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Hero or Villain-Hero
Special Ability- Fear Factor (if anyone yanks off his blindfold,they will see their worst fears by staring into his eyes.)
Teacher or Student-Student
Name: Hotaru Takeda
Hero or Villain: Hero
Special Ability: Flying Sword Style (its more of a fighting skill - she combines her ability of quick flight in conjuction with swordsmanship to have this special fighting style)
Class: 1-A
Student or Teacher: Student
Name: Tatsuya Mikio
Hero or Villain: Hero
Special Ability: 'The Fool' card; this card seals the use if magic within a specific area. The user, if skilled, can expand this area. This stops magic from activating.
Class: 1-A
Student or Teacher: Substitute Teacher.
Name: Arielle Niarae
Hero or Villain: Hero
Special Ability: Teleportation; allows the user to Teleport anywhere within a fraction of a second.
Class: 1-A
Student or Teacher: Student
Name: Kayo Akamushi
Hero or Villain: Hero
Special Ability: Swarm- They are able to become or communicate with any insect they come in contact with. They can take insect abilities (wings, venom, sight, hearing) but x10.
Class: 1-A
Student or Teacher: Student
Character Name: Griffith Madden
Status: Anti-Hero
Ability: Night vision, telekinesis, dowsing
Class: 1-A
Student or teacher: Student
Name: Wakumi Aokawa
Hero or Villain: Hero
Special Ability: Precognition (able to have random flashes of the future, but she has no control when they appear - her natural ability as a Honengame Yokai)
Spirit Barrier (is able to erect energy shield for defense, which can block against offensive magic and special abilities, although a too powerful attack can break it - it is light green in color and translucent)
Class: N/A
Teacher or Student: N/A, travelling pharmacist, currently works as a school nurse
(page for them isn't finished yet, sorry about that.)

The Riff-Raff siblings!

Name: Millie Evans
Age: 24
Hero or Villain: Villain
Special Abilities: God Khnum (Millie can adjust any part of her body or another creature's body to mimic people or animals. This effect does not work with clothes.)
Water of Khnum (Millie can fire compressed bullets of any fluid she chooses, about as small as a pin and about 10 times more deadly than a powerwasher.)

Name: Moxie Evans
Age: 11
Special Abilities: God Thoth (Moxie owns a comic book that can predict the future through book panels. These predictions are bound by fate and are bound to happen one way or another.)
Rewrite (Moxie can turn any person's body part into a "book" and read information about them. He can insert commands which the victim are inexplicably forced to follow.
Name: Angel lane

Special Ability:Float (She can make herself levitate and suspend herself in mid-air.)

Hero or villan:Hero
Teacher or student:Student
1. Name: Ghostbur
2. Hero/Villain: While alive he was a villian, he identifies as some sort of hero now.
3. Special Ability: As a ghost he can walk through walls, float, and also he can go invisible.
4. Class: 1A
5. Teacher/ student: Student

Is the hall monitor
Power:super strength when needed. Can sense when someone is nearby
Name: Clary Fairchild
Class: 1A
Hero/Villian: A bit of both she goes to whatever side she thinks will win.
Teacher/Student: Student
Power: As the ability to do Telepathy and turn invisible (She rarely turns invisible though), She also has the ability to project her own thoughts but rarely does so. She also has some powers she doesn't know about which is the ability to learn and remember anything she is told (This power will remain locked until she realizes she has it) she also has Empathy which means including hearing characters thoughts she can tell their emotions (This power is again still locked because she doesn't know she has it.) The power she has is Self- Confidence but she doesn't consider it a power.
CeciliaAlcott22 wrote:
Also, there are certain changes in the students register. I request everyone to check it.

excuse me, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe you forgot to add Ghostbur.
CeciliaAlcott22 wrote:
I truly won't forgive myself for not seeing this..... Almond Milk, it's my fault, I overlooked all these.. Anyway, Ghostbur and Kimberley added.

it's fine!! i understand, please don't beat yourself up about it!!! :)
(Name) Joshu Higashikata
(Hero/Villain) Joshu is a spy hired by The Boss for assassination missions.
(Special Abilities) Remote Detonation: Joshu can turn both objects and people into remotely detonated bombs. He has a limit of 2 bombs at a time, one for each of his hands. Once a target is detonated they are completely vaporized, leaving no remains left. If Joshu chooses to bring a piece of the body back, the entire body except that one specific body part or organ is exploded. In order to detonate a bomb, Joshu must make a detonating motion with his hand by pressing his thumb down.
Aerokinesis Joshu has relatively strong control over air. His main tactic is making nearly invisible, slow-moving bubbles of air. These bubbles can cause serious damage, being able to severely wound or even kill a person at point-blank range. These bubbles can also be used as bombs.
1. Name: Spamton
2. Hero/Villain: Being a villain his entire life, he's definitely earned a redemption arc. So, call him what you want, but he's trying his best to be a hero.
3. Special Ability: Spamton lays... Eggs? He calls these eggs 'Pipis' and keeps them on him at all times. On top of this, he can attack with sales or deals. Or money. He also has the ability to transform into Spamton NEO.
4. Class:1-A
5. Teacher or student: Student
(Name): Vinegar Doppio
(Hero or Villain): Underling and host for Diavolo, The Boss. Not technically evil, but usually follows the orders of Diavolo.
(Occupation): Student & Crime Boss
(Special Abilities): Epitaph: Epitaph is a small growth on Doppio's forehead. This growth gives the man a small glimpse into the future, only what will happen t Doppio in the next ten seconds. These predictions give a relative mimic of what most likely will happen.
Arms of Crimson: Gifted from Diavolo, Doppio gains spectral arms that can deliver mighty blows to an opponent, to the point of chopping off a limb in one swift movement.

(Name): Diavolo
(Hero or Villian): Villain.
(Occupation): Crime boss.
(Special Abilities): Absolute Epitaph. In the complete version of Epitaph, Diavolo can see into an indefinite amount of time and into any person or people who so desires.
Inhuman Strength. Diavolo's pure body strength is unmatched by the most powerful spellcasters and heroes. His greatest feat of strength is flicking somebody with such a force that their femur was completely destroyed.
Time Erasure. Better explanation here.
Name: Nan Yue
Age: 19
Special Ability: Aurora Summon; she can Summon objects she wants to her. Time control; She can control time as she wishes.
Hero or villan: Hero
Class: N/A
Teacher or student: Teacher
Name: Mimoyo Kizuki
Age: 20
Special Ability: Scan; she can scan a specific area to review the position of living things.
Wise Blood; She can predict opponents' movements.

Hero or villan: Hero
Teacher or student: Teacher
Name: Dexter Machine
Hero or Villian: Villian...?
Special Ability: When damaged, he does more damage. Coin compartment can turn into mouth. Also can come out of the arcade machine, but has to have one body part in the machine.
Student or Teacher: Piece of entertainment

Moderators: CeciliaAlcott22 Inori Saegusa (played by RoyalWisdom)