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One thing I'll say is that as one of the few Pacific Coasters who's time zone is three hours behind everyone else, sometimes I can't get on until what's very late in the evening furc time (Usually 11 pm to midnight FST).

I would love to see some plot stuff happen around that time. Sometimes I do, but usually when I get on, I only hear that stuff has happened. :( It is getting better, but that still happens.

I love this dream overall, I do want to say. A lot of dreams I tried after the last one I frequented died a few years ago had a really snobby air to them or, oddly, seemed really unwelcoming to newcomers. The environment in this Dream is GREAT and I love it. I've logged in as an alt and been whispered with welcomes and to ask if there are any questions. That's awesome. Just had that one little bit of feedback!

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Bryomancer wrote:
One thing I'll say is that as one of the few Pacific Coasters who's time zone is three hours behind everyone else, sometimes I can't get on until what's very late in the evening furc time (Usually 11 pm to midnight FST).

That is the worst part of timezones. =/ I am lucky enough to live in the FST timezone myself but this is a good suggestion in my opinion. It would be pretty neat to see some early morning plot or late night plot just for the sake of offering RP to those that would otherwise not be present for the main event, especially for those RPing outside of the timezones close to FST (the UK RPers for instance I know have a hard time, and often sacrifice sleep!).

I am curious as to what sort of plot related RP could be worked out for those times. Something that lasts more than an instance, maybe? Which would be nice just in general for those not around due to RL plans, etc to be able to join. Weather related plot would go along with that, but that is just what comes to mind at first anyway. :D
Try being roughly 6-8hrs infront of most people! UK time zone is the worst. Sleep is constantly sacrificed, particularly friday/saturday nights when I can be up til 4/5am so I can get a shot at RP! As a general rule I'm usually just getting up for work during the week when most everyone else is just thinking about bed time. The amount of times I've felt like I could (and nearly have) fallen asleep at work on my lunch break when sat in the cosey staff room...
This is only a brainstorming list I came up with:

Any of these could be done late night.

Murder most foul
Lovers Quarrel
Midnight messenger
Ghostly shapes
Disembodied Paws
Roctopus (they're nocturnal aren't they?)
Other creature from the Lorewood
Some random, one off event/plot ideas.

For later at night - meteor shower?

Or, I suppose if one wanted to ramp up the drama - meteor impact.

Not saying you have to flatten the tavern, but if there’s a flash. A boom. And a titanic hole with a glowing rock in the bottom, furres are gonna talk.

Alternatively, town has a river, could have a fish fly hatching. (GIS fish flies if you don’t know what I’m talking about.) They’re completely harmless but descend like a plague of locusts (without the crop damage). They get so thick where I’m from that they sometimes have to use snowplows to get all the corpses off the bridges.
Thomas Tome Ironheart wrote:
Some random, one off event/plot ideas.
Not saying you have to flatten the tavern, but if there’s a flash. A boom. And a titanic hole with a glowing rock in the bottom, furres are gonna talk.

Alternatively, town has a river, could have a fish fly hatching. (GIS fish flies if you don’t know what I’m talking about.) They’re completely harmless but descend like a plague of locusts (without the crop damage). They get so thick where I’m from that they sometimes have to use snowplows to get all the corpses off the bridges.

This. Is. Bruuuuuutal. That thought of all those little flies is already making me itchy. I for one think both of these are pretty rad ideas. XD Do they kind of sly in packs like locusts do aswell? Or are they more like the worst fog you've ever seen?
Jenamore wrote:
This. Is. Bruuuuuutal. That thought of all those little flies is already making me itchy. I for one think both of these are pretty rad ideas. XD Do they kind of sly in packs like locusts do aswell? Or are they more like the worst fog you've ever seen?

My completely unscientific observations about fish flies.

1: They are utterly mindless in terms of everything. They make little to no effort to preserve themselves let alone fly together.

2: They seem to share the usual insect tendency of being drawn towards lights. When they’re hatching, the local gas stations turn off their outside lights in the evening. Otherwise they have four inches of bug corpses to deal with in the morning.

3: Unsurprisingly, post hatch, you have a boom in the local spider population.

The variety I’m familiar with don’t last long and have no interest in biting people. I suspect there are less agreeable varieties in the world somewhere (there is always a less agreeable insect somewhere). Decide how much misery you want to inflict on the local populace and choose accordingly. Or build your own… like some nightmarish insect themed sandwich shop.
Thomas Tome Ironheart wrote:
They get so thick where I’m from that they sometimes have to use snowplows to get all the corpses off the bridges.

Where are you from, I want to avoid this place.
IIiiii think these are fantastic ideas AND good for character building experiences. Nothing brings furres together like a plague of annoying pests terrorizing the town and spider population explosions.

Super excited to see so many willing to help us with plots Let me see if I can edit the first post and add the suggestions in!
Rose wrote:
Thomas Tome Ironheart wrote:
They get so thick where I’m from that they sometimes have to use snowplows to get all the corpses off the bridges.

Where are you from, I want to avoid this place.

This was basically the mayfly hatching the other week. You could see it on weather radar. And the worst part is, they hatch and then DIE a day later. So now you have a dead cloud of bugs.

Which of course means I'm all for this thing. Heh.

Several years ago we had a caterpillar Armageddon, they turned the roads black with their numbers, stripped most of the tree bare. You could hear the little thing crunch under vehicle tires, with a satisfying pop I might add.

Also a meteor or falling star, was an bad omen in the middle ages, I hear the people of Greystone are superstitious.
Digging this! DIGGITY DIGGING. We're reviewing all the suggestions, the bug ones especially! You guys are awesome!
Another bump for visibility! YAY!

Moderators: Calliste Ahmose (played by FishyFi) Mikhael Solberg (played by minizeries)