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Viking-Hans » Characters


Male A member of the Half-Science Half-Magical city of Varyadras, born a prince and lived as a pauper.


Male A member of the Half-Science Half-Magical city of Varyadras, escaped from the former to marry and live in the latter.


Female A liberated Varyadran experiment who has been combined with the genes of a Peacock - and uses this to her entertaining advantage.

Nellara Vennedrava

Female A daughter cursed by a mother, locked away until rescued by a less-than-willing Drow.


Female A puppet brought to life bearing the soul of her maker.

Rattaga and Rattorga

Male A pair of rat-tailed brothers who function as one and always seek the easy way out.


Male A shadow-bending member of the supernatural who is a nice person with sticky fingers.

Tiluli Terra

Female An acrobatic Papermancer with a love for bounty-hunting, books, magic, and witty comments to the competition. A moral mutt stealing one moment and giving to the hungry the next.


Male An Assassin-for-hire with an inability to recognize that killing and hurting people is wrong. The nicest, deadliest person you could hope to meet.


Female Created a Persona, evolved into a thief born with a stupidly high percentage of luck. Good luck or Bad luck? Well...