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RP between Rook and Degu (Pascaal)

Degu — 09/02/2021
My characters that would travel up that way are mostly like...

Pascaal and perhaps Ganu, maybe even Carneiros but he would be wary of revealing himself any further east.

Mainly Pascaal.

Pascaal travels to safe houses, and to sell things to a fence

Rook — 09/02/2021
So, the village is the trading one, which has taken a bit of a change. A wall is on the verge of being completed, likely hastened via magic, but the section where there's meant to be a gate is still open. The buildings inside remain the same, but the inn has been changed to something more akin to housing people who plan to remain there.

The residents are still as friendly, but a few new faces have popped up. One woman, pale skinned and dark-haired (and sprouting antlers), is in charge of the market. She seems off, sickly and unsure of herself. She'd be more than happy to greet whoever shows up to see what they need.

Degu — 09/02/2021
Pascaal would probably frequent the market while he's there. Probably steals an apple here and there while no one's looking.

Rook — 09/02/2021

antler lady would likely miss the theft, but is happy to assist him. she'd want to know what he's looking for, how long he might be staying, if he's just there by himself. the markets sell an assortment of things; food, clothing, more expensive jewelry or trinkets.

the grimani dog is there, who is mostly wandering about. if it's later in the evening, jack would recognize pascaal and approach, but with a much more wary attitude towards him. he looks the same as ever, though wearing an outfit that appears to be more an official uniform that doesn't quite fit guard work

at his hip, a tome is fastened there. kinda like: but the book is definitely thicker than those, and wrapped in cloth

Degu — 09/02/2021
Pascaal claims to be there by himself, though he seems to have a magpie following him around (let me know if she can see through transformations or anything) and that he's just 'browsing' ...

If Pascaal notices the book it's hard to tell, his eyes barely flit over Jack "Oh hey handsome! What are you doing here?" He asks him loudly and bites greedily into an apple.

Rook — 09/02/2021
She cannot! antlers seems to be curious about this bird, and attempts to encourage it closer with food and anything shiny. If it does, she'd crouch down and reach out to them. If not, she'd pick up her jewelry again. likely only because Jack tells her to.

"New home, you see. Sort of picked up a better position here than at Thornmouth. Didn't think you came out this far." Jack would ease back into a more chummy attitude, and leaned into a stall. "I see you're still avoiding cells, or are the guards going to come this way?"

Degu — 09/02/2021
The bird absolutely steals anything shiny if it looks vaguely valuable, and is an asshole. Sorry, this is not a nice bird ma'am you're too kind.

Pascaal pouted "Well isn't that a shame! I won't see you around that way anymore then? I'm devastated!" he throws his hands up.

"Nah me I'm just here on business" he winks with a monkey-like grin.

"what's the new job? looks very official."

Rook — 09/02/2021
"Probably not for a while, no. I enjoy it here." A shrug, and Jack turned to 'scold' Antlers for giving away the jewelry. "Sort of like Council, I think. We have a lot of plans here, got people to take care of. It's becoming more of a Sanctuary than a little go-to trade town."

Degu — 09/02/2021
The magpie sits on top of a tent nearby gladly turning the jewelry back and forth underfoot.

"Oh big news then, congratulations" He steps in a little closer with a smirk "does that mean it's a Safe haven now? I know what you did back in the jail, you know." he practically grins from ear to ear "There room in this town for little old me?"

Rook — 09/02/2021
"That's what I intend on, yes. Got to have a place for those who feel targeted to go, you know, racist Guards and concerning Nobleman to consider." A flash of a grin followed. "I guess it depends on what you want to do here, honestly. Do you feel comfortable with a community? You struck me as a free spirit, but this is not to say I'm going to tell you to pack up and ship out. There's always a place for someone. You'd make for a wonderful Scout."

Fidele Pascaal — 09/02/2021
Pascaal laughs and shakes his head "You got me there big councilman, I'm free as a bird" he winks playfully at the magpie.

"That's an awfully big wall out there though, I'd prefer to be a visitor rather than caged up in one place or another. You know how it is, i'm sure" he shrugs his shoulders "... people can visit right? that big old thing out there is going to have a gate?" he laughs.

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"So, what's with the bird?" Pascaal winked at it, like it was more than an animal.

"It will have a gate, and it depends on the person. People like us are allowed. Humans....not really, no. Too much trouble."

Degu — 09/02/2021
Pascaal simply taps the side of his nose with a smug little expression. For me to know and you to find out!

He raises a brow though "Oh dear, the big wigs in the east won't like that! Well, I'm sold, sounds great." he rests a hand on his hips "Shame though, the mundies are what make us all look so special" he chortles "Woe is us, if not to have them for comparison!"

There's a small hum though as he bounds and floats in a circle around Jack "And what of me? I'm part human, you know."

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"They're free to come contest it." It was dismissive, however.

"They'll learn fast that they need our support more than they know, it doesn't hurt to drill that into their heads. Get the equality where it should be. Do away with the scheming nobles and the Guards who would rather us all executed."

He shrugged, and watched as Pascaal floated about. "So you are. The poster child for both worlds. You still have an understanding of what's fair, do you not? It's not like everyone who's come here doesn't have certain blood in their veins."

Fidele Pascaal — 09/02/2021
"I have noble blood in my veins too" he gloats proudly as he floats around Jack, obviously that nobility isn't something he seems to have on his side though, if he has to steal.

He shrugged and nodded, still floating circles around Jack "What's fair, sure. Hard for anyone to decide what is and isn't fair though. But I guess you have a council for that don'tya? who runs that thing anyway?" he floats around again and this time he tries to slip Jack's most interesting book from his belt, so confident that he'll succeed that he's already asking "What's this?"

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"I think it's easy enough." They already knew what wasn't. "The point of the council is to have people sharing in that leadership goal." He was happily vague about it.

When Pascaal attempted to grab the book, he'd be met with a sudden surge of energy that sought to painfully force his hands away. "Oh this? It's just a book, useless to you."

Fidele Pascaal — 09/02/2021
Pascaal snatched his hand away and shook it wildly in the air "Ouch! oof!" he blew at his fingers "Lot of effort for something so uselessly" he huffed and tucked his poor hands under his armpits.

"The council has no head?"

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"Well, it's still mine." Jack shrugged, but rested a hand there now. "Did someone send you here, Pascaal?" The questions he was getting seemed prodding, and Jack's demeanour became a little more aloof.

Fidele Pascaal — 09/02/2021
Pascaal raises a brow "Uh, no? sounding a bit paranoid there councilman. I don't work for anyone but myself" he thumbs proudly at his own chest.

"You're just doing something big here, right? Caught my interest...acquaintance of mine said he was here these days and I dropped by, that's all" he threw an arm around Jack's shoulders.

"Come on, if it's botherin' ya that much I won't ask any more questions about this little project here, yeah?"

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"Can you blame me?" When he mentioned an acquaintance, Jack inclined his head and looked towards the bird. Perhaps. When Antlers saw Pascaal getting chummy, so did she.

However, instead of following his example, she just flopped into the pair. Jack paused a moment, and shifted her to stand aside them instead.

"Just seemed a little invasive, didn't think you'd be that interested. The Council has no head, no reason for that. Working under one person, could you imagine?"

Degu — 09/02/2021
Pascaal rose a brow as antlers flopped into them. He turns his head to look at her curiously for a moment as she's moved.

"It's not invasive, friend, you're the one actin' like they were weird questions! I had no suspicions about anything until then, honest!" he sounds earnest, at least "I just want to know how things are going to go down here if i'm going to be in and out every month or so. I've seen a lot of places start up with good intentions and then fall apart into power struggles... honestly, it's why i keep my distance from politics" he rolled his eyes.

"... oh uh... okay maybe the book thing was invasive but that's just me." he blows a kiss at close range with a cheeky giggle "Forgiiive me?" he pouts.

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"Don't mind her. She's sick."

Atleast Pascaal sounded earnest, so Jack eased off a bit. "I have to make sure your intentions aren't going to mess with what we're making here." As he spoke of politics, he waved a hand. "I know all too well things like that."

When the kiss was blown, he decided to move out from underneath Pascaal's arm and rolled a shoulder. "Yeah, maybe."

Fidele Pascaal — 09/02/2021
Pascaal huffs "You're no fun~" as Jack pulls away. He just shrugs and steps back to lean against a fence post, tilting his head at the antlered woman again. Sick? how so? she's a little odd, a little curious.

"Well maybe you'll see me around. I'll buy you a drink if you can stand me for more than an hour" he grins, gold tooth glinting.

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"If you say so." Jack relaxed again after the initial move off and set his hands to Antler's shoulders instead, though while he said nothing to her, there was a following push that seemed suddenly dismissive. Off she went.

"Oh, I probably will, if you're visiting. Hopefully you can bring along something I can drink." A smirk, and he'd turn to the stands. "May the rest of your visit prove fruitful."

Fidele Pascaal — 09/02/2021
“And you! Good luck with your new gig, hope you’ll have stories to share the next time I come around” he beams and turns to head off, the bird follows closely with that shimmering jewellery in its beak.

Jack Walsh — 09/02/2021
"We'll be sure to have everything you want and more, once you do." Jack inclined his head, but just as Pascaal left, he'd watch the bird for a moment and headed towards another building with the Grimani dog following close.

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89