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RP between Degu and Yam

Degu — 08/16/2020

Ganu approached the clearing, wondering if Iris had told his lord that the troll was no mere young human man, or if the man would be alarmed by the sound of gigantic footsteps coming his way. Ganu did not bring Argus for fear of the feline being used as leverage. He had rather loved Adamo and his family but he had long since accepted that the man was unpredictable and that he didn't know how far he'd go for his obsession.

In his hand? a big meaty bone from a boar...for the canine of course. He felt ahead with his magic, seeking their signatures through the earth. He could see the campsite by now.

yam — 08/16/2020
Unsurprisingly, Adamo sat at the center of the camp. Dressed in riding gear and lacking his jewels and finery, he was perched atop a boulder and held taut in hand and pinned beneath foot a strop which he passed a handsome jeweled blade over, polishing it. Perched on his nose were glasses, those things he acted too proud to wear yet desperately needed. Nearby was the handsome Dante, sleek black body splayed majestically.

Luca was nowhere to be seen, though nearby- likely in his tent. Iris however was... ruining the severity of the situation and detracting from the stern appearance of Lord Papaveri by standing behind him and placing tiny pale blue flowers in his hair. Adamo ignored it of course, as that was typical Iris behaviour.

Dante was the first to detect Ganu, slender body rising, tall ears fully alert and amber eyes glued: squaring the troll up, yet showing no sign of aggression or hostility beyond a stiff tail and only slightly raised hackles.

Degu — 08/16/2020
Ganu saw the sword and feared it was indeed a duel that the lord wanted, less that there was a sword and more with the tight grip in which it was held.

He took a deep breath and sighed, smiling ahead "Dan-teeee!" he called over as he often had as a gardener, a fond tone "What's this?" he held up the bone as he approached the camp and if the canine didn't come to retrieve it he'd set it down for him and stand there on the edge of the camp, eyes fixed on Adamo. He couldn't help but smile softly, especially with the way Iris was...being Iris. Fond memories.

"Lord Papaveri." he greeted, towering over the tents, over everything. He waited for the man to speak...he already knew why he was here.

yam — 08/16/2020
Dante was a difficult dog to read. He was very stoic and poker-faced, not at all playful like Adamo's other dogs. That didn't mean he wasn't food motivated, though. He was well trained, but food was food. His slender head slowly angled, eyeing the meaty bone before slowly looking at Adamo, as if for approval. The man gestured a slender hand: one of dismissal, and the dog cantered over and gave the troll an intelligent, upward gaze before taking the bone from him and... doing what any dog would, retreat to his spot and settle down with his new treasure.

Adamo eventually looked up, then up some more, finally finding Ganu's face beneath the mighty tusks. He raised those sharp, translucent brows but did not start. No, he was quiet and contemplative. Finally, he would remove his glasses with a sigh, tuck them into the inner breast pocket of his jacket and sheathe the sword, standing. He was a tall man, but not that tall. Handing the strop to Iris he made his way over to Ganu and flaired his nostrils, peering up with a stern, difficult to read expression.

"Ciao, my boy." Surprisingly he did not sound angry, plotting or aggressive. Just... Stern, like a parent addressing a situation involving their child. Iris may have warned him of the trollish appearance, or perhaps Adamo was not so narrow that he would start because of his former gardener's revealed race.

"It has been a time. Iris tells me you seem quite well. That is good to hear." cue Dante cronching in background

"I suppose you know why I have come here." A small, disapproving frown like a parent gives their own child found it's way to his face. "I believe you have taken something that does not belong to you. What say you in your defense?"

Degu — 08/16/2020
Ganu's fondness for Adamo came flooding back like a tidal wave as this...ridiculous yet regal man approached him. He wanted to hug the man in crushing arms and greet him but... alas, formalities needed to come first.

The troll had to fight the urge to look amused as Adamo took that disappointed tone with him. He couldn't feel bad about what he'd done because he truly believed it was the right thing to do, but he could see that disappointment as an extension of affection he hadn't previously been sure Adamo had for him. It was strangely paternal...alien to him but yet very welcome.

Ganu squared his shoulders when the question was finally asked. "I say that I left with something that does not belong to you" he replied with sturdy conviction.

yam — 08/16/2020
Truth be told the Papaveri family (sans Simone) had grown quite fond of Ganu and thought of him as something of an honorary family member, like Iris. It had been sad when Ganu had to go, and frankly the fact he had gone had hit harder than the unicorn's absence-- at least initially. Adamo was more troubled by the unicorn's absence than the rest of the family, even Luca. Speaking of which, though... technically, Ganu was correct.

Adamo's frown briefly turned into a pout, exhaling audible through his nose. One arm raised to cross over his chest, the opposite hand raising to form a loose, bony fist which he gently pressed to his own cheek. Head would tilt. "You are correct. However," previously mentioned hand lowered, a slender finger extending as he shook it. "You did not have a right to take her. You took her from people who trusted you, who saw you as family. That is the ultimate betrayal. I was very disappointed."

Meanwhile, Iris had wandered into Adamo's tent and returned stropless, then wandered into Luca's tent. He did not come out right away. No, instead both Iris and Luca poked their heads out, watching the exchange. Dante continued to pay attention to his bone.

Degu — 08/16/2020
Ganu's eyes saddened briefly at that but then became shielded once more by his conviction. "You did not have the right to keep her, she belongs only to nature and to herself. If my actions have disappointed you and your family then that is a burden I am willing to bear." he said with a frown, eyes flitting towards that tent as he heard the rustling.. a small smile crossing his lips only to fade as he fixed Adamo with another stare.

"I did not want to betray you but you left me no choice. I know well that I could not have asked to take her with me. You are obsessed with them, Lord Papaveri. For what? for killing your father?" he took one step forwards now.

"You have a family of your own now and they're wonderful. You've no right to make that unicorn or any other suffer for a vengeful grudge. You've no need for it. Or is there something I am missing?"

yam — 08/17/2020
Adamo had remained calm until this point. He had been civil- polite. However Ganu unfortunately struck a nerve upon mentioning his father. It was a very visible strike, too- one could almost see a thread snap behind those pink-grey eyes. He remained... calm, for now, however there was a twitch to his being that suggested great restraint. Dante had glanced up from his bone and was now staring at his master. Iris and Luca were... well. Iris was Iris. Luca seemed a little anxious.

"Young man," Adamo began, low voice exhibiting a newly found and only slight waver. "I think I am being fairly reasonable. I haven't even asked or demanded that you return her." he was simply establishing that Ganu indeed had been the one who took her. Adamo felt he was having his character attacked. Questioned. Two things he did not like at all, not because he disagreed but because he thought poorly of himself and harboured a good deal of self loathing and he did not need or want any attention being called onto his faults. He was aware of them! Especially in front of his 'favourite' son. It felt more stabbing than anything, hence his welling need to 'raeg'.

"I have cared for her, kept her safe. She has bonded with Luciano. I have not once harmed her, not even during her original capture. Do not speak of vengeance and grudges to me, Ganu. I may have had them at one point in my life but I simply cannot do what I once was capable of. To hold a grudge against all of a creature is absurd."

Degu — 08/17/2020
Ganu frowned, lowering his head and backing down rather immediately as Adamo reminded him that he hadn't even asked for the unicorn back. He realised his words had been harsh, but...goodness the unicorn's confinement had angered him too.

Papaveri claimed that he was not going to hold grudges and the troll seemed to feel the truth and sincerity in it. "I'm sorry, Lord Papaveri. Not for taking her, but everything else. For any hurt I have caused you and your family. She deserves a life outside of a cellar....and look at this place, Lord Papaveri" he turned his head and motioned to the trees and glowing tiny mushrooms "She could not hope for a better home than this, even if she never roams as other unicorns do she can still have her own little glen, she can feel the magic in the soil and the plants."

Ganu took a long, deep breath. "Belsthame was no place for her...I don't even think you belong there. You're..." he let out an exasperated sigh "bigger than that cage of an island." there was a pause "How on earth did you even follow me here? we travelled so far." He asked with distinct disbelief.

He stepped a little closer to Adamo, seeming eager to close the gap between them but he didn't yet feel that he could reach out and hug the old fart, not while their exchange was so tense.

"She is happy here." He began "Maybe you and your family would be too...perhaps you could stay a while and consider it. I know Simone would want to stay, but... the others, perhaps? would you consider it?" he asked it with a little tinge of desperation. Ganu loved these people and leaving had been so difficult, let alone liberating the damn unicorn on his way out too.

"Luca wouldn't need to be separated from her-" he said as quietly as he could and looked over at Luca, whispering in case Adamo said a resounding 'No' "I just don't want her back in a cellar, Adamo" this time using the mans name.

yam — 08/17/2020
At one point in Adamo's life, he would not have handled this situation as he was now. Not when he was young and a newly 'crowned' Lord of House Papaveri, but rather when he was in his late thirties and early forties. He had earned a horrendous reputation during a time of severe mental instability. He was still unstable but by no means was he that unstable. The weight of Lordship and the demons of his youth had been in the pressure cooker for too long and had burst. It had taken years to 'burn off' that excess, but he had slowed from age and to be honest? Iris had helped him see how foolish it was to stay angry. It didn't do anyone any good.

It hadn't changed him entirely. He still was prone to bristling and behaving strangely- that was who he was. But Adamo was not a bloodthirsty rampaging maniac like he may have been when he was younger. He was a father, a grandfather, and a Lord of a House. He couldn't afford to be that way.

Ganu's words were met with silence: a silence that felt heavy and drawn out, and when Adamo did move, he simply stepped back and slowly turned away. That alone was a sign of trust in the troll. He wouldn't turn his back to someone he did not trust. Pacing away, he found the boulder he had been perched on when the other had first arrived to the camp. He crossed a leg over the other and laced his fingers, sitting prim and proper with a difficult to read expression. It seemed contemplative, if anything. Mixed with a myriad of other things.

When the man did speak, his low voice was soft and lacked the bordering on gravelly edge it carried when he spoke with authority. No, it was gentle, if anything. Nay, almost vulnerable. "You must understand. My family has roots running deep in Belserra. It would be... inappropriate to uproot." he was aware he had done his family's name more harm than good during his time as Lord of the House. He had never wanted that position. It had been forced upon him- he was never even meant to be Lord Papaveri.

"Frankly, Ganu, the concept of leaving what I've always known- what I've only known, it frightens me. Change frightens me. Consistency has always been grounding. Your arrival to the city- with... with your friends," he must have known at least some details of the 'crowd' Ganu had come with. He didn't know many of them, but he had met a few, and like most merchant lords, he had ears and eyes in various places. "It brought more change than you probably realize. Not to the city itself, perhaps. It is old and sturdy, it cannot be changed in such a short time. But it did bring change to some of the people." like to him.

"I knew the moment Iris returned to me with word of your involvement that I would be returning to the city without the unicorn. I have been processing it. She has been in my care for a long time, though. Surely you can see why I feel reluctance, even if I cannot change the fact that she no longer is 'mine'."

Luca slowly wandered out and over, staring up at Ganu with a conflicted expression. He had rather liked the young man, and had been sad when he left. He knew him as a human, though. Not a troll. Yet like his father, they saw the troll and saw not the 'beast' but the friend they knew and had grown fond of. "I do not want her to be trapped where she cannot breathe the air and feel the earth." a frown befell those narrow lips. "...But I do not want to leave her, either."

Adamo looked up at his son, exhaling through his nose. There was an overall feel of resignation to his being. "I cannot stay." he said, voice firming up a hair. "I am expected back. I am needed." Yet despite the statement, there was a hint of openness to his words. "However," there it was. "Luca my boy," he rose to a stand, facing the lad. He placed a hand on each shoulder, gave him a gentle shake, and with great difficulty said, "If you wish to stay here, you may."

Iris, who had now leaked out of the tent and into the open, had perhaps for the first time in Ganu's presence made a face that wasn't detached and bordering on silly. He seemed... surprised. As did Luca to be honest. More so than Iris. "What?"

"You heard me. If you wish to stay, you have my blessing. You're a man, you'll manage." he was a kid. He wasn't a child, but he wasn't a grown person either! "But father--" "You do not have to decide right this minute. Don't be ridiculous. We will remain here a time yet. We must resupply." oh.

The albino man offered Ganu a small smile, though a hint of sadness was in the corners of his eyes. "Perhaps our friend can take you and Iris into town. I must remain here, I need to plan the trip back."

Degu — 08/17/2020
Ganu reached out sadly as Adamo stepped away but then let that hand fall to his side as he watched the pensive man perch.

The troll listened, looking saddened as Adamo said that he could not stay, frown tugging over those jutting tusks. He looked to Luca and smiled softly at his words but with worry, he immediately felt that there was no 'easy' way to end this conflict, at least not until Adamo gave his unexpected blessing for his son to stay here.

"You are welcome in my home, Luca, as long as my partner agrees. I've two boys near your age, too." Potential friends? "Until you find a place of your own." he offered the boy "Then you can see her every day...and should you find a good place near the forest I expect she will choose to live with you."

He crossed the gap between him and Adamo, kneeling beside the rock if only to get eye level with the human. "I wish that you would stay... perhaps if one day you change your mind..." he looked about "In the mean time I will see what I can do...if i could find a way for you to visit, perhaps that would be enough? Lady Evren has a way with portals." he said softly and after a pregnant pause he lunged forwards and threw his huge arms around Adamo.

He pulled the poor man into a crushing hug (without actually crushing of course) and rested his head over his shoulder "I miss you and your family terribly... please send my love to them, Adamo. Please tell them I am sorry and that I miss them." he rumbled with great emotions and wet eyes.

"I wish that you could all be here." except for Simone.

yam — 08/17/2020
Simone didn't want to be there, to be fair. So he wasn't being left out or anything.

Adamo's hands fell, then folded behind his back proper. "You hear that boy? You may just have room and board should you decide to stay." he held his head high, looking a bit like an albino peacock. At the mention of portals, Adamo seemed... reluctant. Magic was not hated, but it was something he liked to keep at an arm's length. "Perhaps. Still, I need to collect my things."

And then a big troll hug. Adamo was not a physically affectionate person- at least not typically, he seemed to reserve his affections for his dogs. Alas, he did not shove the troll away. He loosely wrapped an arm around the lad and gently patted him on the back, though it turned into a hearty clap after a moment and the other arm joined in, forming a proper embrace. He said nothing until he cleared his throat and backed out of it, smoothing his clothing down and folding one arm behind his back, the other at his front.

He'd sniffle, regaining that tall and proud posture, then say, "You will always be welcome into my home, son. Regardless of where that is. I will tell Demetra and Paolo, they will be pleased to hear you are well, more than anything." they weren't as upset about the unicorn. In fact, they were relieved the thing was gone. They were like Ganu: they felt it highly inappropriate to keep such a creature in captivity.


Luca looked down almost shyly. "...I will stay." he'd say softly. A brow twitched and a line formed on Adamo's forehead. "Alright." he'd clear his throat once more, snorfling (yes, snorfling). He was not crying, but his already pinkish, watery eyes seemed significantly pinker and wetter. He crackeda crooked smile and held out his arms to his son. "Agnellino, vieni qui." Luca approached and Adamo gave him an awkward hug, a smooch on the forehead, then let go and stood back. "Iris."


"Shall you be staying as well, or returning with me?"
"Why, going with you of course."

and then of course, Iris became Iris once more. "Perhaps I shall holiday here. 'Tis a nice enough place."

Degu — 08/17/2020
Ganu wouldn't tell that he could see the tears and the pinkness of the mans eyes. It was their secret. Being called son was perhaps more jarring and more significant to the troll than anything, so much so that tears managed to escape the corners of his eyes and he quickly reached up to wipe them away, nodding and swallowing tightly.

"Thank you, sir." he rasped a little hoarsely for a moment.

He backed off to let Adamo have his moment with his son, though he was surprised as Iris said he was staying with Adamo "Iris..." he smiled sadly and made his way across to him, pulling the poor guy into a crushing hug of his own "Please do holiday here, I will miss you, my friend" he told him warmly before releasing him.

A long, deep breath was taken "Shall we return to my home, then?" he asked as he looked to Luca "or would you like me to leave you here and return in some hours to pick you up? I understand if you'd like to spend the night here with your father."

He looked to Adamo "You are welcome to come see her, come see my home... if you are not leaving immediately."

yam — 08/18/2020
And indeed they had a moment. As Ganu focused his attention unto Iris, Adamo rather ungracefully grabbed onto his son and in a very dadly manner planted several tiny bone-dry man-kisses right on Luca's face, mussing his hair up, even lifting him off of the ground briefly. Iris on the other hand allowed himself to be grabbed onto and embraced, returning it with gusto (though Iris hugs were by no means pleasant to those not-well-padded individuals. Luckily Ganu was large and muscular and didn't risk being impaled on a rib or wrist.

"I most certainly will if 'tis to visit you and your family my dear friend." when he was released, Iris would lean in and lower his voice. "Between you and me, Ganu," he began matter-of-factly, "I strongly suspect you will be seeing me again, far sooner than you think." Oh? Well then. "And the Lord Papaveri as well." oh????

Luca having been unhanded from the wrath of an uncharacteristically affectionate father, nodded. "I need to gather my things, but... that shouldn't take long. I think my father wants to talk before we part ways, so..." his voice was soft and steady, gentle yet sure. Like his mother's. "Perhaps you can return tomorrow... if that is alright."

Adamo's eyes and lips twitched at the mention of a visit. It was the sort of twitch that, if analyzed, suggested a twinge of emotional pain, despite the weak smile on his face. "I better not. Perhaps, should I visit again, then. I do not think I am ready to face her. I am still attached and do not want to make a fool of myself." he was calmer than in his youth but he was still prone to impulsiveness. Especially around real, living breathing unicorns. "I'm sure you understand."

Degu — 08/18/2020
Ganu smirked playfully "I think so too" he glanced back to Adamo. The man was emotional and though he had chosen not to stay Ganu sort of hoped he would think about it after leaving. He knew how to get here now. "I will miss you my friend, work on him for me, hm? ...even if it's just for a holiday." he stepped back away from Iris and headed past Adamo, looking back.

"I understand, sir." he smiled with pride, proud that the old man could make the decision not to put himself in a situation he could admit he couldn't yet handle. It was a good first step towards further change, perhaps.

"Don't leave without letting me say goodbye. I'll bring you some food for the trip home tomorrow." And with that he headed off.

Roylen and Arron were greeted and given a run down of everything. Adamo isn't here to be hostile, he is leaving on the morrow and his son Luca is staying. He will ask Roylen if he minds them putting the young Papaveri boy up until he's on his feet and adds that the boy will likely be taking care of the unicorn (so they probably get a bit more free time) and both Arron and Roy are thanked for their time so late in the evening. He'd ask Roy to join him to fetch the unicorn from Quinne who he'd update on the situation as well. All is well.

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89