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Short form RP with Rook and Degu

Rook — 03/10/2021
Grimani Patriarch first. He'd ask Harpur for developments on Jack, because Jack's absence included Tommaso on a hunting trip that wasn't brought up until after - Aeson said he figured his son was off doing his Guard stuff until he came back later than expected

Degu — 03/10/2021
Harpur is troubled by this, he'll say he has noticed Jack around one of the Aiolfi's too (he doesn't say who) and he mentioned hunting trips then as well. He'll explain he's concerned but he hasn't been able to catch anything suspicious about Jack beyond that. He tried to get him transferred to his unit and was unsuccessful, he will try to push for it again.

He's obviously frustrated he doesn't have more, he is worried these hunting trips are malicious attempts to lure noble teens away from their homes for some reason, hopefully not to make them into thralls or sire them.

Basically he got nothin' yet.

Rook — 03/10/2021
Aeson would ask what Harpur plans to do if he gets Jack on his unit, and how likely it is it'll work. Once again, he'd just ask him for more info when he gets it.

Degu — 03/10/2021
He wants to keep an eye on him, get a better idea of who Jack is as a person.

Rook — 03/10/2021
Aeson wishes him the best, but back to busy life for him!

Degu — 03/11/2021
Harpur comes by the Grimani estate to seek out Tommaso after work, he takes Valentinus to the stables.

If he can he'll lead the guy away to sit under a tree again where no one can hear them and ask him why he snuck off on a hunt recently. He'll say his father had been worried and asks what happened on the hunt.

He tries to tell Tommaso that he can talk to him and that it's alright, he won't judge.

Rook — 03/11/2021
tommaso would likely be there, feeding the horses, brushing his out. he'd accept being led off, but should anyone try to join them - likely one of his siblings, he'd send them off.

the hunt went as it did, nothing special really. we found some deer, but most had fawns. got a few birds, and he took one home while jack did as well. he'd ask what harpur wants to talk about, since he has nothing special himself!

Degu — 03/11/2021
Harpur sighs and tells him he can't sneak off like that. What if something happened and no one knew where he was? the usual worried talk.

He'll explain his father's just worried and wants to know that he's safe, but it's going to damage trust if this keeps happening.

Rook — 03/11/2021
Tommaso would seem a little frustrated - it's not considered sneaking off, to him, as he's an adult. He'd point out he wasn't alone and people know he spends time with Jack. If something happened, he'd help or someone could just go to Jack about it.

Degu — 03/11/2021
Harpur says it just can't hurt to at least let his father know. His father was under the impression he was doing something else. Adult or no, Harp thinks communication is important.

He asks what it is Tommaso likes about Jack. He seems genuinely curious.

Rook — 03/11/2021
He'd agree, but somewhat begrudgingly.

As for Jack, he'd mention he enjoys having a friend not connected to his politics. They're understanding, funny, and he doesn't have to talk about anything in regards to his House usually. Getting away from that, truly, even for a little bit is a much needed breath of fresh air.

Degu — 03/11/2021
Harpur listens and pats Tomma on the shoulder and says that everyone needs to get away sometimes. He doesn't let on what he's thinking...but Harpur's making connections between the appeal Jack is offering the 'young' people of both households now.

He spends some time just chatting to Tomma about other things and asking him about how things have been, but then he heads home for the evening.

Rook — 03/11/2021
Tomma agrees, and says he enjoys it. Hunting alone wasn't very fun, and he was never confident enough to take Cienna with him alone. Jack will likely help, once he's sure she can handle it.

Everything else seems fine, even if he has to catch up on more Merchant work and visiting other Houses soon. Tomm would walk with him to the gate, but head back into the house after.

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89