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If you are 18+ and you are eligible to vote in the United States, I encourage you to vote!

It's easy!

*Note: If you have gotten an ID or driver's license, most likely you will have been asked if you want to register to vote. So, you're probably registered to vote already, but it doesn't hurt to check!*

*It's really easy to check your status and to register to vote if you haven't yet*

After you're registered to vote, it's also super easy to vote, ESPECIALLY during Early Voting.

(Every time I vote, I vote early, because I can go to any polling place in my county if I vote early. And often, there is no line at all. This may vary depending on where you live.)

Need to see if you are registered to vote?

You can go here:

Need to find out how to register to vote in your state?

You can go here:

Need to find out whether you are qualified to vote by mail in your state?

You can go here:

Need to locate your polling place?

You can go here:

Want to read each candidates' positions and record or take a quiz to see which might match your beliefs best?

You can go here:


The election is November 3rd (!) ...BUT... early voting will begin several weeks before that, so check your local news to see when early voting starts for your area.

*Don't forget to bring your ID card or Driver's License if your state requires it. To find out if your state requires voters to present an ID, you can go here:

Have fun! Happy voting!

Btw, if this is your first time voting, congratulations on becoming part of the democratic process and fully exercising your rights as an adult. 🇺🇲
First up
Thanks to Kim and co for letting me in the door of this group. I was of two minds on joining, but decided there is likely to be more measured discourse here than the current shi... um... dumpster fires that pass as political discussion on fecebook.

Voting... Yes, do it! I myself have done so already for my last registered address in Washington State. Military and Overseas citizens are allowed to 'E-Vote' once their ballots were mailed out. The notification came on September 19th and being I got my August Primary paper ballot in early September, having this option is really good. I submitted my e-ballot on the 22nd of September and the county website ballot-tracker notified me that my ballot was received almost immediately. On September 29th the tracker was updated that my signature was verified and my vote counted, so I have done all I can other than encourage others to vote.
It appears this group is a non-event.
Anyway, it’s Election Day. Hoping for progressiveness to win over regressiveness.
Huh. I'd managed to forget that Kanye West was running.

Anyway, I've been worrying all this time that Trump might manage to pull the same thing he did last time: losing the popular vote, but winning by technicality thanks to the Electoral College.
I’m watching ABC Australia and I can’t get too optimistic that this will go well. In 2016 I didn’t expect my country folk could actually elect trump. I was severely disillusioned with what happened. It screwed the Supreme Court. From what I see so far isn’t looking too good.
Update: Biden just won Michigan, all that's left is Nevada and he'll have 270 and the highest Trump will be able to get with the states remaining is 268.
MercyInReach wrote:
Update: Biden just won Michigan, all that's left is Nevada and he'll have 270 and the highest Trump will be able to get with the states remaining is 268.

Then all the "fun" starts.... recounts... disputed ballots... lawsuits... a packed Supreme Courtpossibly making decisions...

Just look what trump is saying...

Moderators: Kim Sanne Keke Cass Ben