Table of Contents
- Why can't I do anything?
- I created an account, but never received my verification email.
- I don't receive emails from you
- I'm having trouble with a purchase I made.
- I uploaded an animated icon, but it isn't working
- I forgot my password
- I forgot my username
- When I try to save changes I made to a widget, the widget reverts to how it looked before the edits
- I'm encountering some other bug on the site.
- Comments
Why can't I do anything?
You must have javascript enabled to use our profile building tools. Otherwise, nothing will work!
If javascript is turned on and you still can't seem to get things to work, please let me know exactly what the trouble is.
I created an account, but never received my verification email.
Well darn. Sorry about that. Be certain to check your spam filters to make sure your email program didn't just throw our message out.
Then, use the resend verification email form to get it resent.
I don't receive emails from you
There's a number of things to try here:
- Double check your spam folder. And, in gmail, check your "promotions" and "social" tabs at the top of your inbox.
- Adjust your spam filter to whitelist both and
- Try adding and to your email "address book"
- Visit your Notification and Alert settings and make sure you have checked off the types of things you want to receive an email notice about.
I'm having trouble with a purchase I made.
Contact us and provide a detailed description of your problem so that we can help fix it!
You may also wish to review our Sales Policies
I uploaded an animated icon, but it isn't working
If your icon was too large and had to be cropped, the site will take only the first frame of the animation and crop it.
If your icon is the correct size or smaller, your animation will work normally.
If you're certain that your icon is the correct size, but it isn't uploading properly, switch to the "Legacy uploader" option.
I forgot my password
No problem! We can email you link to reset your password -- just fill out the password reset form.
I forgot my username
When logging in, you can use the email address that you signed up with in place of your username.
When I try to save changes I made to a widget, the widget reverts to how it looked before the edits
Overwhelmingly, members who experienced this problem reported that updating their browser to the latest version fixed this issue for them.
Not sure how to update your browser? Type the name of your browser and the word update into the search engine of your choice, and you will find multiple guides on how to update your browser. This page may also be useful to you: How to update your web browser
I'm encountering some other bug on the site.
A bug?! Where? Kill it! Or better yet, contact us and provide a detailed description of your problem so that we can kill it.
Contact one of the moderators for help; since age isn't something that occasionally changes in a person's life, it's not an option users can change at will after registration. But if a mistake was made, we can help.

If you need to reset your password without logging out, perhaps try accessing the password reset form using a different browser that isn't logged in?

For those following along at home for AkhriHrsh's issue, it was also solved some time ago.

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plus some more stuff