows, accurately striking their targets from a distance. Hunters possess exceptional tracking abilities, allowing them to navigate the treacherous terrain of the Feywild and locate their prey. They are highly adaptable and possess a deep understanding of the wilds, making them formidable adversaries in both hunting and combat.

The Wildling Ranger combines martial prowess with enchanted weaponry and an animal companion. They are skilled archers and swordsmen who imbue their weapons with magical properties, enhancing their effectiveness in combat. In addition to their combat skills, Wildling Rangers form a close bond with a loyal animal companion, which assists them in battle and exploration. While the archer and animal companion combination is the most common, there are rare exceptions where a Wildling Ranger specializes in dual-wielding melee weapons.

The Wanderer Ranger is a solitary and self-reliant individual who thrives in the wilderness. They have chosen a life of solitude and prefer to spend their time exploring the untamed reaches of the Feywild. Wanderers are highly skilled in survival, gathering information, and tracking. While they may possess a combination of skills from other classes, Wanderer Rangers are known for their independence and their ability to thrive in the most inhospitable environments. They often act as mercenaries or scouts, offering their expertise to those in need while maintaining their distance from society.


The Healer Cleric is a Daegni dedicated to the preservation of life and the well-being of all living beings. They possess deep knowledge of healing arts and possess the ability to cure curses, ailments, and afflictions. Healer Clerics are vital for the survival of the Daegni, often serving as merchants who provide healing services to those in need. They have the power to heal both physical and spiritual wounds, and are capable of reviving the willing or unwilling from the brink of death. Healer Clerics are revered as the backbone of Daegni society, ensuring the health and vitality of their kin.

The Arcana Cleric is a Daegni who combines the forces of elemental and holy magic. They are often leaders within the Temple factions, possessing a deep understanding of both arcane and divine energies. Arcana Clerics have the ability to channel elemental powers and harness them in combat, as well as invoke holy spells for protection and healing. They bridge the gap between the natural and divine realms, wielding a unique blend of elemental and holy magic. Arcana Clerics are respected for their leadership and their mastery of both arcane and divine forces.
Combat Subclasses


The Noble Warrior is akin to a Paladin, donning full steel plate armor and wielding the power of the Demi-God and Goddess themselves. They are considered blessed by the divine entities and have access to both clerical holy spells and the laws of the Feywild. Noble Warriors serve as enforcers and defenders of the courts, upholding justice and righteousness. Their combination of combat expertise, divine magic, and unyielding resolve makes them formidable adversaries and respected leaders. They are often seen as the embodiment of the Demi-God and Goddess's will.

The Fighter is a versatile warrior who focuses primarily on honing their combat skills, weapon proficiency, and armor usage. They excel in martial prowess and adaptability, capable of wielding a wide variety of weapons and adapting to different combat situations. Fighters can be found in various roles within Daegni society, from skilled smiths and mercenaries to court guards. They often possess a hybrid nature or changeling lineage, allowing them to draw upon different abilities and techniques. Fighters rely on their physical abilities and combat expertise rather than magical powers.

The Feral Warrior is a fierce and unpredictable combatant who relies on speed, agility, and primal instincts. They prioritize individuality and have no regard for honor or formalities. Feral Warriors may possess limited spellcasting abilities, although not as extensive as other magical classes. These warriors tap into their inner darkness and summon a primal rage, enhancing their physical capabilities for short bursts of time. They are often outcasts or changelings who have embraced their wild side. Feral Warriors draw inspiration from barbarians or monks, utilizing their inner rage and combat prowess to devastating effect.
Merchant Subclasses

The Crafter Ranger focuses on the art of crafting, particularly in creating bows, arrows, and other equipment from natural materials. They possess exceptional knowledge of woodcraft and have mastered the techniques required to fashion highly effective and enchanted ranged weapons. Crafters often use their skills to provide essential supplies to other adventurers and hunters in need. They are resourceful and versatile, able to adapt their craftsmanship to various situations and challenges. These traders can also be known as ones who capture animals of the realm and sell them to those who want a tame companion to bond to. (5 levels of Ranger needed)

The enchanter class makes wonderfully powerful and long lasting enchantments that they can sell and utilize! This includes potions and spells that you can use via pouring into items that could hold a magical charge. These folks are also known as the inventors and literally the ones who are responsible for having the wards around the Daegni City that protect the Daegni denizens. (5 levels of Mage, Cleric, or Druid)

Metalists Daegni who specializes in gathering and or using ore and crafting magnificent staves, armor and weapons. They also ensure that each weapon has a capability to hold magic so that enchanters can imbue the weapons and armor as they rank up in their classes. They also can craft barding for mounts and typically are the ones responsible for the towns buildings and walls!

This is a Fey who is not privy to having a high upstanding role as a warrior or caster or ranger but wishes to utilize their skill in magic or combat to gather things for the merchants of Daegni. They typically are the backbone of society, bringing in meat, metals, wood, artifacts, and crystals that the Daegni people use often in their festivals and crafting.

This fey relies on magic that is quite a unique subset from the rest. It typically is used in either a voice or a magical instrument that flows through their fingertips or their mouth or both! Dance may also be something that is used as a magical enticement. They are also often well trained in charming individuals and tricking them into a false sense of security. Typically their spells are considered weaker as they do not often harm others, but they do tend to keep a society that is sneaky and vastly unknown to most in Feywild as a whole. One might even consider the ruffians as a Rogue guild.

Feywild denizens who try to make the wild work with them. It often takes a lot of practice and time and magic of course is always a additional help. Typically their magic is only used to get the wild to cooperate with them, though at times it has been known they might cause some natural phenomena if angered. (5 lvl of Druid or Ranger needed)

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