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Forums » Open worlds » Main Universe RP "The Hunt"

You sit up, touching your feet to the floor. "Then I should find some clothes and repay her for what she did to me," you say with a grin. "Come to think of it, there's something she can help me with anyway."

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"sure you should even be standing? How do you feel?"

-Daxton asked grabbing himself a glass of water to drink and sitting down in a nearby chair that kentlr had previously been in-

"and what would that be?"
"The case that this entire thing is about. There's a flashdrive that she has, I'm just not sure where it is. I wasn't planning on going after it, to begin with; the case that we've built against her friend is already pretty good and I didn't figure it would be worth the trouble, but considering the position she's in now..."

Hobbes stood up, and then closed her eyes. Oh, that was a head rush. But as long as she kept her hand on the bed for support, she was pretty sure she'd be ok for now.
"I think I can help with take my shoulder, I can help you over till your get your balance back"

-Daxton replied, rising, and walking over to offer her his arm to help balance her. Stooping just slightly in order to do so because of their height difference-
"Thanks." Hobbes accepted the help, leaning against him for support. "I think... when I get home, I'm going to talk to Minaru about my red quadrant. You and I aren't pitch anymore. I don't think we have been for a while," she said, looking at him to make sure she was reading that correctly, to try and figure out his thoughts on the matter. "Unless you were just humoring me, earlier when I told you that I love you." Hobbes blushed at the thought. Their relationship didn't seem pitch anymore, and she'd like to think she'd learned to read Daxton pretty well... but there was still the chance that she'd gotten it all wrong.
-It was hard to read daxton at that exact moment, with his shades covering the most expressive part of him it was hard to tell anything. However his movement pattern did seem to shift slightly, as if trying to catch himself from a very small stumble that caught him off guard, his cheecks flushing just ever so slightly as he gave a quiet nod and slowly helped her over to the ship-
"Yeah, I didn't think so," Hobbes said softly, smiling to herself as they made their way inside.

Sassy perked up when she heard their approach. Finally! Guarding this door was so boring.
" pouncing..."
-You call through the door before entering-
"hobbes is hurt and I don't want them knocked over"
Sassy appeared in the doorway, and flickered her tongue out at them. She looked displeased; she'd been looking forward to pouncing on him all day, and this was the second time her plans had been ruined. First of all, how dare he.
"you can pounce me later when I'm not supporting somebody wounded. Now please keep an eye on the door here still while we are in there...just incase. If you do a good job...I picked up some coins for you...Troll-Brazilian"

-With that you help hobbes into the room you had been keeping maxele in. Looking over maxele's restraints again very throughly once inside...just to make sure on the very slim chance...she hadn't been able to tamper with them-
You stop him before going in. "Babe, as eager as I am to get her back for what she's done to me, I really don't think I should do it in a hospital gown," you tell him, picking at the fabric of it a little. "The last thing she deserves is the satisfaction of seeing that she managed to actually hurt me."

Especially with the impression you left on her and Zasten when they stabbed you. Still coming after them, even with a knife in your chest, ignoring the pain of it. No, you want her to know exactly who is in control of the situation, and how much of a mistake she has made.

"hmmm...I do have a couple suits and various other bits of clothing you've left here in my quarters. Provided sassy hasn't stolen it all"

"Hopefully not," Hobbes sighed, recalling a couple of different garments she could have sworn she had left here that she was attached to. "Though I think really the only things of mine she cares about stealing is my plaid. We should go and check."

"a lizard after my own heart"

"She just steals it because she secretly loves it."

"yeah thats why she destroys them"

Hobbes snickered. "Look babe, if you haven't figured out already that Sassy /frequently/ destroys the things that she loves..."
"fair enough, your welcome to check then. Come on" -Daxton replied offering her a shoulder again on the way back to his quarters-
Hobbes accepted it, walking with him.
-opening the closet, daxton showed her to the section where he kept her articles of clothing. welcoming her to look through-
Hobbes picked out an outfit surprisingly of the no nonsense, tasteful variety. And it took her a bit longer than usual to get changed into it. She hissed quietly when the shirt was dragged over her stitches, and every time her stitches were lightly pulled on. But she was determined to manage it, so she did.

Hobbes took a few seconds to collect herself before getting out her cane to help her walk. It wasn't ideal... but she had the feeling she would be relying on it for the next few weeks until her wound healed more.

"Let's go teach her a lesson."
-Daxton was moderately impressed with hobbes resolve, and nodding lead the way back down to the captives room. Opening the door to allow hobbes to enter first and make a bigger impression-
Maxele immediately looked up when she heard the door open, pleas of mercy on her lips, or perhaps explanations... that died when she realized that it was Hobbes who had entered. Her face turned a shade of white... and her lips pursed into a frown. A frown that barely contained all of the fear that was coursing through her as the depth of her mistake sunk in.

"You should be dead," she uttered. "You were stabbed in the fucking chest." Maxele glared at her. "How?"

"Doesn't matter," Hobbes said. "What does matter, is that you have something that I want."
-Daxton took a back seat for this one, letting hobbes run this particular show. He just leaned against a wall at the back of the room and watched. A presence and reminder-
Maxele glared at her balefully, trying to put on a facade of bravado. A thin one. Her thumb had gotten badly messed up from where she had attempted to pull it through the bonds on her wrist.

"Oh? And what would that be." One of her friends was already dead, another locked up and actually facing trial... and here Maxele herself was, at their mercy. The likely outcome of this scenario was not lost on her.

"There's a game grub... a blue one, with yellow stripes. You know the one I'm talking about, and you know where it is."

"Let me go, and we'll talk," was the steely reply. Maxele didn't like it, and she was sure to suffer consequences for just giving in like this... but the way she saw it, her life was more important than that idiot who had gotten them into this whole mess. This was her only way out.

"You don't listen very well, do you," Hobbes said, undoing the restraint on Maxele's wrist. She held her hand securely for a moment, locking eyes with the purpleblood that was glaring at Hobbes with so much hatred. Hobbes even had a semblance of a smile on her lips as she rubbed her thumb over Maxele's own battered one, digging into the ripped flesh. "So let me make this very, very clear to you. You're going to tell me where the grub is, and you're not going to play games. Because if you do..." Hobbes squeezed on the hand, until the bones creaked and pressed together, making Maxele grimace. "You will be kept alive, and suffering, until I get my hands on it. Do I make myself clear?"

Maxele's silent glare quickly turned to screams of pain when the bones in her hand crunched and splintered. The sound was almost drowned out by her cries... but not quite.
-Daxton was quiet, half wondering where hobbes had learned their technique. Impressive as it was, she could rival an enforcer interrogation specialist-

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod