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Casanova_Sandwich » Characters

Altantsetseg Torgud

Female Othardian-born and Ala Mhigan-raised, a former Garlean slave frees herself, yet the result hones her attachment to the dark arts.

C'ayizme Nunh

Male A brotherless twin conquering the role of their abusive uncle to bring pride back into their coalition again.

Eylili Eyli

Female A Gridanian farmgirl worked hard to achieve her dream of being a renowned baker in her ancestral home of Limsa Lominsa.

Ilakha Moks

Female An aspiring veterinarian traversing Hydaelyn, not just to rehome poached creatures, but to locate her kidnapped brother.

Nanahiqi Sosohiqi

Male The heir apparent of a line of tailors serving the Ul lineage since the fourth generation, determined to see that the dynasty returns to its former glory.

Yanlin Chow

Male A mixed race dragoon intent on proving his efficiency as a commander and a delegate, regardless of identity labels.