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Wrensul » Characters


Male A gentle-hearted university student neglecting his own desires. His reputation for hard work rivals an occasional "party mishap". Follow the head, or the heart?


Cisgender Male A storyteller, simple and sure. He wanders the vast world and gathers kindly the secrets of those in need.


Male No longer bound by time. Yet, his mortal consciousness was never amended. A man become cosmic ghost, dealing with an infinite image of his troubled past. Will he find meaning and goodness?


Cisgender Female So framed by her logic and fear, her only choice was to join the enemy. Thus, she shamefully feeds the tyrannical shadow that looms above her people.


Male A justice-heavy automaton. Informant and advisor to the king, he will do whatever adamant "good" he must to protect the system.


Unknown Apprentice to the arcane funeral arts; his spirit condensed by faith, family, and the woes of the world. The traumatic loss of a friend opens his eyes.


Cisgender Female Daughter of a fire-wielding battle mage, she is determined to do her father proud in any adventure.


Agender A contrast to his unyielding and rueful creator. Though loyal, he strives to complete every task in tenderness. Can this attitude last forever?


Cisgender Male An adventurous postman traveling the world, determined to “fly”, though he didn’t inherit his father’s wings.