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Pooka » Characters


Male The Ancient Egyptian god of death, burial rites and mummification. Anubis is the protector of tombs, guide of the dead, weigher of hearts and guardian of the scales.


Male The Scapegoat - A fallen archangel of the Cherubim and a chieftain of the Watchers. He bequeathed forbidden knowledge unto prehistoric mankind, and for this sin he was bound by God beneath the desert.

Hypnos and Thanatos

Male The Greek Gods of Sleep and Death


Male (Elder Scrolls) A young Khajiit Spellsword-sellsword and itinerant journeyman, Ma'Shassa hails from Leyawiin in southern Cyrodiil, and it is his ambition to seek formal tutelage in the magical arts.

The Pooka

Male A hobgoblin, a trickster and an animal-shapeshifter; one of the Fairy-folk peculiar to ancient Celtic mythology. He appears here and there, now and then, to this one and that one at his own caprice.