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RP between Lewsey and Rigby

Silver — 10/30/2021
A good distance from the outskirts was a clearing in the forest, the brush rather perfectly sculpted -either naturally or arcanely- into just the right space for a circle of twelve wagons, stalls and cart animals.

Silver led the way down a dirt path, lined with lanterns on tall stakes, a path that guided townsfolk toward an archway that was the entrance to the caravan market. The wagons were decorated with more lanterns, vines, garlands, kites- and through the entrance voices of vendors and sounds of tools and instruments. It was like arriving at a small, dense village preparing for a festival.

During their walk Silver had decided to unwind the bun on top of his head, letting his hair loose, gathered to one shoulder (away from Polpetto). He stayed close to Aldo as they walked, the wonderfully sincere remarks from earlier playing on his mind. Finally being around Aldo made their time apart feel even longer than just some odd years. Despite keeping a completely different track of conversation, Silver found himself scrutinizing his own greeting.

He shouldn't have been so reserved. It was forever Kazdram. You hadn't seen his face in forever and you didn't hug him back? What was that about? So what if he's married. Since when did you get so bitter? Being a resentful bitch is not a good look.

But if there was anything showing beyond Silver's enthusiasm for catching up- it was impossible to tell. He tried to keep his stories in order, fill Aldo in on the faces that had since left, when and how they did. It was a little difficult to remember the sequences between the bigger events exactly, but he tried at least.

Silvers stories were embellished with plenty of quips and playful jabs, knowing they would all either be straightened out, or not matter in the slightest once they reached the market.

"You remember that cute little troll girl?" Silver pointed to the archway at the mouth of the wagon circle. "The red one?" His pointing drew the attention of the massive rusty tinted troll roaming around. She gave a delicate wave in response. "She's our chief guard now, and yeah, not so little anymore."

Aldo — 11/05/2021
Kaz could not have known it, but it would not have been difficult to guess - Aldo's own mind was awhirl with his own internal scrutiny. Should he read so much into Kazdram not having hugged him back? How much was supposed to be the same? Was he supposed to be mad? He couldn't be mad... It had been forever.

He wasn't the same; years had brought many adventures and many gigs, and a beloved found family of his own, a gaggle of glorious misfits.

But right here, the two of them looked just the same as when they'd last spoken. Kaz was that breezy, beautiful, boisterous bard Aldo had always admired and knew just how to get those giggle-snorts out of him with those stories - and the cambion listened with as much rapt attention and animated reaction as he always had, even tossing in a few memories of his own (hopelessly scrambled on their own timelines, but entertaining nevertheless!) And right now, they were both a lot happier than that last time they'd spoken, too.

He knew better than thinking they could recapture something of what the pair had been before. The world had been a whole lot less complicated, then. He could be a bard, could explore, could become joyously lost in how big the universes truly were. No worries about powers or governments or demons.

Aldo was older now. He wasn't so sure about whether he was wiser.


Polpetto watched Silver untie his hair rather intently, tiny trills warbling from deep in his throat, pupils pinning like a parrot's and beak clicking in anticipation. He rode rather politely on Aldo's shoulders despite this and was very well-behaved, actually. Aldo didn't need to keep him away from Silver's hair; the cambion lifting the raptor up multiple ties to place him back on his shoulder was trul unnecessary, really. He'd just been wandering. The elf's hair just happened to be in the way. It happened.

He ended up nibbling on a few of the cambion's curls for solace, instead, occasionally chirping cheerfully at Silver between his stories.


The bandurria had remained slung over his shoulder, and it took nearly everything of Aldo not to pull the instrument out in their emergence into the wagon circle, ready to join right in.

He also failed pretty spectacularly, and as the pair reached the camp, he was already holding the thing by its neck - though it was so far merely a reflex or a fidget, with the most deliberate movements being his mildly adjusting the tuning. (The plucks were cheeky, and would quickly dance lightly into snatches of songs the pair of them knew.)

Polpetto leaped off of Aldo's shoulder to flutter to the ground - only to break off to scuttle and hop off to explore, in a rather evident beeline towards the caravan's herd animals (and, should his rather birdbrained attempts at friendship not work out...their feed!)

Silver pointed out one old acquaintance, and Aldo couldn't help but giggle-snort at his observation ("oh MAN,- and he returned the big troll's wave with equal delicacy.

"Man, see now that's the kinda' thing that makes me realize the TIME. Wonder if 'who DON'T I remember'll be the better question!" He rolled his neck, rolled his shoulders. Held up the bandurria and quirked both brows. "Ever try one of these?"

Moderators: Rigby Tar AJ_89