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I come for story and character development, possibly to make friends. So say hello darlings,I don't bite.....much. Though I should perhaps go into detail? Yes, ok then.
I enjoy roleplay but to be honest I am on several platforms so may come off a tad flaky because I may be wrapped up in a heavy storyline elsewhere or RL stuff but that doesn't mean I will forget you! No, it just means you have to be patient, besides waiting makes wine even better.

I won't take Ic to Ooc, sorry. Though I may give you my Discord since it's all for roleplay anyways and it might make it easier to poke me and remind me I have duties elsewhere than where I may be.

I am not a fan of insta - pairings unless we plot out some beautiful backstory together as I am a fan of plots, stories, and development. This reminds me! We must talk a little Oocly first before jumping into a roleplay together. I need to get a feel for you and we also probably should decide what we want to do and come to some sort of agreement, it's ok if we don't and you wanna go your own way. I gotcha boo.

The moment you become possessive, clingy, pushy, or even rude is the moment I block you.I dislike drama Out of Character. Oh, yeah this also counts if you are overpowered, or get weird.

I implore you to message me if you feel the least bit interested in any roleplay with me.I am not that bad or you can hit me up on my Discord! CrowQueen#5791

Oh yeah, I like cats, wine, horror movies, and talking about the above mentioned.

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Great Roleplayer - Ashkaari
Have been roleplaying together for some time now and I have enjoyed every minute. TheCrowQueen is excellent if you are looking for quality story and quick replies without lacking in length and detail. Definitely recommend! - Ziggy

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