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| Jen | 28 | TX |


busy guy w a silly job
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Butt Buddies
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Rave Reviews

I have known Reygr for a while now, and I grow to love them more and more with each passing day. Rey is definitely one of my closest friends for good reason!
They're SUPER creative and SUPER sweet. They've been a huge inspiration in my life and keep fighting through thick and thin. Though most of their characters are grumps, please don't let that fool you - Rey is class A sweetheart (even if they deny it) <3 - Blitzkit
Dallas (played by Reygr)
Oh Dallas. Many think of Dallas as a grumpy cinnamon-bun. Which he is secretly. But rarely do I see people mentioning how nonredeemable Dallas truly is. And that's why I adore him. Dallas won't get a happy ever after. Dallas is a murderer who kills indiscriminately. All logic states he is on the "good side", being a hunter of monsters. But, bottom line is. He is a serial killer. He has no code. If you are a supe, you are fair game. And that should make you question on who is the real monster. - Green

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