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Kudos for saygerow

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • ok, this guys skill scares me when it comes to Rps i am intimidated but in person he is nice enough! as a friend of a friend i recommend a Rp with this one (and maybe a chat if hes up for it!) - Orrik_Zynn

  • He has been a good friend and a great guy. Im happy everytime i see a message from him in my inbox. Rock on buddy! - linktheriolu

  • So far, I've only RPed with saygerow once, but our RP was honestly very interesting. What happened was sorta different from the topic we planned from the start and it went to a different direction, but it was still good.
    Saygerow replies fast, knows how to go with the flow, and is very considerate. When I RP with him, it's like normally talking to a friend, so I don't have to think so hard on what to reply. He is a great RPer and I love him! <3 You must Rp with him, too! :D - HibariHaru

  • OK so I been rping with him a long time and I injoy it and all the thing he have hidden in his sleep. He never late to reply to you. You really just have to go check him out your slef ok. So don't pass up a rp with Jim! - sisi234