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WolfBane » Characters

Alec Lazarus

Male A human bounty hunter hired by Royals with a name and reputation to uphold and a queen to serve

Ethan Cooper

Male Charming mischievous and a little insane, kind of like fire. A bar tending arson that takes risks. A good go to guy for fire and explosives, in case you want something to go out with a bang.

Midnight Bane

Female An adventurous rogue with an attraction to trouble and a large bounty on her head. Befriend her and she will protect you with her life, become an enemy and don't be surprised if you end up dead.


Male A cold creature known to dwell in small bodies of water and drown people, but is more than stories an what meets the eye.

Seon Daiyang

Female A water fae with a weapon obsession in fantasy. A young entrepreneur with ambition and odd siblings in modern.

Wolf Bane

Male A mischievous rogue with many secrets some sad other exciting, he has a thirst for adventure and a bounty on his head weather you become a friend or a bounty hunter is up to you."